config.nmake 文件内容:

来源:互联网 发布:有什么人工智能机器人 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 19:01
# $Id: config.nmake 47356 2013-01-29 21:37:48Z gerald $# Some more information about the settings in this file can be found in# the file and the Developer's Guide (available online).##### Target platform ###### Only "win32" and "win64" are valid (for now).# This can be defined in the system environment.!IFNDEF WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORMWIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM=win32!ENDIF##### Versions ###### The SVN revision of our build. Updated by make-version.plSVN_REVISION=48142# The current Wireshark version. Recommended: Leave unchanged.# Updated by make-version.plVERSION_MAJOR=1VERSION_MINOR=8VERSION_MICRO=6VERSION_BUILD=$(SVN_REVISION)# Local build information. Recommended: Unique string for your# environment, e.g. "-JackStackBarbecue". Updated by make-version.plVERSION_EXTRA="-for-protobuf-envision"# The version of the wiretap library. Recommended: Leave unchanged.WTAP_VERSION_MAJOR=$(VERSION_MAJOR)WTAP_VERSION_MINOR=$(VERSION_MINOR)WTAP_VERSION_MICRO=0##### Directories ####### Base directory, where your libraries reside, which are needed to# compile the sources. This setting is used only inside this file.# This can be defined in the system environment.#!IFNDEF WIRESHARK_LIB_DIRWIRESHARK_LIB_DIR=C:\wireshark-$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)-libs-1.8!ENDIF## Base directory, where your programs reside.# This setting is used only inside this file.#PROGRAM_FILES=$(PROGRAMFILES)## Location of the "tools" directory. This affects HTML2TXT below and should# be overridden by makefiles in any subdirectories that use HTML2TXT.!IFNDEF TOOLS_DIRTOOLS_DIR=tools!ENDIF## Machine type for the compiler and linker# TARGET_MACHINE (Used for link /MACHINE) should be one of "X86" or "X64"# (sorry ARM, Alpha, MIPS, and Itanium fans).# CPU (Used by win32.mak) should be one of "i386" or "AMD64".# PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE (Used for redistributable packages and# manifests) should be one of "x86" or "amd64".!if "$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)" == "win32"TARGET_MACHINE=x86CPU=i386PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=x86!else if "$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)" == "win64"TARGET_MACHINE=x64CPU=AMD64PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=amd64!else!error Your mysterious moon-man architecture "$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)" frightens and confuses us.!endif##### Microsoft Visual C / Studio Variant ###### For the different Studios, see: Only one of the following MSVC_VARIANT settings should be used# "Microsoft Visual Studio 2005"# Visual C++ 8.0, _MSC_VER 1400, msvcr80.dll#MSVC_VARIANT=MSVC2005# "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition"# needs additional Platform SDK installation# Visual C++ 8.0, _MSC_VER 1400, msvcr80.dll#MSVC_VARIANT=MSVC2005EE# "Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 SDK"# needs additional Platform SDK installation# Visual C++ 8.0, _MSC_VER 1400, msvcr80.dll#MSVC_VARIANT=DOTNET20# "Microsoft Visual Studio 2008"# Visual C++ 9.0, _MSC_VER 1500, msvcr90.dllMSVC_VARIANT=MSVC2008# "Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition"# Visual C++ 9.0, _MSC_VER 1500, msvcr90.dll#MSVC_VARIANT=MSVC2008EE# "Microsoft Visual Studio 2010"# Visual C++ 10.0, _MSC_VER 1600, msvcr100.dll#MSVC_VARIANT=MSVC2010# "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express Edition"# Visual C++ 10.0, _MSC_VER 1600, msvcr100.dll#MSVC_VARIANT=MSVC2010EE# "Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Express Edition"# Visual C++ 11.0, _MSC_VER 1700, msvcr110.dll## Notes:##    1. Sep 20,2012: *Beta*: Build with VC11 (2012) succeeds; Seems OK: Minimally tested;##        win32.mak is apparently not part of the MS 2012EE install;##        To build Windows Wireshark, win32.mak must be obtained*##        and copied to a dir specified in the Windows Environment##        variable 'include' (or to a dir added to the list in 'include').##        *One possibility: download the Windows 7 Platform SDK and copy##         win32.mak from ...\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.[something]\include##         See:    2. Dec 28,2012: "VS2012 Update 1" is required to use VS 2012 to build an .exe which##        will run on Windows XP (as well as on later versions of Windows).##        ToDo: It appears that some special setup is required to to do this.## "Microsoft Visual Studio 2012"# Visual C++ 11.0, _MSC_VER 1700, msvcr110.dll#MSVC_VARIANT=MSVC2012# The default if we haven't set a system environment variable or# uncommented an entry above.  We default to the version recommended# in the Developer's Guide, namely MSVC++ 2010 Express Edition.!IFNDEF MSVC_VARIANTMSVC_VARIANT=MSVC2010EE!ENDIF## Optional: To compile some time critical code from assembler instead of C## If you have the NASM compiler, set this to the NASM executable.# If you don't have NASM, comment this line out, so that NASM# isn't defined.#NASM=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\nasm-2.09.08\nasm.exe## Optional: the Python library enables scripting support.## If you don't have the Python library, comment this line out, so that# PYTHON_EMBED isn't defined.## NOTE: The Python library must have been compiled with the same# compiler (MSVC_VARIANT) as Wireshark. Known Python# CRT versions:## Python version    CRT (32-bit)    CRT (64-bit)# 2.4.4             7.1             ?# 2.6.1             9.0             ?# 2.6.2             ?               9.0# 2.7.1             9.0             9.0# 3.2.2             9.0             9.0## If you versions of Python and Visual C++ use different CRTs# comment this out.## XXX The DLL path in epan/wspython/ likely needs to# be fixed before this is enabled by default.#PYTHON_EMBED=1## Optional: the Python interpreter is used as part of the buildsystem## This will override the automatic detection below.#PYTHON_VER=27#PYTHON_DIR=C:\Python$(PYTHON_VER)## If you don't have the native Python package installed, you can use# the Cygwin version (not recommended)##PYTHON=env pythonPYTHON=C:\Python27\python.exe# Santity check: native vs Cygwin Python options!IF DEFINED(PYTHON) && DEFINED(PYTHON_DIR)!ERROR PYTHON and PYTHON_DIR cannot be specified at the same time!ENDIF# Find native Python automatically if PYTHON(_DIR) wasn't defined!IF !DEFINED(PYTHON) && !DEFINED(PYTHON_DIR)!IF EXIST(c:\Python27\python.exe)PYTHON_VER=27!ELSE IF EXIST(c:\Python26\python.exe)PYTHON_VER=26!ELSE IF EXIST(c:\Python25\python.exe)PYTHON_VER=25!ELSE IF EXIST(c:\Python24\python.exe)PYTHON_VER=24!ENDIF!IF DEFINED(PYTHON_VER)PYTHON_DIR=C:\Python$(PYTHON_VER)!ENDIF!ENDIF!IF DEFINED(PYTHON_DIR)PYTHON="$(PYTHON_DIR)\python.exe"PATH=$(PYTHON_DIR);$(PATH)!ENDIF#### Save files as pcap-ng by default. Comment out to use pcap instead. ####PCAP_NG_DEFAULT=^#define PCAP_NG_DEFAULT 1##### To Use packet editor uncomment this line ####### Warning Experimental - work in progress#WANT_PACKET_EDITOR=^#define WANT_PACKET_EDITOR 1!if "$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)" == "win32"##### Win32 Libraries ####### Mandatory: GLib settings## Please note: Since Wireshark release 1.0.0, we no longer support GLib1.x#GLIB_VERSION=2.0## Mandatory: GLib, GTK & related library settings## Please note: Since Wireshark release 1.0.0, we no longer support GTK1.x## If you want building with GTK+, set GTK_DIR to the pathname of the# directory in which the "include" and "lib" directories reside.## Set the name to gtk3 if you want to use gtk3 - Not yet workingGTK_NAME=gtk2GTK_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\$(GTK_NAME)# These macros are used by the nsis installer script and by the install target.#EXPAT_DLL=libexpat-1.dllFFI_DLL=libffi-5.dllFONTCONFIG_DLL=libfontconfig-1.dllFREETYPE_DLL=libfreetype-6.dllINTL_DLL=libintl-8.dllJASPER_DLL=libjasper-1.dllJPEG_DLL=libjpeg-8.dllLZMA_DLL=liblzma-5.dllPIXMAN_DLL=libpixman-1-0.dllPNG_DLL=libpng15-15.dllTIFF_DLL=libtiff-5.dllXML_DLL=libxml2-2.dll# This macro is used by the setup target.!IF "$(GTK_NAME)" == "gtk2"#GTK_PKG=2.24.10-2.7GTK_PKG=2.24.14-1.1PKG_SUFIX=ws!ELSEPKG_SUFIX=wsGTK_PKG=3.4.2-3.5#GTK_PKG=3.4.4-2.1!ENDIF## Mandatory: Version numbers of GTK and pango.## (MAJOR + MINOR Version number but without MICRO version number)# These macros are used by the nsis installer script and by the setup target.#!IF "$(GTK_NAME)" == "gtk2"#GTK_INST_VERSION=2.16#GTK_INST_VERSION=2.22GTK_INST_VERSION=2.24!ELSEGTK_INST_VERSION=3.4!ENDIF## Optional: WinPcap developer's pack to capture network traffic.## If you have the WinPcap developer's pack (at least version 3.0),# set this to the directory in which the WinPcap developer's pack resides.## If you don't have the WPdpack, comment this line out, so that# PCAP_DIR isn't defined.#PCAP_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\WPdpack# This macro is used by the nsis installer script, by the u3/portable apps and by the setup target.PCAP_VERSION=4_1_2## Optional: WinPcap remote capture support and new API# (pcap_open(), pcap_findalldevs_ex(), etc.)#PCAP_REMOTE=1## Optional: The ZLib enables unzipping of gzip compressed capture files# "on the fly".## If you have Zlib, set this to directory in which the Zlib headers# and .lib file are stored.## If you don't have Zlib, comment this line out, so that ZLIB_DIR isn't# defined.# EXperimental only use zlib 1.2.5 on win32 for nowZLIB_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\zlib125## Optional: the ADNS library enables asynchronous (nonblocking) DNS# name resolvings.## If you have GNU ADNS, set this to the directory in which the GNU ADNS# .lib file is stored.## If you don't have GNU ADNS, comment this line out, so that ADNS_DIR# isn't defined.## If C_ARES_DIR is defined below, it will override this setting.##ADNS_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\adns-1.0-win32-05ws## Optional: the c-ares library enables asynchronous (nonblocking) DNS# name resolvings.## If you have c-ares, set this to the directory in which the c-ares# .lib file is stored. Setting this will override ADNS_DIR above. You# can't have both.## If you're using Visual C++ 6.0, you'll have to use a platform SDK that# defines socklen_t, such as Windows Server 2003 PSDK.## If you don't have c-ares, comment this line out, so that C_ARES_DIR# isn't defined.#C_ARES_PKG=1.7.1## Optional: the GnuTLS library enables ssl decryption.## If you have the GnuTLS library, set this to the package version.## If you don't have GnuTLS, comment this line out, so that GNUTLS_PKG# isn't defined.## Platform SDK conflicts with openssl.h headerGNUTLS_PKG=2.12.18-1.2## Optional: the KFW library enables kerberos/sasl/dcerpc decryption.## If you have the kerberos for windows (mit) library, set this to the# directory where the kfw package is stored.## If you don't have KFW, comment this line out, so that KFW_DIR# isn't defined.#KFW_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\kfw-3-2-2-i386-ws-vc6## Optional: the Nettle library enables ??? decryption.## If you have the Nettle encryption library, set this to the# directory in which the nettle package is stored.## If you don't have Nettle, comment this line out, so that NETTLE_DIR# isn't defined.## NETTLE_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\nettle-1.10## Optional: the LUA library enables scripting support.## If you have the LUA library, set this to the directory in which# the LUA package is stored.## If you don't have LUA, comment this line out, so that LUA_DIR# isn't defined.#LUA_DIST=5_1_4_Win32_dll6LUA_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\lua5.1.4## Optional: the PORTAUDIO library enables audio output for RTP streams.## If you have the PORTAUDIO library (used for rtp_player), set this to# the directory in which the PORTAUDIO library is stored.## If you don't have PORTAUDIO, comment this line out, so that# PORTAUDIO_DIR isn't defined.##PORTAUDIO_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\portaudio_v18_1PORTAUDIO_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\portaudio_v19_2## Version number of PortAudio##PORTAUDIO_VERSION=18PORTAUDIO_VERSION=19## Optional: AirPcap developer's pack to capture wireless network traffic# incl. 802.11 management frames.## If you have the AirPcap developer's pack, set this to the directory# in which the AirPcap developer's pack resides.## If you don't have the AirPcap developer's pack, comment this line out,# so that AIRPCAP_DIR isn't defined.#AIRPCAP_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\AirPcap_Devpack_4_1_0_1622\AirPcap_Devpack## Optional: LIBSMI, System Management Interface## Used for oid-name resolution for SNMP and other protocols#SMI_PKG=svn-40773## Optional: GeoIP, IP address database lookups## Used to map IP addresses to MaxMind GeoIP database entries#GEOIP_PKG=1.4.8-2!else##### Win64 Libraries ####### Mandatory: GLib settings## Please note: Since Wireshark release 1.0.0, we no longer support GLib1.x#GLIB_VERSION=2.0## Mandatory: GLib, GTK & related library settings## Please note: Since Wireshark release 1.0.0, we no longer support GTK1.x## If you want building with GTK+, set GTK_DIR to the pathname of the# directory in which the "include" and "lib" directories reside.### Set the name to gtk3 if you want to use gtk3 - Not yet workingGTK_NAME=gtk2GTK_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\$(GTK_NAME)# These macros are used by the nsis installer script and by the install target.#EXPAT_DLL=libexpat-1.dllFFI_DLL=libffi-5.dllFONTCONFIG_DLL=libfontconfig-1.dllFREETYPE_DLL=libfreetype-6.dllINTL_DLL=libintl-8.dllJASPER_DLL=libjasper-1.dllJPEG_DLL=libjpeg-8.dllLZMA_DLL=liblzma-5.dllPIXMAN_DLL=libpixman-1-0.dllPNG_DLL=libpng15-15.dllTIFF_DLL=libtiff-5.dllXML_DLL=libxml2-2.dll# These macros are used by the setup target.!IF "$(GTK_NAME)" == "gtk2"#GTK_PKG=2.24.10-2.7GTK_PKG=2.24.14-1.1PKG_SUFIX=ws!ELSEPKG_SUFIX=wsGTK_PKG=3.4.2-3.5#GTK_PKG=3.4.4-2.1!ENDIF## Mandatory: Version numbers of GTK and pango.## (MAJOR + MINOR Version number but without MICRO version number)# These macros are used by the nsis installer script and by the setup target.#!IF "$(GTK_NAME)" == "gtk2"#GTK_INST_VERSION=2.16GTK_INST_VERSION=2.24!ELSEGTK_INST_VERSION=3.4!ENDIF## Optional: WinPcap developer's pack to capture network traffic.## If you have the WinPcap developer's pack (at least version 3.0),# set this to the directory in which the WinPcap developer's pack resides.## If you don't have the WPdpack, comment this line out, so that# PCAP_DIR isn't defined.#PCAP_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\WPdpack# This macro is used by the nsis installer script, by the u3/portable apps and by the setup target.PCAP_VERSION=4_1_2## Optional: WinPcap remote capture support and new API# (pcap_open(), pcap_findalldevs_ex(), etc.)#PCAP_REMOTE=1## Optional: The ZLib enables unzipping of gzip compressed capture files# "on the fly".## If you have Zlib, set this to directory in which the Zlib headers# and .lib file are stored.## If you don't have Zlib, comment this line out, so that ZLIB_DIR isn't# defined.#ZLIB_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\zlib125## Optional: the ADNS library enables asynchronous (nonblocking) DNS# name resolvings.## If you have GNU ADNS, set this to the directory in which the GNU ADNS# .lib file is stored.## If you don't have GNU ADNS, comment this line out, so that ADNS_DIR# isn't defined.## If C_ARES_DIR is defined below, it will override this setting.##ADNS_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\adns-1.0-win32-05ws## Optional: the c-ares library enables asynchronous (nonblocking) DNS# name resolvings.## If you have c-ares, set this to the directory in which the c-ares# .lib file is stored. Setting this will override ADNS_DIR above. You# can't have both.## If you're using Visual C++ 6.0, you'll have to use a platform SDK that# defines socklen_t, such as Windows Server 2003 PSDK.## If you don't have c-ares, comment this line out, so that C_ARES_DIR# isn't defined.#C_ARES_PKG=1.7.1## Optional: the GnuTLS library enables ssl decryption.## If you have the GnuTLS library, set this to the package version.## If you don't have GnuTLS, comment this line out, so that GNUTLS_PKG# isn't defined.## Platform SDK conflicts with openssl.h headerGNUTLS_PKG=2.12.18-1.2-1## Optional: the KFW library enables kerberos/sasl/dcerpc decryption.## If you have the kerberos for windows (mit) library, set this to the# directory where the kfw package is stored.## If you don't have KFW, comment this line out, so that KFW_DIR# isn't defined.##KFW_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\kfw-3.2.2-ws1## Optional: the Nettle library enables ??? decryption.## If you have the Nettle encryption library, set this to the# directory in which the nettle package is stored.## If you don't have Nettle, comment this line out, so that NETTLE_DIR# isn't defined.## NETTLE_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\nettle-1.10## Optional: the LUA library enables scripting support.## If you have the LUA library, set this to the directory in which# the LUA package is stored.## If you don't have LUA, comment this line out, so that LUA_DIR# isn't defined.#LUA_DIST=-5.1.4_Win64_dll10LUA_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\lua5.1.4## Optional: the PORTAUDIO library enables audio output for RTP streams.## If you have the PORTAUDIO library (used for rtp_player), set this to# the directory in which the PORTAUDIO library is stored.## If you don't have PORTAUDIO, comment this line out, so that# PORTAUDIO_DIR isn't defined.##PORTAUDIO_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\portaudio_v18_1PORTAUDIO_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\portaudio_v19_2## Version number of PortAudio##PORTAUDIO_VERSION=18PORTAUDIO_VERSION=19## Optional: AirPcap developer's pack to capture wireless network traffic# incl. 802.11 management frames.## If you have the AirPcap developer's pack, set this to the directory# in which the AirPcap developer's pack resides.## If you don't have the AirPcap developer's pack, comment this line out,# so that AIRPCAP_DIR isn't defined.#AIRPCAP_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\AirPcap_Devpack_4_1_0_1622\AirPcap_Devpack## Optional: LIBSMI, System Management Interface## Used for oid-name resolution for SNMP and other protocols#SMI_PKG=svn-40773## Optional: GeoIP, IP address database lookups## Used to map IP addresses to MaxMind GeoIP database entries#GEOIP_PKG=1.4.8-2!endif##### Tools ###### Set the following mandatory commands to find the tools.# The easiest way is to use the corresponding packages from cygwin.# Set up the path to the cygwin binariesCYGWIN_PATH=c:\cygwin\bin# command for a shell (cygwin's bash package recommended)SH_PROG=bash# bash versions after 3.1.6 need the 'igncr' shell option to be able to#  process scripts in windows 'native format' (dos crlf format).# The following !IF results in the option being used only if it is available#  since using it on bash version 3.1.6 (or earlier) is not required and#  will cause an error message.!if "$(SH_PROG)"=="bash" && [$(CYGWIN_PATH)\bash -c "set -o igncr" 2>nul: ] == 0SH_FLAGS=-o igncr!endifSH=$(SH_PROG) $(SH_FLAGS)# command for perl (cygwin's perl package recommended)PERL=perl# command for pod2man and pod2html# (part of the perl package, usually leave these unchanged)POD2MAN=$(SH) pod2manPOD2HTML=$(SH) pod2html# command for lex/flexx (cygwin's flex recommended)LEX=flex# command for yacc/bison (cygwin's bison recommended)YACC=bison# Commands to convert UNIX line endings to DOS/WindowsUNIX2DOS=u2dTEXTIFY=$(SH) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ Optional: To build the NSIS installer.## If you have the NSIS package, set this to the NSIS executable.## If you don't have NSIS, comment this line out, so that MAKENSIS# isn't defined.#MAKENSIS="$(PROGRAM_FILES)\NSIS\makensis.exe"## Optional: To build the NSIS PortableApps installer.## If you have the NSIS Unicode package, set this to the NSIS Unicode executable.## If you don't have NSIS Unicode, comment this line out, so that# MAKENSIS_UNICODE isn't defined.#MAKENSIS_UNICODE="$(PROGRAM_FILES)\NSIS\Unicode\makensis.exe"## Optional: To build the developers API documentation with doxygen and dot.# Currently experimental, outdated and incomplete.## You will have to download and install:# Doxygen from: Graphviz from: If you have doxygen, set this to the doxygen executable.## If you don't want the developers documentation (or don't have the tools),# comment this line out, so that DOXYGEN isn't defined.##DOXYGEN="$(PROGRAM_FILES)/doxygen/bin/doxygen.exe"## Recommended: Use the compressed html help format .chm as the Wireshark integrated help.## The required htmlhelp.h and htmlhelp.lib should be included in versions of MSVC supported by Wireshark## If you don't want the online help (or don't have the tools),# comment this line out, so that HHC_DIR isn't defined.##HHC_DIR=$(PROGRAM_FILES)/HTML Help Workshop## Optional: To reduce the size of dlls and exes, which is especially useful for USB device distributions (U3, PortableApps)## If you have the UPX package, set this to the upx.exe executable.## UPX can be downloaded from:# If you don't have UPX, or don't want to pack exes and dlls,# comment this line out, so that UPX isn't defined.#UPX=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\upx303w\upx.exe##### Flags, PATHs and Miscellaneous ###### Santity check: Python embedding requires a valid PYTHON_DIR!IF DEFINED(PYTHON_EMBED) && !DEFINED(PYTHON_DIR)!ERROR PYTHON_EMBED requires that PYTHON_DIR is defined!ENDIF# "convert" the MSVC variant into the required MSC compiler version!IF "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2005" || "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2005EE" || "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "DOTNET20"MSC_VER_REQUIRED=1400!ELSEIF "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2008" ||  "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2008EE"MSC_VER_REQUIRED=1500!ELSEIF "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2010" ||  "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2010EE"MSC_VER_REQUIRED=1600!ELSEIF "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2012" ||  "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2012EE"MSC_VER_REQUIRED=1700!ELSE!ERROR MSVC_VARIANT unknown!ENDIF## Manifest processing is not needed for VC10 (Visual Studio 2010 C)## See:!IF ($(MSC_VER_REQUIRED) >= 1400) && ($(MSC_VER_REQUIRED) < 1600)MANIFEST_INFO_REQUIRED=1!ENDIF## VS2012 (VC11): configure subsystem version## See: (APPVER used in win32.mak to set subsystem version)!IF ($(MSC_VER_REQUIRED) == 1700)!if "$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)" == "win32"APPVER=5.01!elseAPPVER=5.02!endif!ENDIF# Compiler flags:# /W3                               Warning level 3 (0 less - 4 most, 1 default).# /Zi                               Create .pdb file for debugging.# /FR                               Create .sbr file with complete symbolic information.#                                   add to standard CFLAGS if you want to build the .sbr files#                                     for Wireshark compiles.#                                     Warning: using /FR for Wireshark requires ~1Gig of additional disk space#                                     XXX: provides less functionality for VC8, ... than for previous compilers ?#                                     XXX: .bsc files not usable (not supported ?) with VC10 (Visual Studio 2010) ?# /MD                               Use "multithread- and DLL-specific version" of run-time libraries.#                                    msvc documentation states that /MD causes _MT and _DLL to be defined#                                    See: /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE        Don't warn for "insecure" calls;#                                     see MSDN "Security Enhancements in the CRT".# /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE       Don't warn for "Deprecated CRT Functions" as MSDN calls this.# /D_BIND_TO_CURRENT_CRT_VERSION=1  Make sure our CRT and manifest versions match.#                                    ( /DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN             Don't include unnecessary Windows include files (see windows.h).# /MANIFEST:no                      Don't create a SxS manifest. Makes sure our plugins don't load#                                     a second copy of the CRT.###Note: LOCAL_CFLAGS are flags used for *all* compilations##      STANDARD_CFLAGS (see below) are flags used just for *Wireshark* compilations!IF "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2005"   || \        "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2005EE" || \        "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "DOTNET20"   || \        "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2008"   || \        "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2008EE" || \        "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2010"   || \        "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2010EE" || \        "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2012"   || \        "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2012EE"LOCAL_CFLAGS=/Zi /W3 /MD /DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN /DMSC_VER_REQUIRED=$(MSC_VER_REQUIRED) \     /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE!IF "$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)" != "win64"LOCAL_CFLAGS=$(LOCAL_CFLAGS) /D_BIND_TO_CURRENT_CRT_VERSION=1!ENDIF# Additional compiler warnings to be treated as "Level 3"#  when compiling Wireshark sources. (Selected from "level 4" warnings).## 4295: array is too small to include a terminating null characterWARNINGS_CFLAGS=/w34295!ELSE!ERROR MSVC_VARIANT unknown!ENDIF# /MP               Compiles multiple source files by using multiple processes# /MP[processMax]   If you omit the processMax argument, the compiler retrieves the number of effective processors#                   on your computer from the operating system, and creates a process for each processor.## The following compiler options and language features that are incompatible with the /MP option:## * #import preprocessor directive# * /E, /EP# * /Gm# * /showIncludes# * /Yc#!IF     "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2008"   || \        "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2008EE" || \        "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2010"   || \        "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2010EE" || \        "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2012"   || \        "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2012EE"LOCAL_CFLAGS= $(LOCAL_CFLAGS) /MP!ENDIF# Optional: Static analysis. Only supported in the full-frontal MSVC editions.#!IFDEF ENABLE_CODE_ANALYSISLOCAL_CFLAGS= $(LOCAL_CFLAGS) /analyze:WX-!ENDIF#STANDARD_CFLAGS are flags used for *Wireshark* compiles (not stuff like lemon, etc)STANDARD_CFLAGS=-DHAVE_CONFIG_H -D_U_="" /DPCAP_VERSION=$(PCAP_VERSION) $(LOCAL_CFLAGS) $(WARNINGS_CFLAGS)# Optional: Define WIRESHARK_GENERATE_BSC_FILE to generate .sbr files for input to bscmake!IFDEF WIRESHARK_GENERATE_BSC_FILESTANDARD_CFLAGS= $(STANDARD_CFLAGS) /FR!ENDIF#Comment out the following if warnings are not to be treated as errors#WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS=-WX# Linker flags:# /DEBUG  generate debug info# /PROFILE generate map file(s) for profiling# /DEFAULTLIB:xxx use xxx as the standard C library# /NODEFAULTLIB:xxx don't use xxx as the standard C library#LOCAL_LDFLAGS=/DEBUG /MACHINE:$(TARGET_MACHINE)DLL_LDFLAGS =!IFDEF MANIFEST_INFO_REQUIREDDLL_LDFLAGS = /MANIFEST:no!ENDIF# Enable Safe Exception Handler.#!IF $(MSC_VER_REQUIRED) >= 1300LOCAL_CFLAGS= $(LOCAL_CFLAGS) /GS!IF "$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)" != "win64"LOCAL_LDFLAGS= $(LOCAL_LDFLAGS) /SafeSEH!ENDIF!ENDIF# Enable ASLR. Requires VS2008 or later.# DEP (/NXCompat) is handled in init_process_policies() via SetProcessDEPPolicy.# ASLR!IF $(MSC_VER_REQUIRED) >= 1500LOCAL_LDFLAGS= $(LOCAL_LDFLAGS) /DYNAMICBASE /FIXED:no!ENDIFPLUGIN_LDFLAGS = /NOLOGO /INCREMENTAL:no $(LOCAL_LDFLAGS) $(DLL_LDFLAGS)## According to XCOPY under Windows NT doesn't support the "/Y" flag.  This works# around that bug.# XXX - This apparently doesn't work for some versions of nmake:#;en-us;86814# It looks like we'll have to call "set copycmd=/y" before we run xcopy.COPYCMD=/y## If you don't want to build libwireshark.dll, you should comment out the# following line. (Note: for plugin support this option must stay activated)ENABLE_LIBWIRESHARK=USE## install (debug) directory for Wireshark (relative to your source dir)INSTALL_DIR=wireshark-gtk2##### C-Runtime Redistributable ####### The C-Runtime since Version 7 must be shipped together with# the program installer, to avoid missing msvcr*.dll files on# the target machine.## The location of these files differ on the various compiler# packages, the following will use the default paths depending# on the package version.## You can either place the redistributable in its own platform-# and compiler-specific directory or in the top-level library# directory.!IF EXIST("$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\vcredist_$(MSVC_VARIANT)")VCREDIST_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\vcredist_$(MSVC_VARIANT)!ELSEVCREDIST_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)!ENDIF!IF "$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)" == "win64"## For 64-bit platforms, we don't create portable packages and therefore# don't have to worry that "Using the Visual C++ Redistributable# Package" requires that an installer be run to install that package,# so we use that method to make the C runtime available.#VCREDIST_EXE=$(VCREDIST_DIR)\vcredist_$(TARGET_MACHINE).exe!ELSEIF "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2005"## For MSVC 2005 non-Express Edition, we "Install a particular Visual C++# assembly as a private assembly for the application", by copying# the contents of the Microsoft.VC80.CRT folder to the target directory.# This is done to reduce the size of the installer; it also makes# a portable version work, as the C runtime doesn't have to be# installed on the target machine.#MSVCR_DLL=$(PROGRAM_FILES)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\redist\$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE)\Microsoft.VC80.CRT\*.*!ELSEIF "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2005EE" || "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "DOTNET20" || "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2008EE"## For MSVC 2005 Express Edition, for the .NET Framework 2.0 SDK, and# for MSVC 2008 Express Edition, we "Use the Visual C++ Redistributable# Package", because they don't provide the Microsoft.VC80.CRT folder.## They also don't provide the redistributable package, so you need to# download the appropriate version of the redistributable package,# vcredist_x86.exe, vcredist_x64.exe, or vcredist_ia64.exe, from# Microsoft first, and copy it to the lib folder!!!#VCREDIST_EXE=$(VCREDIST_DIR)\vcredist_$(TARGET_MACHINE).exe!ELSEIF "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2008"## For MSVC 2008 non-Express Edition, we "Install a particular Visual C++# assembly as a private assembly for the application", by copying# the contents of the Microsoft.VC90.CRT folder to the target directory.# This is done to reduce the size of the installer; it also makes# a portable version work, as the C runtime doesn't have to be# installed on the target machine.#MSVCR_DLL=$(PROGRAM_FILES)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\redist\$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE)\Microsoft.VC90.CRT\*.*!ELSEIF "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2010EE"## For MSVC 2010 Express Edition, we "Use the Visual C++ Redistributable# Package", because it doesn't provide the Microsoft.VC80.CRT folder.## It also doesn't provide the redistributable package, so you need to# download the appropriate version of the redistributable package,# vcredist_x86.exe or vcredist_x64.exe, from Microsoft first, and copy# it to the lib folder!!!VCREDIST_EXE=$(VCREDIST_DIR)\vcredist_$(TARGET_MACHINE).exe!ELSEIF "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2010"## For MSVC 2010 non-Express Edition, we "Install a particular Visual C++# assembly as a private assembly for the application", by copying# the contents of the Microsoft.VC100.CRT folder to the target directory.# This is done to reduce the size of the installer; it also makes# a portable version work, as the C runtime doesn't have to be# installed on the target machine.## Note: for what it's worth, Microsoft recommends "Using the Visual C++# Redistributable Package", rather than "Installing a particular Visual# C++ assembly as a private assembly for the application", starting# with Visual Studio 2010.#MSVCR_DLL=$(PROGRAM_FILES)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\redist\$(TARGET_MACHINE)\Microsoft.VC100.CRT\*.*!ELSEIF "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2012"## For MSVC 2012 non-Express Edition, we "Install a particular Visual C++# assembly as a private assembly for the application", by copying# the contents of the Microsoft.VC110.CRT folder to the target directory.# This is done to reduce the size of the installer; it also makes# a portable version work, as the C runtime doesn't have to be# installed on the target machine.## Note: for what it's worth, Microsoft recommends "Using the Visual C++# Redistributable Package", rather than "Installing a particular Visual# C++ assembly as a private assembly for the application", starting# with Visual Studio 2010.#MSVCR_DLL=$(PROGRAM_FILES)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\redist\$(TARGET_MACHINE)\Microsoft.VC110.CRT\*.*!ELSE!ERROR MSVC_VARIANT unknown!ENDIF!IF DEFINED(VCREDIST_EXE) && ! EXIST("$(VCREDIST_EXE)")!ERROR Can't find $(VCREDIST_EXE). Have you downloaded it from Microsoft? \See the developer's guide section "C-Runtime "Redistributable" files" for details how to get it!ENDIF##### Advanced: Docbook/XML documentation generation ###### If you want to generate the Docbook/XML based docs (User's and Developer's# Guide, ...), you'll need some additional tools / libraries compared to the# rest of the build process.## FOR DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS TO GENERATE THE DOCS, SEE: docbook\README.txt.## If you don't call the Makefile.nmake in the docbook dir to generate the# docs, the following settings in this section will have no effect.# formatting objects processor executable# Comment this out if you don't have fop installed or you don't want the docs# in PDF format.## You may want to install the FOP hyphenation patterns from#!IFNDEF FOPFOP=fop-1.0\fop.bat!ENDIF# Additional options to fop.FOP_OPTS=-Xmx256m# html help compiler# Comment this out if you don't have hhc.exe or you don't want the docs in# .chm format.## Beware: hhc.exe is NOT part of the MSVC packages in HHC_DIR mentioned above,# so you'll need to install the HTML Help Workshop for this.#HHC_EXE="$(HHC_DIR)\hhc.exe"# html to text converter for text version of release notes, e.g. elinks.# This could also be "lynx", or "true" if neither elinks nor lynx is installed# (cygwin: lynx works, elinks not available, links and true doesn't produce output)#HTML2TXT=elinks -dump -dump-width 72##HTML2TXT=links -dump -width 72 ## XXX: Fails: For links -dump requires 'url' (filename) arg.#HTML2TXT=lynx -dump -width=72 -nolist -stdin!IFNDEF HTML2TXTHTML2TXT=$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)\ --width=72 --no-links!ENDIF# the XSL processor (part of cygwin's libxslt package)XSLTPROC="xsltproc"# the XML validator (part of cygwin's libxml2 package)XMLLINT="xmllint"################################################################################ You should not have to change anything below this comment.# If you do, it's a deficiency in the Makefile.nmake files;# either tell about it, including# details of why you had to change it, or fix config.nmake# and any Makefile.nmake files that need to be changed, and# send us the patches, along with details of why the change# was necessary.################################################################################# The RC_VERSION should be comma-separated, not dot-separated,# as per Graham Bloice's message in## "The RC_VERSION variable in config.nmake should be comma separated.# This allows the resources to be built correctly and the version# number to be correctly displayed in the explorer properties dialog# for the executables, and XP's tooltip, rather than"#VERSION=$(VERSION_MAJOR).$(VERSION_MINOR).$(VERSION_MICRO)$(VERSION_EXTRA)RC_VERSION=$(VERSION_MAJOR),$(VERSION_MINOR),$(VERSION_MICRO),$(VERSION_BUILD)PRODUCT_VERSION=$(VERSION_MAJOR).$(VERSION_MINOR).$(VERSION_MICRO).$(VERSION_BUILD)WTAP_VERSION=$(WTAP_VERSION_MAJOR).$(WTAP_VERSION_MINOR).$(WTAP_VERSION_MICRO)RC_WTAP_VERSION=$(WTAP_VERSION_MAJOR),$(WTAP_VERSION_MINOR),$(WTAP_VERSION_MICRO)# GLibGLIB_CFLAGS=/I$(GTK_DIR)\include\glib-$(GLIB_VERSION) \/I$(GTK_DIR)\lib\glib-$(GLIB_VERSION)\include \-DG_DISABLE_DEPRECATED \-DG_DISABLE_SINGLE_INCLUDESGLIB_LIBS=$(GTK_DIR)\lib\glib-$(GLIB_VERSION).lib \$(GTK_DIR)\lib\gmodule-$(GLIB_VERSION).lib \$(GTK_DIR)\lib\gobject-$(GLIB_VERSION).libGTHREAD_LIBS=$(GTK_DIR)\lib\gthread-$(GLIB_VERSION).lib# 2.18 was no good(Theming problem)!IF "$(GTK_INST_VERSION)" == "2.24" || "$(GTK_INST_VERSION)" == "2.22" || "$(GTK_INST_VERSION)" == "2.16" || "$(GTK_INST_VERSION)" == "2.14"# GTK+GTK_CFLAGS=$(GLIB_CFLAGS) /I$(GTK_DIR)\include\gtk-2.0 \/I$(GTK_DIR)\include\gdk-pixbuf-2.0 \/I$(GTK_DIR)\lib\gtk-2.0\include \/I$(GTK_DIR)\include\atk-1.0 \/I$(GTK_DIR)\include\cairo \/I$(GTK_DIR)\include\pango-1.0 \-DGTK_DISABLE_SINGLE_INCLUDES \-DGTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED \-DGSEAL_ENABLEGTK_LIBS=$(GTK_DIR)\lib\gtk-win32-2.0.lib \$(GTK_DIR)\lib\gdk-win32-2.0.lib \$(GTK_DIR)\lib\gdk_pixbuf-2.0.lib \$(GTK_DIR)\lib\cairo.lib \$(GTK_DIR)\lib\pango-1.0.lib \$(GTK_DIR)\lib\pangocairo-1.0.lib \$(GLIB_LIBS)GTK_LIB_DIR=2.10.0!IFDEF PNG_DLLNEED_PNG_DLL=USE!ENDIF!IFDEF JPEG_DLLNEED_JPEG_DLL=USE!ENDIF!IFDEF TIFF_DLLNEED_TIFF_DLL=USE!ENDIFNEED_CAIRO_DLL=USE# Pango >=1.24.5 Needs these:NEED_FREETYPE_DLL=USENEED_FONTCONFIG_DLL=USE#NEED_EXPAT_DLL=USENEED_XML_DLL=USENEED_PIXMAN_DLL=USENEED_FFI_DLL=USENEED_JASPER_DLL=USENEED_JPEG_DLL=USENEED_TIFF_DLL=USENEED_LZMA_DLL=USEGTK_WIMP_DLLSRC_DIR=$(GTK_DIR)\lib\gtk-2.0\$(GTK_LIB_DIR)\enginesGTK_WIMP_DLLDST_DIR=lib\gtk-2.0\$(GTK_LIB_DIR)\enginesGTK_WIMP_RCSRC_DIR=$(GTK_DIR)\share\themes\MS-Windows\gtk-2.0GTK_WIMP_RCDST_DIR=etc\gtk-2.0## Use of GTK3+ is experimental/not working#!ELSEIF "$(GTK_INST_VERSION)" == "3.4"# GTK+GTK_CFLAGS=$(GLIB_CFLAGS) /I$(GTK_DIR)\include\gtk-3.0 \/I$(GTK_DIR)\include\gdk-pixbuf-2.0 \/I$(GTK_DIR)\lib\gtk-3.0\include \/I$(GTK_DIR)\include\atk-1.0 \/I$(GTK_DIR)\include\cairo \/I$(GTK_DIR)\include\pango-1.0 \-DGTK_DISABLE_SINGLE_INCLUDES \-DGSEAL_ENABLEGTK_LIBS=$(GTK_DIR)\lib\gtk-3.lib \$(GTK_DIR)\lib\gdk-3.lib \$(GTK_DIR)\lib\gdk_pixbuf-2.0.lib \$(GTK_DIR)\lib\cairo.lib \$(GTK_DIR)\lib\pango-1.0.lib \$(GTK_DIR)\lib\pangocairo-1.0.lib \$(GLIB_LIBS)GTK_LIB_DIR=3.4!IFDEF _DLL!ENDIFNEED_CAIRO_DLL=USE!IFDEF EXPAT_DLLNEED_EXPAT_DLL=USE!ENDIF!IFDEF FFI_DLLNEED_FFI_DLL=USE!ENDIF!IFDEF FONTCONFIG_DLLNEED_FONTCONFIG_DLL=USE!ENDIF!IFDEF FREETYPE_DLLNEED_FREETYPE_DLL=USE!ENDIF!IFDEF JASPER_DLLNEED_JASPER_DLL=USE!ENDIF!IFDEF JPEG_DLLNEED_JPEG_DLL=USE!ENDIF!IFDEF LZMA_DLLNEED_LZMA_DLL=USE!ENDIF!IFDEF PIXMAN_DLLNEED_PIXMAN_DLL=USE!ENDIF!IFDEF PNG_DLLNEED_PNG_DLL=USE!ENDIF!IFDEF TIFF_DLLNEED_TIFF_DLL=USE!ENDIF!IFDEF XML_DLLNEED_XML_DLL=USE!ENDIF!ELSE!ERROR ? Unknown or invalid GTK_INST_VERSION "$(GTK_INST_VERSION)"!ENDIF!IFDEF AIRPCAP_DIRAIRPCAP_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_AIRPCAP 1#AIRPCAP_CFLAGS=/I$(AIRPCAP_DIR)\include!ELSEAIRPCAP_CONFIG=!ENDIF!IFDEF PCAP_DIR# Nmake uses carets to escape special charactersWINPCAP_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_LIBPCAP 1## This requires that, if you're *building* Wireshark, you have# the most recent WinPcap's development package.  If, at *run*# time, an older version of WinPcap, missing some routines,# is found, we work around that.#PCAP_FINDALLDEVS_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_PCAP_FINDALLDEVS 1PCAP_DATALINK_NAME_TO_VAL_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_PCAP_DATALINK_NAME_TO_VAL 1PCAP_DATALINK_VAL_TO_NAME_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_PCAP_DATALINK_VAL_TO_NAME 1PCAP_DATALINK_VAL_TO_DESCRIPTION_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_PCAP_DATALINK_VAL_TO_DESCRIPTION 1# PCAP_BREAKLOOP won't have any benefit on Win32, but breaks compatibility with 3.0PCAP_BREAKLOOP_CONFIG=PCAP_LIST_DATALINKS_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_PCAP_LIST_DATALINKS 1PCAP_FREE_DATALINKS_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_PCAP_FREE_DATALINKS 1PCAP_SET_DATALINK_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_PCAP_SET_DATALINK 1PCAP_OPEN_DEAD_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_PCAP_OPEN_DEAD 1BPF_IMAGE_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_BPF_IMAGE 1!ELSE# no WpdPack installedWINPCAP_CONFIG=PCAP_FINDALLDEVS_CONFIG=PCAP_DATALINK_NAME_TO_VAL_CONFIG=PCAP_DATALINK_VAL_TO_NAME_CONFIG=PCAP_DATALINK_VAL_TO_DESCRIPTION_CONFIG=PCAP_BREAKLOOP_CONFIG=PCAP_LIST_DATALINKS_CONFIG=PCAP_FREE_DATALINKS_CONFIG=PCAP_SET_DATALINK_CONFIG=PCAP_OPEN_DEAD_CONFIG=BPF_IMAGE_CONFIG=!ENDIF!IF DEFINED(PCAP_DIR) && DEFINED(PCAP_REMOTE)PCAP_HAVE_REMOTE_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_REMOTE 1PCAP_REMOTE_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_PCAP_REMOTE 1PCAP_OPEN_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_PCAP_OPEN 1PCAP_SETSAMPLING_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_PCAP_SETSAMPLING 1!ELSEPCAP_HAVE_REMOTE_CONFIG=PCAP_REMOTE_CONFIG=PCAP_OPEN_CONFIG=PCAP_SETSAMPLING_CONFIG=!ENDIF!IFDEF ZLIB_DIRZLIB_PATH=$(ZLIB_DIR)ZLIB_CFLAGS=/I$(ZLIB_DIR)\includeZLIB_LIBS=$(ZLIB_DIR)\lib\zdll.libZLIB_DLL=$(ZLIB_DIR)\zlib1.dll# Nmake uses carets to escape special charactersZLIB_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_LIBZ 1!elseZLIB_CFLAGS=ZLIB_LIBS=ZLIB_DLL=ZLIB_CONFIG=!ENDIF!IFDEF C_ARES_PKG!UNDEF ADNS_DIRC_ARES_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\c-ares-$(C_ARES_PKG)-$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)wsC_ARES_CFLAGS=/I$(C_ARES_DIR)/includeC_ARES_LIBS=$(C_ARES_DIR)\lib\libcares-2.libC_ARES_DLL=$(C_ARES_DIR)\bin\libcares-2.dll# Nmake uses carets to escape special charactersC_ARES_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_C_ARES 1!elseC_ARES_CFLAGS=C_ARES_LIBS=C_ARES_CONFIG=!IFDEF ADNS_DIRADNS_PATH=$(ADNS_DIR)\adns_win32\libADNS_CFLAGS=/I$(ADNS_DIR)\src /I$(ADNS_DIR)\adns_win32ADNS_LIBS=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\$(MSVC_VARIANT)\adns\adns_dll.libADNS_DLL=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\$(MSVC_VARIANT)\adns\adns_dll.dll# Nmake uses carets to escape special charactersADNS_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_GNU_ADNS 1!elseADNS_CFLAGS=ADNS_LIBS=ADNS_CONFIG=!ENDIF # ADNS!ENDIF # C_ARES!IFDEF KFW_DIRKFW_PATH=$(KFW_DIR)\binKFW_CFLAGS=/I$(KFW_DIR)\includeKFW_LIBS=$(KFW_DIR)\lib\krb5_32.lib# Nmake uses carets to escape special charactersKFW_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_MIT_KERBEROS 1!elseKFW_CFLAGS=KFW_LIBS=KFW_CONFIG=!ENDIF!IFDEF NETTLE_DIRNETTLE_CFLAGS=/I$(NETTLE_DIR)NETTLE_LIBS=$(NETTLE_DIR)\libnettle.lib# Nmake uses carets to escape special charactersNETTLE_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_LIBNETTLE 1!elseNETTLE_CFLAGS=NETTLE_LIBS=NETTLE_CONFIG=!ENDIF!IFDEF GNUTLS_PKGGNUTLS_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\gnutls-$(GNUTLS_PKG)-$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)wsGNUTLS_PATH=$(GNUTLS_DIR)# /DNOCRYPT avoids inclusion of Wincrypt.h, avoiding a X509_NAME define clashGNUTLS_CFLAGS=/I$(GNUTLS_DIR)\include /DNOCRYPT /DIMPORT_LIGNUTLSDLLGCRYPT_LIBS = $(GNUTLS_DIR)\bin\libgcrypt-11.libGNUTLS_LIBS=\$(GNUTLS_DIR)\bin\libtasn1-3.lib\$(GNUTLS_DIR)\bin\libgpg-error-0.lib\$(GCRYPT_LIBS) \$(GNUTLS_DIR)\bin\libgnutls-26.lib# Nmake uses carets to escape special charactersGNUTLS_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_LIBGNUTLS 1LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_LIBGCRYPT 1!elseGNUTLS_CFLAGS=GNUTLS_LIBS=GNUTLS_CONFIG=LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG=!ENDIF!IFDEF LUA_DIRLUA_CFLAGS=/I$(LUA_DIR)\includeLUA_LIBS=$(LUA_DIR)\lua5.1.lib# Nmake uses carets to escape special charactersLUA_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_LUA 1LUA_VERSION=^#define HAVE_LUA_5_1 1!elseLUA_CFLAGS=LUA_LIBS=LUA_CONFIG=!ENDIF!IF DEFINED(PYTHON_EMBED)PYTHON_CFLAGS=/I$(PYTHON_DIR)\includePYTHON_LIBS=$(PYTHON_DIR)\libs\python$(PYTHON_VER).lib# Nmake uses carets to escape special charactersPYTHON_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_PYTHON 1!elsePYTHON_CFLAGS=PYTHON_LIBS=PYTHON_CONFIG=!ENDIF!IFDEF PORTAUDIO_DIR# Nmake uses carets to escape special charactersPORTAUDIO_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_LIBPORTAUDIO 1!IF "$(PORTAUDIO_VERSION)" == "18"# V18 uses API version 1 and v19 API version 2PORTAUDIO_CFLAGS=/I$(PORTAUDIO_DIR)\pa_commonPORTAUDIO_API_CONFIG=^#define PORTAUDIO_API_1 1!ELSEPORTAUDIO_CFLAGS=/I$(PORTAUDIO_DIR)\include /I$(PORTAUDIO_DIR)\src\common /I$(PORTAUDIO_DIR)\src\os\win /DPA_NO_DS /DPA_NO_ASIO!ENDIF!ELSEPORTAUDIO_CFLAGS=PORTAUDIO_CONFIG=!ENDIF!IFDEF HHC_DIRHHC_CFLAGS=-DHHC_DIRHHC_LIBS=htmlhelp.lib!ELSEHHC_CFLAGS=HHC_LIBS=!ENDIF!IFDEF SMI_PKGSMI_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\libsmi-$(SMI_PKG)-$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)wsSMI_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_LIBSMI 1SMI_CFLAGS=/I$(SMI_DIR)\includeSMI_LIBS=$(SMI_DIR)\lib\libsmi-2.lib!ELSESMI_DIR=SMI_LIBS=SMI_CFLAGS=SMI_CONFIG=!ENDIF!IFDEF GEOIP_PKGGEOIP_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\GeoIP-$(GEOIP_PKG)-$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)wsGEOIP_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_GEOIP 1GEOIP_V6_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_GEOIP_V6 1GEOIP_CFLAGS=/I$(GEOIP_DIR)/includeGEOIP_LIBS=$(GEOIP_DIR)\lib\libGeoIP-1.lib!ELSEGEOIP_DIR=GEOIP_LIBS=GEOIP_CFLAGS=GEOIP_CONFIG=GEOIP_V6_CONFIG=!ENDIF!IFDEF ENABLE_LIBWIRESHARKLIBWIRESHARK_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_LIBWIRESHARKDLL 1# Link plugins with the import library of libwireshark.dllLINK_PLUGINS_WITH_LIBWIRESHARK=USE!ELSELIBWIRESHARK_CONFIG=!ENDIF# Construct the pathPATH=$(PATH);$(CYGWIN_PATH);$(GTK_DIR)\bin;$(GETTEXT_DIR)\bin;$(ZLIB_PATH);$(ADNS_PATH)INET6_CONFIG=^#define INET6 1NTDDNDIS_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_NTDDNDIS_H 1
0 0