
来源:互联网 发布:软件开发费计什么科目 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 09:28
function tsurf(F,V,vertex_indices,face_indices)  % trisurf wrapper  % F: list of faces #F x 3  % V: vertex positiosn #V x 3 or #V x 2  % vertex_indices: show vertex indices on plot  %                 0 -> off  %                 1 -> text and grey background  %                >1 -> text  % face_indices: show face indices on plot  %                 0 -> off  %                 1 -> text and grey background  %                >1 -> text  %  % See corresponding paper: "Mixed finite elements for variational surface  % modeling" by Alec Jacobson, Elif Tosun, Olga Sorkine, and Denis Zorin, SGP  % 2010  %  % Copyright 2010, Alec Jacobson, NYU  %  if(~exist('vertex_indices'))    % off by default    vertex_indices = 0;  end  if(~exist('face_indices'))    % off by default    face_indices = 0;  end  is_2d = false;  if(size(V,2)==2 || (size(V,2) ==3 && sum(abs(V(:,3))) == 0))    V = [V(:,1) V(:,2) 0*V(:,1)];    is_2d = true;  elseif(size(V,2)>3 || size(V,2)<2 )     error('V must be #V x 3 or #V x 2');    return;  end      %trisurf(Tri,X,Y,Z,C)  displays triangles defined in the m-by-3 face   %matrix Tri as a surface. Each row of Tri defines a single triangular  %face by indexing into the vectors or matrices that contain the X, Y, and  %Z vertices. The color is defined by the vector C.  trisurf(F,V(:,1),V(:,2),V(:,3));  % if 2d then set to view (x,y) plane  if( is_2d )    view(2);  end  %标注面索引  if(face_indices==1)    FC = (V(F(:,1),:)+V(F(:,2),:)+V(F(:,3),:))./3;    text(FC(:,1),FC(:,2),FC(:,3),num2str((1:size(F,1))'),'BackgroundColor',[.8 .8 .8]);  elseif(face_indices)    FC = (V(F(:,1),:)+V(F(:,2),:)+V(F(:,3),:))./3;    text(FC(:,1),FC(:,2),FC(:,3),num2str((1:size(F,1))'));  end  %标注点索引  if(vertex_indices==1)    text(V(:,1),V(:,2),V(:,3),num2str((1:size(V,1))'),'BackgroundColor',[.8 .8 .8]);  elseif(vertex_indices)    text(V(:,1),V(:,2),V(:,3),num2str((1:size(V,1))'));  end  % uncomment these to switch to a better 3d surface viewing mode  %axis equal; axis vis3d;end

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