【读书笔记】Zygote 和 System 进程的启动过程

来源:互联网 发布:卖跑步装备的淘宝店 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 12:11

· 这是《Android 系统源代码情景分析》 一书中第 11 章, Zygote 和 System 进程的启动过程,的读书摘要;

一、Zygote 进程的过程

Zygote 进程是由 Android 系统的第一个进程脚本 init 启动的;

Zygote 进程是通过复制自身的方式来创建 System 进程和应用程序的;

Android 系统中,所有的应用程序进程,以及用来运行系统关键服务的 System 进程都是 Zygote 进程负责创建的;



创建一个 Server 段的本地 Socket,用来等待 ActivityManagerService 请求 Zygote 创建新的应用程序进程;


启动 System 进程,以便它可以将系统关键服务启动起来;

方法 Zygote.forkSystemServer()  创建子进程也就是 Android 系统的 System 进程;

System 进程的用户 ID 和用户组 ID 均为 1000, 并且它还具有用户组1001~1010, 1018以及3001~3003 的权限;

方法 handleSystemServiceProcess(...) 启动 System 进程


等待 ActivityManagerService 请求 Zygote 进程创建新的应用程序进程;

至此, Zygote 进程的启动已经完成。

二、System 进程启动过程

commonInit() 设置 System 进程的时区,键盘布局等通用信息;
     zygoteInitNative()  在 native 层启动一个 Bindler 线程池;

applicationInit(...)  调用 inovkeStaticMain(...) 方法, invokeStaticMain(...) 通过类加载器,加载com.android.server.SystemServer, 进入 SystemServer.main() 方法, 启动 SystemServer

SystemServer.main() 方法会调用 System.run() 方法,在此方法里面启动一些相关的 Service;
 private void run() {        ...        // Prepare the main looper thread (this thread).        // 将线程的优先级设为前台线程,不能后台取消, 启动 主线程的 Looper        android.os.Process.setThreadPriority(android.os.Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND);        android.os.Process.setCanSelfBackground(false);        Looper.prepareMainLooper();        // Initialize native services.        System.loadLibrary("android_servers");        nativeInit();        // Check whether we failed to shut down last time we tried.        // This call may not return.        performPendingShutdown();        // Initialize the system context.        // 创建化系统的 context        createSystemContext();        // Create the system service manager.        // 创建 系统服务管理        mSystemServiceManager = new SystemServiceManager(mSystemContext);        LocalServices.addService(SystemServiceManager.class, mSystemServiceManager);        // Start services.        // 启动服务        try {            startBootstrapServices();            startCoreServices();            startOtherServices();        } catch (Throwable ex) {            Slog.e("System", "******************************************");            Slog.e("System", "************ Failure starting system services", ex);            throw ex;        }        // Loop forever.        // 进入 Looper        Looper.loop();                ...    }

创建系统的 context
 // 创建系统的 context    private void createSystemContext() {        ActivityThread activityThread = ActivityThread.systemMain();        mSystemContext = activityThread.getSystemContext();        mSystemContext.setTheme(android.R.style.Theme_DeviceDefault_Light_DarkActionBar);    }

/**     * Starts the small tangle of critical services that are needed to get     * the system off the ground.  These services have complex mutual dependencies     * which is why we initialize them all in one place here.  Unless your service     * is also entwined in these dependencies, it should be initialized in one of     * the other functions.     */    private void startBootstrapServices() {        // Wait for installd to finish starting up so that it has a chance to        // create critical directories such as /data/user with the appropriate        // permissions.  We need this to complete before we initialize other services.        Installer installer = mSystemServiceManager.startService(Installer.class);        // Activity manager runs the show.        // Activity 管理        mActivityManagerService = mSystemServiceManager.startService(ActivityManagerService.Lifecycle.class).getService();        mActivityManagerService.setSystemServiceManager(mSystemServiceManager);        mActivityManagerService.setInstaller(installer);        // Power manager needs to be started early because other services need it.        // Native daemons may be watching for it to be registered so it must be ready        // to handle incoming binder calls immediately (including being able to verify        // the permissions for those calls).        // 电池服务管理        mPowerManagerService = mSystemServiceManager.startService(PowerManagerService.class);        // Now that the power manager has been started, let the activity manager        // initialize power management features.        mActivityManagerService.initPowerManagement();        // Display manager is needed to provide display metrics before package manager        // starts up.        // 显示服务        mDisplayManagerService = mSystemServiceManager.startService(DisplayManagerService.class);        // We need the default display before we can initialize the package manager.        mSystemServiceManager.startBootPhase(SystemService.PHASE_WAIT_FOR_DEFAULT_DISPLAY);      ...        // Start the package manager.        // 启动 package 管理        mPackageManagerService = PackageManagerService.main(mSystemContext, installer, mFactoryTestMode != FactoryTest.FACTORY_TEST_OFF, mOnlyCore);        mFirstBoot = mPackageManagerService.isFirstBoot();        mPackageManager = mSystemContext.getPackageManager();        ServiceManager.addService(Context.USER_SERVICE, UserManagerService.getInstance());        // Initialize attribute cache used to cache resources from packages.        AttributeCache.init(mSystemContext);        // Set up the Application instance for the system process and get started.        // 启动 ActivityMangerService        mActivityManagerService.setSystemProcess();    }

    /**     * Starts some essential services that are not tangled up in the bootstrap process.     */    private void startCoreServices() {        // Manages LEDs and display backlight.        // 启动屏幕灯光        mSystemServiceManager.startService(LightsService.class);        // Tracks the battery level.  Requires LightService.        // 启动电池服务        mSystemServiceManager.startService(BatteryService.class);        // Tracks application usage stats.        mSystemServiceManager.startService(UsageStatsService.class);        mActivityManagerService.setUsageStatsManager(LocalServices.getService(UsageStatsManagerInternal.class));        // Update after UsageStatsService is available, needed before performBootDexOpt.        mPackageManagerService.getUsageStatsIfNoPackageUsageInfo();        // Tracks whether the updatable WebView is in a ready state and watches for update installs.        // 更新 WebView        mSystemServiceManager.startService(WebViewUpdateService.class);    }

启动网络,蓝牙,电话等其他 Service;

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