
来源:互联网 发布:game.min.js是什么 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 20:41


#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>using namespace std;using namespace boost;int main(){    /* 基本用法 */    int x = lexical_cast<int>("10");            //字符串->整数    string str = lexical_cast<string>(123);     //整数->字符串    string str2 = lexical_cast<string>(0x10);   //16进制整数->字符串    cout << x << ", " << str << ", " << str2 << endl;    /* 错误处理 */    try {        cout << lexical_cast<int>("0x10");      //要转换成数字的字符串中只能有数字和小数点    } catch (bad_lexical_cast &e) {        cout << "error: " << e.what() << endl;    }    if (!conversion::try_lexical_convert("0x10", x))     //判断是否能转换成功,避免抛出异常        cout << "不能将'0x10'转换成数字\n";}
10, 123, 16
error: bad lexical cast: source type value could not be interpreted as target


在C++中处理字符串的基本工具是标准字符串std::string,但构造一个std::string成本很高,因为它必须完全持有字符串的内容,极端的时候会有很高的内存拷贝代价是,影响程序效率。使用const std::string&可以避免一些问题,但它在处理C字符串、提取子串时却又无能为力。总而言之,std::string显得有些”重“,我们需要一种更”轻“的字符串工具。
boost.string_ref就是这样一种轻量极的字符串,它只持有字符串的引用,没有内存拷贝成本,所以运行效率很高,是更好的const std::string&。它的工作原理很简单,它不拷贝字符串,所以也就不分配内存,只用两个成员变量ptr_和len_标记字符串的起始位置和长度,这样就实现了字符串的表示。但需要注意的是,我们只能像const std::string&那样去观察字符串而无法修改字符串。使用时需要包含头文件<boost/utility/string_ref.hpp>。
#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <string.h>#include <boost/utility/string_ref.hpp>using namespace std;using namespace boost;int main(){    const char *ch = "hello world";    string str(ch);         //标准字符串,有拷贝成本    string_ref s1(ch);      //字符数组构造,零拷贝    string_ref s2(str);     //标准字符串构造,零拷贝    /* 截取字符串 */    string_ref s3(ch, 4);    string str2 = str.substr(0, 4);    /* 赋值 */    string_ref s4, s5;    s4  = ch;    s5 = str;    /* 转换为标准字符串,获得一个拷贝 */    string str3 = s1.to_string();    /* 当做标准字符串使用(修改操作除外) */    if (s1.size() == strlen(ch))        cout << "s1.size() == strlen(ch)\n";    for(auto &x : s1)    {        cout << x ;    }    cout << endl;    if (s1.front() == 'H')        cout << "s1.front() == 'A'\n";    if (s1.find('o') == 4)        cout << "s1.find('o') == 4)\n";    auto substr = s1.substr(1, 4);    cout << "s1.substr(1, 4) = " << substr << endl;    /* 调整string_ref内部的字符串指针和长度,达到变动字符串引用的目的 */    s1.remove_prefix(2);                    //删除前两个字符    cout << "now: s1 = " << s1 << endl;    s1.remove_suffix(2);                    //删除后两个字符    cout << "now: s1 = " << s1 << endl;}
s1.size() == strlen(ch)
hello world
s1.find('o') == 4)
s1.substr(1, 4) = ello
now: s1 = llo world
now: s1 = llo wor


前缀i : 大小写不敏感(忽略大小写),否则是大小写敏感的;
后缀_copy :不变动输入,返回处理结果的拷贝,否则在原地址上处理。
后缀_if : 需要一个作为判断式的谓词函数对象,否则使用默认的判断准则。
#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <deque>#include <list>#include <boost/utility/string_ref.hpp>#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>#include <boost/assign.hpp>using namespace std;using namespace boost;int main(){    /* 大小写转换 */    string str("HELLO world\n");    cout << to_upper_copy(str);     //返回大写后的拷贝    cout << str;                    //原字符串不改变    to_lower(str);                  //字符串小写    cout << str;                    //原字符串被改变    cout << endl;    /* 判断式 */    str = "hello wOrLd";    if (iends_with(str, "world"))                               //大小写无关检测后缀        cout << "iends_with(str, 'world'): true\n";    if (!ends_with(str, "world"))                               //大小写敏感检测后缀        cout << "ends_with(str, 'world'): false\n";    if (starts_with(str, "Pow"));                               //检测前缀        cout << "start_with(str, 'hello'): true\n";    if (contains(str, "ll"))                                    //测试包含关系        cout << "contains(str, 'll'): true\n";    string str2 = to_lower_copy(str);    if (iequals(str, str2))                                     //大小写无关判断相等        cout << "iequals(str, str2): true\n";    string str3("hello cpp");    if (ilexicographical_compare(str3, str))                    //大小写无关比较        cout << "ilexicographical_compare(str3, str): true\n";    if (all("hello", is_lower()))                               //检测字串均小写(all用来检测一个字符串中的所有元素是否满足指定的判断式)        cout << "all('hello', is_lower()): true\n";    cout << endl;    /* 分类和修剪 */    str = " hello boost ";    cout << trim_copy(str);         //删除两端的空格    cout << trim_left_copy(str);    //删除左端的空格    trim_right(str);                //删除右端的空格    cout << str;    str2 = "2016 Happy new Year!!!";    cout << trim_left_copy_if(str2, is_digit());                            //删除左端的数字    cout << trim_right_copy_if(str2, is_punct());                           //删除右端的标点    cout << trim_copy_if(str2, is_punct() || is_digit() || is_space());     //删除两端的标点、数字和空格    /* 查找 */    str = "Long long ago, there was a king.";    iterator_range<string::iterator> rge;                           //迭代器区间    rge = find_first(str, "long");                                  //找第一次出现    cout << "find_first: " << rge.begin() - str.begin() << endl;    rge = ifind_first(str, "long");                                 //大小写无关找第一次出现    cout << "ifind_first: " << rge.begin() - str.begin() << endl;    rge = find_nth(str, "ng", 2);                                   //找第三次出现    cout << "find_nth: " << rge.begin() - str.begin() << endl;    rge = find_head(str, 4);                                        //取前4个字符    cout << "find_head: " << rge << endl;    rge = find_tail(str, 5);                                        //取末尾5个字符    cout << "find_tail: " << rge << endl;    rge = find_first(str, "samus");    if (rge.empty() && !rge)                                        //找不到        cout << "find_first: " << "找不到\n\n";    /* 替换和删除 */    str = "Samus beat the monster.\n";    cout << replace_first_copy(str, "Samus", "samus");      //替换"Samus"在str中的第一次出现    replace_last(str, "beat", "kill");                      //替换"beat"在str中的最后一次出现    cout << str;    replace_tail(str, 9, "ridley.\n");                      //替换str的末尾9个字符    cout << str;    cout << ierase_all_copy(str, "samus");                  //删除"samus"在str中的所有出现    cout << replace_nth_copy(str, "l", 1, "L");             //替换"l"在str中的第1次出现    cout << erase_tail_copy(str, 8);                        //删除str的末尾8个字符    cout << endl << endl;    /* 分割     * 容器的元素类型必须是string或者iterator_range<string::iterator>     * 容器可以是vector、list、deque等标准容器     */    str = "Samus,Link.Zelda::Mario-Luigi+zelda";    deque<string> d;    ifind_all(d, str, "zELDA");                             //大小无关分割字符串    for (auto x : d)        cout << "["<< x << "] ";    cout << endl;    list<iterator_range<string::iterator> > l;    split(l, str, is_any_of(",.:-+"));                      //使用标点分割    for (auto x : l)        cout << "["<< x << "]";    cout << endl;    l.clear();    split(l, str, is_any_of(".:-"), token_compress_on);     //token_compress_on表示当两个分隔符连续出现时将被视为一个    for (auto x : l)        cout << "["<< x << "]";    cout << endl << endl;    /* 合并 */    vector<string> v = assign::list_of("Samus")("Link")("Zelda")("Mario");    cout << join(v, "+") << endl;                           //简单合并    cout << join_if(v, "**",                                //带谓词的合并                    [](string_ref s)                        //lambda表达式                    { return contains(s, "a"); }            //包含字符'a'                    );    cout << endl << endl;    /* 查找(分割)迭代器 */    str = "Samus||samus||mario||||Link";    typedef find_iterator<string::iterator> string_find_iterator;    string_find_iterator pos, end;    for (pos = make_find_iterator(str, first_finder("samus", is_iequal())); pos != end; ++pos)        cout << "[" << *pos << "]";    cout << endl;    typedef split_iterator<string::iterator> string_split_iterator;    string_split_iterator p, endp;    for (p = make_split_iterator(str, first_finder("||", is_iequal())); p != endp; ++p)        cout << "[" << *p << "]";    cout << endl;}
HELLO world
hello world

iends_with(str, 'world'): true
ends_with(str, 'world'): false
start_with(str, 'hello'): true
contains(str, 'll'): true
iequals(str, str2): true
ilexicographical_compare(str3, str): true
all('hello', is_lower()): true

hello boosthello boost hello boost Happy new Year!!!2016 Happy new YearHappy ne
w Yearfind_first: 5
ifind_first: 0
find_nth: 29
find_head: Long
find_tail: king.
find_first: 找不到

samus beat the monster.
Samus kill the monster.
Samus kill the ridley.
kill the ridley.
Samus kilL the ridley.
Samus kill the

[Zelda] [zelda]



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