
来源:互联网 发布:肯尼迪政治学院知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/09 15:19


线程函数循环onSubThreadLoop 判断是否要destory或者触发拿发送的数据

int WebSocket::onSubThreadLoop(){    if (_readyState == State::CLOSED || _readyState == State::CLOSING)    {        libwebsocket_context_destroy(_wsContext);        // return 1 to exit the loop.        return 1;    }    if (_wsContext && _readyState != State::CLOSED && _readyState != State::CLOSING)    {        libwebsocket_service(_wsContext, 0);//触发LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_WRITEABLE,去拿发送到server的数据    }    // Sleep 50 ms    std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(50));    // return 0 to continue the loop.    return 0;}//WebSocket收到消息int WebSocket::onSocketCallback(struct libwebsocket_context *ctx,                     struct libwebsocket *wsi,                     int reason,                     void *user, void *in, ssize_t len){    //CCLOG("socket callback for %d reason", reason);    CCASSERT(_wsContext == nullptr || ctx == _wsContext, "Invalid context.");    CCASSERT(_wsInstance == nullptr || wsi == nullptr || wsi == _wsInstance, "Invaild websocket instance.");    switch (reason)     {        case LWS_CALLBACK_DEL_POLL_FD:        case LWS_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL_DESTROY:        case LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_CONNECTION_ERROR:            {                WsMessage* msg = nullptr;                if (reason == LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_CONNECTION_ERROR                    || (reason == LWS_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL_DESTROY && _readyState == State::CONNECTING)                    || (reason == LWS_CALLBACK_DEL_POLL_FD && _readyState == State::CONNECTING)                    )                {                    msg = new (std::nothrow) WsMessage();                    msg->what = WS_MSG_TO_UITHREAD_ERROR;                    _readyState = State::CLOSING;  //先设置为CLOSING,下一次循环的时候,会destory,才会变成CLOSE                }                else if (reason == LWS_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL_DESTROY && _readyState == State::CLOSING)                {                    msg = new (std::nothrow) WsMessage();                    msg->what = WS_MSG_TO_UITHREAD_CLOSE;                }                if (msg)                {                    _wsHelper->sendMessageToUIThread(msg);                }            }            break;        case LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_ESTABLISHED:            {                WsMessage* msg = new (std::nothrow) WsMessage();                msg->what = WS_MSG_TO_UITHREAD_OPEN;                _readyState = State::OPEN;                /*                 * start the ball rolling,                 * LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_WRITEABLE will come next service                 */                //每次libwebsocket_service(loop调用)之后,会触发LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_WRITEABLE                libwebsocket_callback_on_writable(ctx, wsi);                  _wsHelper->sendMessageToUIThread(msg);            }            break;        case LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_WRITEABLE:            {                std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(_wsHelper->_subThreadWsMessageQueueMutex);                std::list<WsMessage*>::iterator iter = _wsHelper->_subThreadWsMessageQueue->begin();                int bytesWrite = 0;                for (; iter != _wsHelper->_subThreadWsMessageQueue->end();)                {                    WsMessage* subThreadMsg = *iter;                    if ( WS_MSG_TO_SUBTRHEAD_SENDING_STRING == subThreadMsg->what                      || WS_MSG_TO_SUBTRHEAD_SENDING_BINARY == subThreadMsg->what)                    {                        Data* data = (Data*)subThreadMsg->obj;                        const size_t c_bufferSize = WS_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE;                        size_t remaining = data->len - data->issued; // 有可能一次发不完,分多次                        size_t n = std::min(remaining, c_bufferSize );                        //fixme: the log is not thread safe//                        CCLOG("[websocket:send] total: %d, sent: %d, remaining: %d, buffer size: %d", static_cast<int>(data->len), static_cast<int>(data->issued), static_cast<int>(remaining), static_cast<int>(n));                        //数据前后加PADDING                        unsigned char* buf = new unsigned char[LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING + n + LWS_SEND_BUFFER_POST_PADDING];                        memcpy((char*)&buf[LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING], data->bytes + data->issued, n);                        int writeProtocol;                        if (data->issued == 0) {  //第一次发送指定writeProtocol为LWS_WRITE_TEXT或者LWS_WRITE_BINARY                            if (WS_MSG_TO_SUBTRHEAD_SENDING_STRING == subThreadMsg->what)                            {                                writeProtocol = LWS_WRITE_TEXT;                            }                            else                            {                                writeProtocol = LWS_WRITE_BINARY;                            }                            // If we have more than 1 fragment                            if (data->len > c_bufferSize)                                writeProtocol |= LWS_WRITE_NO_FIN;  //说明这还不是最后部分数据                        } else {                            // we are in the middle of fragments                            writeProtocol = LWS_WRITE_CONTINUATION;  //不是第一个发送的部分。                            // and if not in the last fragment                            if (remaining != n)                                writeProtocol |= LWS_WRITE_NO_FIN;  //说明这还不是最后部分数据                        }                        //发送数据,设置writeProtocol类型,具体解析交给WebSocket去做吧。                        bytesWrite = libwebsocket_write(wsi,  &buf[LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING], n, (libwebsocket_write_protocol)writeProtocol);                        //fixme: the log is not thread safe//                        CCLOG("[websocket:send] bytesWrite => %d", bytesWrite);                        // Buffer overrun?                        if (bytesWrite < 0)                        {                            break;                        }                        // Do we have another fragments to send?                        else if (remaining != n) //没有全部发送,还有一些,记录以及发送的数据issued,下次跳过issued这么多数据                        {                            data->issued += n;                            break;                        }                        // Safely done!                        else  //说明本次的data全部发送完成,移除之                        {                            CC_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(data->bytes);                            CC_SAFE_DELETE(data);                            CC_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(buf);                            _wsHelper->_subThreadWsMessageQueue->erase(iter++);                            CC_SAFE_DELETE(subThreadMsg);                        }                    }                }                /* get notified as soon as we can write again */                libwebsocket_callback_on_writable(ctx, wsi);            }            break;        case LWS_CALLBACK_CLOSED:            {                //fixme: the log is not thread safe//                CCLOG("%s", "connection closing..");                _wsHelper->quitSubThread();                if (_readyState != State::CLOSED)                {                    WsMessage* msg = new (std::nothrow) WsMessage();                    _readyState = State::CLOSED;                    msg->what = WS_MSG_TO_UITHREAD_CLOSE;                    _wsHelper->sendMessageToUIThread(msg);                }            }            break;        case LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_RECEIVE:  //有新的数据来了            {                if (in && len > 0)                {                    // Accumulate the data (increasing the buffer as we go)                    if (_currentDataLen == 0)                    {                        _currentData = new char[len];                        memcpy (_currentData, in, len);                        _currentDataLen = len;                    }                    else                    {//分配更多的内存,并且保存之前的数据                        char *new_data = new char [_currentDataLen + len];                        memcpy (new_data, _currentData, _currentDataLen);                        memcpy (new_data + _currentDataLen, in, len);                        CC_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(_currentData);                        _currentData = new_data;                        _currentDataLen = _currentDataLen + len;                    }                    _pendingFrameDataLen = libwebsockets_remaining_packet_payload (wsi);//说明还有滞留的数据,下次才能收到                    if (_pendingFrameDataLen > 0)                    {                        //CCLOG("%ld bytes of pending data to receive, consider increasing the libwebsocket rx_buffer_size value.", _pendingFrameDataLen);                    }                    // If no more data pending, send it to the client thread                    if (_pendingFrameDataLen == 0)//为0,说明没有更多的数据                    {                        WsMessage* msg = new (std::nothrow) WsMessage();                        msg->what = WS_MSG_TO_UITHREAD_MESSAGE;                        char* bytes = nullptr;                        Data* data = new (std::nothrow) Data();                        if (lws_frame_is_binary(wsi))                        {                            bytes = new char[_currentDataLen];                            data->isBinary = true;                        }                        else                        {                            bytes = new char[_currentDataLen+1];                            bytes[_currentDataLen] = '\0';                            data->isBinary = false;                        }                        memcpy(bytes, _currentData, _currentDataLen);                        data->bytes = bytes;                        data->len = _currentDataLen;                        msg->obj = (void*)data;                        CC_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(_currentData);                        _currentData = nullptr;                        _currentDataLen = 0;                        _wsHelper->sendMessageToUIThread(msg);                    }                }            }            break;        default:            break;    }    return 0;}}
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