
来源:互联网 发布:vm虚拟机破解版 mac 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 06:26




  • 主机:win10
  • python版本:python3.4
  • 开发环境:PyCharm5.0.2






视图文件修改 view.py

    def open_excel(file= 'file.xls'):        try:            data = xlrd.open_workbook(file)            return data        except Exception as e:            print (str(e))    # 根据索引获取Excel表格中的数据   参数:file:Excel文件路径     colnameindex:表头列名所在行的所以  ,by_index:表的索引    def excel_table_byindex(file= 'file.xls',colnameindex=0,by_index=0):        data = open_excel(file)        table = data.sheets()[by_index]        nrows = table.nrows #行数        ncols = table.ncols #列数        colnames =  table.row_values(colnameindex) #某一行数据        list =[]        for rownum in range(1,nrows):             row = table.row_values(rownum)             if row:                 app = {}                 for i in range(len(colnames)):                    app[colnames[i]] = row[i]                 list.append(app)        return list    ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = set(['xls', 'xlsx'])    def allowed_file(filename):        return '.' in filename and \               filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1] in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS    @login_required    @main.route('/import_device', methods=['GET', 'POST'])    def import_device():        if request.method == 'POST':            file = request.files['file']            filename = file.filename            # 判断文件名是否合规            if file and allowed_file(filename):                file.save(os.path.join('.\\upload', filename))            else:                flash('失败:上传文件格式不对')                return render_template('import_device.html')            # file.save(os.path.join('c:\\mnt', filename))            # file.save(os.path.join('.\\upload', filename))            # 添加到数据库            tables = excel_table_byindex(file='.\\upload\\' + filename)            for row in tables:                # 判断表格式是否对                if '手持机DEVICEID' not in row or \                    '手持机SIMID' not in row or \                    '手持机硬件版本' not in row or \                    '手持机软件版本' not in row or \                    '脚扣DEVICEID' not in row or \                    '脚扣SIMID' not in row or \                    '脚扣硬件版本' not in row or \                    '脚扣软件版本' not in row:                    flash('失败:excel表格式不对')                    return render_template('import_device.html')                # print('0x%04x' % int(str(row['手持机DEVICEID']).split('.')[0], base=16))                # 判断手持机字段是否存在                if row['手持机DEVICEID'] != '' and row['手持机SIMID'] != '' and \                    row['手持机硬件版本'] != '' and row['手持机软件版本'] != '':                    id_format = '0x%04x' % int(str(row['手持机DEVICEID']).split('.')[0], base=16)                    device = Device(device_type='手持机',                                    device_id=id_format,                                    device_simid=str(row['手持机SIMID']).split('.')[0],                                    hard_version=int(row['手持机硬件版本']),                                    soft_version=int(row['手持机软件版本']),                                    warehouse=False,                                    shipment_time='无',                                    agent='无',                                    prison='无',                                    shutdown=False)                    # 判断是否id重复                    flag = True                    if Device.query.filter_by(device_id=device.device_id).count() > 0:                        flash('失败:设备ID:%s已存在' %device.device_id)                        flag = False                    # 判断simid是否重复                    elif Device.query.filter_by(device_simid=device.device_simid).count() > 0:                        flash('失败:设备SIMID:%s已存在' %device.device_simid)                        flag = False                    if flag:                        db.session.add(device)                    else:                        return render_template('import_device.html')                if row['脚扣DEVICEID'] != '' and row['脚扣SIMID'] != '' and \                    row['脚扣硬件版本'] != '' and row['脚扣软件版本'] != '':                    id_format = '0x%04x' % int(str(row['脚扣DEVICEID']).split('.')[0], base=16)                    device = Device(device_type='脚扣',                                    device_id=id_format,                                    device_simid=str(row['脚扣SIMID']).split('.')[0],                                    hard_version=int(row['脚扣硬件版本']),                                    soft_version=int(row['脚扣软件版本']),                                    warehouse=False,                                    shipment_time='无',                                    agent='无',                                    prison='无',                                    shutdown=False)                    # 判断是否id重复                    flag = True                    if Device.query.filter_by(device_id=device.device_id).count() > 0:                        flash('失败:设备ID:%s已存在' %device.device_id)                        flag = False                    # 判断simid是否重复                    elif Device.query.filter_by(device_simid=device.device_simid).count() > 0:                        flash('失败:设备SIMID:%s已存在' %device.device_simid)                        flag = False                    if flag:                        db.session.add(device)                    else:                        return render_template('import_device.html')            return redirect(url_for('.index'))        return render_template('import_device.html')    

新建网页文件 import_device.html

    {% extends "base.html" %}    {% import "bootstrap/wtf.html" as wtf %}    {% block title %}外出押解设备管理系统 by jdh{% endblock %}    {% block page_content %}    <div class="page-header">        <h1>导入设备信息</h1>    </div>    {#<div class="col-md-4">#}    {#    {{ wtf.quick_form(form) }}#}    {#</div>#}    <div class="col-md-4">        <form action="" method=post enctype=multipart/form-data>            <input type=file name=file><br/>            <input type=submit value=Upload>        </form>    </div>    {#<form class="well form-inline" method="POST">#}    {#    {{ form.hidden_tag() }}#}    {#    <input type=file name=file>#}    {#         <input type=submit value=Upload>#}    {##}    {#    {{ form.name() }}#}    {#    <button type="submit" class="btn">{{ form.submit() }}</button>#}    {#</form>#}    {% endblock %}
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