
来源:互联网 发布:网络诽谤怎么处理 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 23:03
How to install Tklib


The tklib distribution, whether a snapshot directly from CVS, or
officially released, offers a single method for installing tklib,
based on Tcl itself.

This is based on the assumption that for tklib to be of use Tcl has
to be present, and therefore can be used.

This single method however can be used in a variety of ways.

0    For an unwrapped (= directory) distribution or CVS snapshot

    a.    either call the application 'installer.tcl' directly,
    b    or use

            % configure ; make install

        The latter is provided for people which are used to
        this method and more comfortable with it. In end this
        boils down into a call of 'installer.tcl' too.

1.    A starpack distribution (window-only) is a self-extracting
    installer which internally uses the aforementioned installer.

2.    A starkit distribution is very much like a starpack, but
    required an external interpreyter to run. This can be any tcl
    interpreter which has all the packages to support starkits
    (tclvfs, memchan, trf).

3.    A distribution in a tarball has to be unpacked first, then any
    of the methods described in (0) can be used.

Usage of the installer

The installer selects automatically either a gui based mode, or a
command line based mode. If the package Tk is present and can be
loaded, then the GUI mode is entered, else the system falls back to
the command line.

Note that it is possible to specify options on the command line even
if the installer ultimatively selects a gui mode. In that case the
hardwired defaults and the options determine the data presented to the
user for editing.

Command line help can be asked for by using the option -help when
running the installer (3) or the distribution itself in the case of
(1) or (2).

The installer will select a number of defaults for the locations of
packages, examples, and documentation, and also the format of the
documentation. The user can overide these defaults in the GUI, or by
specifying additional options.

The defaults depend on the platform detected (unix/windows) and the
executable used to run the installer. In the case of a starpack
distribution (1) this means that _no defaults_ are possible for the
various locations as the executable is part of the distribution and
has no knowledge of its environment.

In all other cases the intepreter executable is outside of the
distribution, which means that its location can be used to determine
sensible defaults.


The installer will overwrite an existing installation of tklib 0.2
without asking back after the initial confirmation is given. And if
the user chooses the same directory as for tklib 0.1, or 0.0, etc.
then the installer will overwrite that too.

0 0
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