
来源:互联网 发布:大连淘宝客服招聘 双休 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 05:24
2.1)dom4j 是一个对象模型,在内存中表示一颗XML 树。dom4j 提供了易于使用的API以提供强大的处理特性,操纵或控制 XML 和 结合 XPath, XSLT 以及 SAX, JAXP 和 DOM 来进行处理;
2.2)dom4j 是基于接口来设计的,来提供高可配置的实现策略。你只需提供一个DocumentFactory的实现就可以创建你自己的XML树实现。这使得我们易于重用dom4j 的代码,当扩展dom4j来提供所需特性的实现的时候;

【1】读取XML 数据
1)intro:dom4j 附带了一组builder 类用于解析xml 数据和创建 类似于树的对象结构。读取XML 数据的代码如下:
public class DeployFileLoaderSample { /** dom4j object model representation of a xml document. Note: We use the interface(!) not its implementation */ private Document doc;   /**    * Loads a document from a file.    * @param aFile the data source    * @throw a org.dom4j.DocumentExcepiton occurs on parsing failure.    */ public void parseWithSAX(File aFile) throws DocumentException {  SAXReader xmlReader = new SAXReader();  this.doc =; } /**  * Loads a document from a file.  * @param aURL the data source  * @throw a org.dom4j.DocumentExcepiton occurs on parsing failure.  */ public void parseWithSAX(URL aURL) throws DocumentException {  SAXReader xmlReader = new SAXReader();  this.doc =; } public Document getDoc() {  return doc; }}
2)以上代码 阐明了使用 SAXReader根据给定文件 来创建一个完整dom4j 树。 包 包含了一组类用于创建和序列化XML对象。其中read() 方法被重载了使得你能够传递表示不同资源的对象;

java.lang.String - a SystemId is a String that contains a URI e.g. a URL to a XML - represents a Uniform Resource Loader or a Uniform Resource Identifier. Encapsulates a - an open input stream that transports xml - more compatible. Has abilitiy to specify encoding schemeorg.sax.InputSource - a single input source for a XML entity.

2.1)添加新方法为 为 DeployFileCreator  增加更多的扩展性,代码还是上面那个代码;


@Test public void readXML() {  String base = System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator    + "src" + File.separator;   DeployFileLoaderSample sample = new DeployFileLoaderSample();  try { // via parameter of URL type.   sample.parseWithSAX(new URL("file:" + base + "pom.xml"));   Document doc = sample.getDoc();   System.out.println(doc.asXML());  } catch (Exception e) {   e.printStackTrace();  }   try { // via parameter of File type.   sample.parseWithSAX(new File(base + "pom.xml"));   Document doc = sample.getDoc();   System.out.println(doc.asXML());  } catch (Exception e) {   e.printStackTrace();  } }

【2】dom4j 和 其他XML API 整合

1)intro:dom4j 也提供了类用于和两个原始 XML 处理API(SAX 和 DOM) 进行整合。

2)DomReader类: 允许你将一个存在的 DOM 树 转换为 dom4j 树。你也可以 转换一个DOM 文档,DOM 节点分支 和 单个元素;代码如下:

public class DOMIntegratorSample {  public DOMIntegratorSample() {}  public org.w3c.dom.Document parse(URL url) {  DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();  try {   DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();   return builder.parse(url.toString());  } catch (Exception e) {   e.printStackTrace();   return null;  } }  /** converts a W3C DOM document into a dom4j document */ public Document buildDocment(org.w3c.dom.Document domDocument) {  DOMReader xmlReader = new DOMReader();  return; }}public String base = System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator   + "src" + File.separator;@Test // 测试用例,. public void testIntegrate() {  DOMIntegratorSample sample = new DOMIntegratorSample();  try {   org.w3c.dom.Document doc = sample.parse(new URL("file:"+ base + "pom.xml"));   Document doc4j  = sample.buildDocment(doc);   System.out.println(doc4j.asXML());  } catch (Exception e) {   e.printStackTrace();  } }

【3】DocumentFactory 的秘密

1)intro: 从头到尾创建一个 Document,代码如下:

public class GranuatedDeployFileCreator { private DocumentFactory factory; private Document doc; public GranuatedDeployFileCreator() {  this.factory = DocumentFactory.getInstance(); // 单例方法. } public void generateDoc(String aRootElement) {  doc = factory.createDocument();  Element root = doc.addElement(aRootElement); }}


@Test public void testGenerateDoc() {  GranuatedDeployFileCreator creator = new GranuatedDeployFileCreator();   creator.generateDoc("project");  Document doc = creator.getDoc();  System.out.println(doc.asXML()); }

2)Document 和 Element 接口有许多 助手方法以简单的方式来创动态建 XML 文档;

public class Foo {  public Foo() {}  public Document createDocument() {  Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument();  Element root = document.addElement("root");  Element author2 = root.addElement("author").addAttribute("name", "Toby").addAttribute("location", "Germany")    .addText("Tobias Rademacher");  Element author1 = root.addElement("author").addAttribute("name", "James").addAttribute("location", "UK")    .addText("James Strachan");  return document; }}


@Test public void testCreateDocByHelper() {  Foo foo = new Foo();   Document doc = foo.createDocument();  System.out.println(doc.asXML()); }

2.2)dom4j 是基于API 的接口。这意味着dom4j中的  DocumentFactory 和 阅读器类 总是使用 org.dom4j 接口而不是其实现类。 集合 API 和 W3C 的DOM 也采用了这种 方式;

2.3)一旦你解析后创建了一个文档,你就想要将其序列化到硬盘或普通流中。dom4j 提供了一组类以以下四种方式 来序列化 你的 dom4j 树; XML + HTML + DOM + SAX Events;


1)intro: 使用 XMLWriter 构造器根据给定的字符编码 来传递 输出流。相比于输出流,Writer 更容易使用,因为Writer 是基于字符串的,因此有很少的编码问题。Writer.write()方法 被重写了,你可以按需逐个写出dom4j对象;


// 序列化xmlpublic class DeployFileCreator3 { private Document doc; public DeployFileCreator3(Document doc) {  this.doc = doc; }  public void serializetoXML(OutputStream out, String aEncodingScheme) throws Exception {  OutputFormat outformat = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint();  outformat.setEncoding(aEncodingScheme);  XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(out, outformat);  writer.write(this.doc);  writer.flush();  writer.close(); } }


@Test public void testSerializetoXML() {  Foo foo = new Foo();   Document doc = foo.createDocument();  DeployFileCreator3 creator = new DeployFileCreator3(doc);  try {   creator.serializetoXML(new FileOutputStream(base + "serializable.xml"),     "UTF-8");   System.out.println("serializable successfully.");  } catch (Exception e) {   e.printStackTrace();  } }

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><root>  <author name="Toby" location="Germany">Tobias Rademacher</author>  <author name="James" location="UK">James Strachan</author></root>



 // customize output format.public class DeployFileCreator4 { private Document doc; private OutputFormat outFormat; public DeployFileCreator4(Document doc) {  this.outFormat = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint();  this.doc = doc; } public DeployFileCreator4(Document doc, OutputFormat outFormat) {  this.doc = doc;  this.outFormat = outFormat; } public void writeAsXML(OutputStream out) throws Exception {  XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(out, this.outFormat);  writer.write(this.doc); } public void writeAsXML(OutputStream out, String encoding) throws Exception {  this.outFormat.setEncoding(encoding);  this.writeAsXML(out); }}

2)OutputFormat中一个有趣的特性是 能够设置字符编码。使用这种机制设置XMLWriter的编码方式是一个好习惯,使用这种编码方式创建OutputStream 和 输出XML的声明。


@Test public void testCustomizeOutputFormat() {  Foo foo = new Foo();   Document doc = foo.createDocument();  OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createCompactFormat();  format.setEncoding("UTF-8");  DeployFileCreator4 creator = new DeployFileCreator4(    doc, format);  try {   creator.writeAsXML(new FileOutputStream(base + "customizeFormat.xml"));   System.out.println("successful customize format");  } catch (Exception e) {   e.printStackTrace();  } }

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><root><author name="Toby" location="Germany">Tobias Rademacher</author><author name="James" location="UK">James Strachan</author></root>


1)intro:HTMLWriter 带有一个dom4j 树 且会将该树 格式化为 HMTL流。这个格式化器 类似于 XMLWriter 但输出的是 CDATA 和 实体区域而不是 序列化格式的XML,且它支持许多没有结束标签的HTML 元素。如<br>;


public class PrintHTML {private Document doc;private OutputFormat outFormat;public PrintHTML(Document doc) {this.outFormat = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint();this.doc = doc;}public PrintHTML(Document doc, OutputFormat outFormat) {this.doc = doc;this.outFormat = outFormat;}public void writeAsHTML(OutputStream out) throws Exception {HTMLWriter writer = new HTMLWriter(out, this.outFormat);writer.write(this.doc);writer.flush();}}


@Testpublic void testPrintHTML() {Foo foo = new Foo();Document doc = foo.createDocument();PrintHTML creator = new PrintHTML(doc);try {creator.writeAsHTML(new FileOutputStream(base + "printHtml.html"));System.out.println("PrintHTML successfully");} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}}

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