
来源:互联网 发布:硬齿面减速机js txjsj 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 21:34



  1. 建立连接,获取文件大小,建立等大的本地RandomAccessFile。
  2. 根据配置的线程数,划分各个下载区间。
  3. 建立临时文件,记录各个下载区间的下载信息(完成与否)。


  1. 读取临时文件,获取各个下载区间的信息


  1. 遍历各个下载区间信息,对未完成的开启线程下载。每个下载线程,会持有一个RandomAccessFile,在下载时写入本地文件。并且在线程终止时回调下载结果
  2. 每有下载线程回调时,更新下载区间信息
  3. 下载成功后,删除临时文件。下载失败,则更新临时文件。若下载任务非正常结束,最好主动更新临时文件。


package;import;import;import*;import;import;import;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;/** *多线程文件下载器 *下载线程数 默认为4 * 建议不要配置过多,可以考虑CPU*2 * */public class Download {    private final static int DEFAULT_THREAD_NUM = 4;    //the uri of the file to be downloaded    private String uri;    //the path to save the local file    private String savePath;    //the true num of thread to execute download task    private int threadNum;    //the file size    private long fileSize;    //the size of each part to be downloaded    private long partSize;    //the download thread array    private DownloadThread[] downloadThread;    //the num of the thread which is really started    private int realThreadNum;    //the num of the finished thread    private int overThreadNum;    //the tail of the tmp file which records the download info of each part    //the download info will be store with json.    // when download is finished,the tmp file will be deleted.    private final static String tmpTail = "-tmp";    //the download info of each part    private List<DownloadInfo> downloadInfos;    public Download(String uri, String savePath, int threadNum) {        this.uri = uri;        this.savePath = savePath;        this.threadNum = threadNum;        downloadThread = new DownloadThread[threadNum];    }    public Download(String uri, String savePath) {        //default thread num is 4        this(uri, savePath, DEFAULT_THREAD_NUM);    }    /**     * execute download task     * */    public void download() throws IOException{        ///如果第一次下载,        // 则建立临时文件,并写入分段下载信息        //或读取临时文件,读入分段下载信息        if(downloadInfos == null)        {            File file = new File(savePath + tmpTail);            Gson gson = new Gson();            if (!file.exists() || !file.isFile())            {//              System.out.println("首次下载");                URL url = new URL(uri);                HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();                conn.setConnectTimeout(5 * 1000);                conn.setRequestMethod("GET");                conn.setRequestProperty("Accept", "image/gif,image/jpeg,image/pjpeg," +                        "image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/pjpeg, "                        + "application/x-shockwave-flash, application/xaml+xml, "                        + "application/, application/x-ms-xbap, "                        + "application/x-ms-application, application/, "                        + "application/, application/msword, */*");                conn.setRequestProperty("Accept-Language", "zh-CN");                conn.setRequestProperty("Charset", "UTF-8");                conn.setRequestProperty("Connection", "Keep-Alive");                fileSize = conn.getContentLengthLong();                conn.disconnect();                RandomAccessFile file1 = new RandomAccessFile(savePath, "rw");                file1.setLength(fileSize);                file1.close();                //这样划分,至多可能多读取threadNum-1字节,但不会丢失                partSize = fileSize / threadNum + 1;                downloadInfos = new ArrayList<>();                realThreadNum = threadNum;                overThreadNum = 0;                for(int i = 0; i < threadNum; ++i)                {                    long startPos = i * partSize;                    RandomAccessFile currentPart = new RandomAccessFile(savePath,"rw");          ;                    downloadThread[i] = new DownloadThread(uri, currentPart, startPos, partSize);                    downloadThread[i].setCallback(callback);                    downloadThread[i].start();                    downloadInfos.add(new DownloadInfo(startPos, partSize, false));                }                return;            } else            {//              System.out.println("继续下载");                FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(file);                InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(is);                downloadInfos = gson.fromJson(reader,                        new TypeToken<List<DownloadInfo>>() {}.getType());                partSize = downloadInfos.get(0).partSize;                fileSize = partSize * downloadInfos.size();                reader.close();            }        }        DownloadInfo info;        realThreadNum = 0;        overThreadNum = 0;        for(int i = 0; i < threadNum; i++)        {            info = downloadInfos.get(i);            if(!info.finish)            {                realThreadNum++;                RandomAccessFile currentPart = new RandomAccessFile(savePath,"rw");      ;                downloadThread[i] = new DownloadThread(uri, currentPart, info.startPos, info.partSize);                downloadThread[i].setCallback(callback);                downloadThread[i].start();            }        }    }    /**     * the callback entity.     * When a thread is over, the {@link #downloadInfos} will be update.     * If all thread are executed successfully, the tmp file will be deleted.     * */    private Callback callback = new Callback() {        @Override        public void onTerminate(boolean finish, int index) {            overThreadNum++;            if(finish)            {                System.out.println("下载第"+index+"部分完成");                File file = new File(savePath + tmpTail);                //下载完成,删除临时文件                if(getCompleteRate() >= 1f && file.exists() && file.isFile())                    file.delete();                else                {                    downloadInfos.get(index).finish = true;                }            }            else            {                System.out.println("下载第"+index+"部分失败");                if(overThreadNum == realThreadNum)                    updateTmpFile();            }        }    };    public void updateTmpFile()    {        PrintWriter writer = null;        try {            File file = new File(savePath + tmpTail);            writer = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(file));            Gson gson = new Gson();            writer.print(gson.toJson(downloadInfos));        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        } finally {            if (writer != null)                writer.close();        }    }    /**     * get the complete rate of the download task     * */    public float getCompleteRate(){        long doneLength = 0;        for(int i = 0; i < threadNum; ++i){            if(downloadThread[i] != null)                doneLength += downloadThread[i].doneLength;            else                doneLength += partSize;        }        if(doneLength > fileSize)            return 1.0f;        return (float) ((doneLength * 1.0) / fileSize);    }    /**     * record the download part info     * to avoid starting needless download thread     * */    private class DownloadInfo {        public long startPos;        public long partSize;        public boolean finish;        public DownloadInfo(long startPos, long partSize, boolean finish)        {            this.startPos = startPos;            this.partSize = partSize;            this.finish = finish;        }    }    /**     * when a thread is over, a callback will be invoked with the result     * */    private interface Callback    {        void onTerminate(boolean finish, int index);    }    /**     * download a part of the file and write data to the local file.     * When it is over, the callback will be invoked.     * */    private class DownloadThread extends Thread{        private String uri;        private RandomAccessFile file;        //文件开始位置        private long startPos;        //当前线程下载的块的大小        private long partSize;        //已完成长度        private long doneLength = 0;        private Callback callback;        public DownloadThread(String uri, RandomAccessFile file, long startPos,long partSize) {            super();            this.uri = uri;            this.file = file;            this.startPos = startPos;            this.partSize = partSize;        }        public void setCallback(Callback callback)        {            this.callback = callback;        }        @Override        public void run(){            try {                URL url = new URL(uri);                HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();                conn.setConnectTimeout(5 * 1000);                conn.setRequestMethod("GET");                conn.addRequestProperty("Accept", "image/gif,image/jpeg,image/pjpeg," +                         "image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/pjpeg, "                        + "application/x-shockwave-flash, application/xaml+xml, "                        + "application/, application/x-ms-xbap, "                        + "application/x-ms-application, application/, "                        + "application/, application/msword, */*");                conn.setRequestProperty("Accept-Language", "zh-CN");                conn.setRequestProperty("Charset", "UTF-8");                InputStream is = conn.getInputStream();                is.skip(startPos);                byte buffer[] = new byte[1024];                int len;                while( doneLength < partSize                         && (len = != -1){                    file.write(buffer, 0, len);                    doneLength += len;                }                file.close();                is.close();                if(callback != null)                {                    callback.onTerminate(true, (int)(startPos/partSize));                }            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {                // TODO Auto-generated catch block                e.printStackTrace();                if(callback != null)                {                    callback.onTerminate(false, (int)(startPos/partSize));                }            } catch (IOException e) {                // TODO Auto-generated catch block                e.printStackTrace();                if(callback != null)                {                    callback.onTerminate(false, (int)(startPos/partSize));                }            }        }    }}



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