
来源:互联网 发布:mac 远程登陆windows 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 23:50

case… when…


--- 缺集节目列表及分集select case when mtype=0 then '电影'when mtype=1 then '电视剧'when mtype=2 then '短视频'when mtype=3 then '预告片'when mtype=4 then '花絮'when mtype=5 then '混合类型'when mtype=6 then '动漫'when mtype=7 then '综艺'when mtype=8 then '少儿'when mtype=9 then '生活'when mtype=10 then '纪录片'when mtype=11 then '3D影片'when mtype=12 then '电视回看'when mtype=13 then '超高清'when mtype=14 then '体育'when mtype=15 then '音乐MTV'when mtype=16 then '娱乐频道'when mtype=17 then '时效热点'when mtype=18 then '电视回看(真)'when mtype=19 then '专题(B2B项目专用)'when mtype=20 then '世界杯'when mtype=21 then '购物'when mtype=22 then '卡拉OK'end as mtype1,mtype,rm.mid,cnname,GROUP_CONCAT(rs.sid ORDER BY rs.sid) as sid from voole_vrm.vrm_sp_authorlist rsINNER JOIN voole_global.res_movieinfo rm ON rs.mid = rm.midwhere ispid='66660011' and mime='mp4' and rs.mid in (    SELECT mid from voole_global.res_movieextend where ispid='66660011' and injectstatus=2 ) and fid not in (    select fid from voole_global.res_mediadown where downstatus in (104,113,213))GROUP BY rm.mid order by mtype,rm.mid

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