formattable as an htmlwidget

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝数据包怎么解压 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 12:48

formattable was originally designed to offer additional formatting to the markdowngenerated by the deliberately sparse knitr::kable. This design limited formattable to only the context of an Rmarkdown document. Other contexts, such as the R console or RStudio IDE, would only see the much less attractive character markdown output.

## [1] "|              |  mpg| cyl| disp|  hp| drat|    wt|  qsec| vs| am| gear| carb|"## [2] "|:-------------|----:|---:|----:|---:|----:|-----:|-----:|--:|--:|----:|----:|"## [3] "|Mazda RX4     | 21.0|   6|  160| 110| 3.90| 2.620| 16.46|  0|  1|    4|    4|"## [4] "|Mazda RX4 Wag | 21.0|   6|  160| 110| 3.90| 2.875| 17.02|  0|  1|    4|    4|"## [5] "|Datsun 710    | 22.8|   4|  108|  93| 3.85| 2.320| 18.61|  1|  1|    4|    1|"

Fortunately, a new function as.htmlwidget uses markdown to easily convert aformattable object to an htmlwidget. Once converted to an htmlwidget, a user in these other contexts can leverage the infrastructure of htmlwidgets to benefit from the finalHTML output of formattable.

Demonstration of conversion

note, please run these in an ?interactive environment such as the console or RStudio IDE to see the difference

Let’s explicitly convert a formattable to an htmlwidget to help us understand what is happening.

as.htmlwidget( formattable( head(mtcars,3) ) )

 mpgcyldisphpdratwtqsecvsamgearcarbMazda RX421.061601103.902.62016.460144Mazda RX4 Wag21.061601103.902.87517.020144Datsun 71022.84108933.852.32018.611141

Although our htmlwidget version looks virtually the same when generated from a Rmddocument such as this vignette, a user in the console will have a noticeably different experience than before. The function interactive() can help formattable to guess when it should automatically convert to a htmlwidgetformattable will not auto-convert in the special situation where format = "pandoc" as shown below.

formattable( head(mtcars,3), format = "pandoc" )
## ## ##                   mpg   cyl   disp    hp   drat      wt    qsec   vs   am   gear   carb## --------------  -----  ----  -----  ----  -----  ------  ------  ---  ---  -----  -----## Mazda RX4        21.0     6    160   110   3.90   2.620   16.46    0    1      4      4## Mazda RX4 Wag    21.0     6    160   110   3.90   2.875   17.02    0    1      4      4## Datsun 710       22.8     4    108    93   3.85   2.320   18.61    1    1      4      1

If you prefer to avoid the automatic conversion to an htmlwidget, useas.character(formattable(...)).

As an additional example, we can recreate the example from Tristan Mahr(@tjmahr)with formattable.

## use formattable to recreate the example in##"magrittr")library("dplyr")
## Warning: package 'dplyr' was built under R version 3.1.3
library("broom")library("stringr")library("knitr")fix_names <- . %>%  str_replace(".Intercept.", "Intercept") %>%  str_replace("Species", "") %>%  # Capitalize species names  str_replace("setosa", "Setosa") %>%  str_replace("versicolor", "Versicolor") %>%  str_replace("virginica", "Virginica") %>%  # Clean up special characters  str_replace_all(".Width", " Width") %>%  str_replace_all(".Length", " Length") %>%  str_replace_all(":", " x ")# Print with n digits of precisionfixed_digits <- function(xs, n = 2) {  formatC(xs, digits = n, format = "f")}# Don't print leading zero on bounded numbers.remove_leading_zero <- function(xs) {  # Problem if any value is greater than 1.0  digit_matters <- xs %>% as.numeric %>%    abs %>% is_greater_than(1)  if (any(digit_matters)) {    warning("Non-zero leading digit")  }  str_replace(xs, "^(-?)0", "\\1")}lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species * Sepal.Width, iris) %>%  tidy %>%  set_colnames( c("Param", "Estimate", "SE", "_t_", "_p_") ) %>%  mutate( Param = fix_names( Param ) ) %>%  formattable(    list(      "_p_" = formatter(        "span"        ,style = x ~ ifelse( x < 0.05, style( color = "red", font.weight = "bold" ), NA )        ,ps ~ {          tiny <- "< .001"          ps_chr <- ps %>% fixed_digits(3) %>%            remove_leading_zero          ps_chr[ps < 0.001] <- tiny          ps_chr        }      )    )    ,digits=2  )
ParamEstimateSEtpIntercept2.640.574.62< .001Versicolor0.900.801.13.261Virginica1.270.821.55.123Sepal Width0.690.174.17< .001Versicolor x Sepal Width0. x Sepal Width0.

htmlwidgets inside a formattable

Courtesy of this issue we have an interesting example of interactive sparklinehtmlwidgets inside a formattable. ** note: only works in Rmd currently **

# use builtin chickwts ?chickwtslibrary(dplyr)library(formattable)# devtools::install_github( "htmlwidgets/sparkline" )library(sparkline)chickwts %>%  group_by( feed ) %>%  summarise(    weight = sprintf("`r sparkline(c(%s), type = 'box')`", paste0(weight, collapse=","))  ) %>%  ungroup %>% %>%  formattable(    list(      weight = function(spkline){        sapply(spkline, function(md) knitr::knit(text=md, quiet=T) )      }    )  )
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