git flow

来源:互联网 发布:java ee新手教程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 16:50

To make things easier on both yourself and contributors, I suggest using the very popular git-flow model of branching.

Quick Overview

  • The develop is the branch you’ll be doing most of your work off of; it’s also the branch that represents the code to be deployed in the next release.
  • feature branch represent non-trivial features and fixes that have not yet been deployed (a completed feature branch is merged back into develop). Updating master is done through the creation of a release.

Installation To make things easier on both yourself and contributors, I suggest using the very popular git-flow model of branching.

Once installed, you can migrate your existing project with the command

$ git flow init

If you want reinitialize, please $ git flow init -f

Branch Details

You’ll be asked a number of configuration questions by the script. The default values suggested by git-flow are fine to use. You may notice your default branch is set to develop. More on that in a moment. Let’s take a step back and describe the git-flow…erm, flow, in a bit more detail. The easiest way to do so is to discuss the various branches and types of branches in the model.


master is always “production ready” code. Commits are never made directly to master. Rather, code on master only gets there after a production release branch is created and “finished” (more on that in a sec). Thus the code on master is always able to be released to production. Also, master is always in a predictable state, so you never need to worry if master (and thus production) has changes one of your other branches doesn’t.


Most of your work is done on the develop branch. This branch contains all of the completed features and bug fixes yet to be released; nightly builds or continuous integration servers should target develop, as it represents the code that will be included in the next release.

For one-off commits, feel free to commit to develop directly.


For larger features, a feature branch should be created. feature branches are created off of develop. They can be small enhancements for the next release or further out changes that, nonetheless, need to be worked on now. To start work on a new feature, use:

$ git flow feature start <feature name>

This creates a new branch: feature/<feature name>. Commits are then made to this branch as normal. When the feature is complete and ready to be released to production, it should be merged back into develop using the flowing command:

$ git flow feature finish <feature name>

The merges the code into develop and deletes the feature/<feature name> branch


A release branch is created from develop when you’re ready to begin a production release. Create one using the flowing command:

$ git flow release start <release number>

Note that this is the first time a version number for the release is created. All completed and ready to be released features must already be on develop (and thus feature finish‘ed). After your release branch is created, release your code. Any small bug fixes needed after the release are made directly to the release/<release number> branch. Once it has settled down and no more bug fixes seem necessary, run the following command:

$ git flow release finish <release number>

This merges your release/<release number> changes back into both master and develop, meaning you never need to worry about either of those branches lacking changes that are in production (perhaps as the result of a quick bug fix).


While potentially useful, hotfix branches are, I would guess, little used in the real world. A hotfix is like a feature branch off of master: if you’ve already closed a release branch but realize there are vital changes that need to be released, create a hotfix branch off of master (at the tag created during $ git flow release finish <release number>) like so:

$ git flow hotfix start <release number>

After you make your changes and bump your version number, finalize the hotfix via

$ git flow hotfix finish <release number>

This, like a release branch (since it essentially is a type of release branch), commits the changes to both master and develop.

The reason I assume they’re rarely used is because there is already a mechanism for making changes to released code: committing to an un-finished release branch. Sure, in the beginning, teams may git flow release finish ... too early, only to find they need to make some quick changes the next day. Over time, though, they’ll settle on a reasonable amount of time for a release branch to remain open and, thus, won’t have a need for hotfix branches. The only other time you would need a hotfix branch is if you needed a new “feature” in production immediately, without picking up the changes already in develop. That strikes me as something that happens (hopefully) very rarely.


  2. why-arent-you-using-git-flow
  3. How to use a scalable Git branching model called git-flow
  4. A short introduction to git-flow (by Mark Derricutt)
  5. Open sourcing a python project the right way (by Jeff Knupp)
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