IEEE 802.15.4协议完整中文版(2)

来源:互联网 发布:智慧树网络课程登录 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 01:57


4 缩略语

简写全称中文AESadvanced encryption standard12ASKamplitude shift keying AWGNadditive white Gaussian noise AWNaffected wireless network BEbackoff exponent BERbit error rate BIbeacon interval BLEbattery life extension BObeacon order BPSKbinary phase-shift keying BSNbeacon sequence number CAPcontention access period CBC-MACcipher block chaining message authentication code CCAclear channel assessment CCMcounter with CBC-MAC (mode of operation) CCM*extension of CCM CFPcontention-free period CRCcyclic redundancy check CSMA-CAcarrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance CTRcounter mode CWcontention window (length) DSNdata sequence number DSSSdirect sequence spread spectrum EDenergy detection EIRPeffective isotropic radiated power EMCelectromagnetic compatibility ERPeffective radiated power EVMerror-vector magnitude FCSframe check sequence FFDfull-function device FHfrequency hopping FHSSfrequency hopping spread spectrum GTSguaranteed time slot IFSinterframe space or spacing ISMindustrial, scientific, and medical IUTimplementation under test IWNinterfering wireless network LIFSlong interframe spacing LLClogical link control LQIlink quality indication LPDU LLCprotocol data unitv LR-WPANlow-rate wireless personal area network LSBleast significant bit MACmedium access control

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