
来源:互联网 发布:股票分时预警软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 12:53



  • Tornado模板系统简单使用方法
  • Tornado模板系统渲染原理
  • Tornado模板系统代码实现


  • tornado 4.0.1
  • python 3.4


这里不再赘述Tornado 模板系统的语法了,可以在这里找到:tornado.template — Flexible output generation


  • Loader(模板加载器):负责加载和缓存模板文件
  • Template(模板):负责解析、编译模板和生成输出


  • 方法一:渲染字符串

      t = template.Template("<html>{{ myvalue }}</html>")  print(t.generate(myvalue="XXX"))


  • 方法二:渲染模板文件

      loader = template.Loader("/tmp")  t = loader.load("test.html")  print(t.generate(myvalue="XXX"))


      <html>{{ myvalue }}</html>


通常,我们编写的模板不会如此简单,现在来一个稍微复杂一点的情况:假设我们有两个在/tmp/目录下的模板文件bash.html和 bold.htmlbold.html extends了base.html,我们需要渲染bold.html,得到最终输出。


### base.html<html>  <head>    <title>{% block title %}Default title{% end %}</title>  </head>  <body>    <ul>      {% for student in students %}        {% block student %}          <li>{{ escape(student['name']) }}</li>        {% end %}      {% end %}    </ul>  </body></html>### bold.html{% extends "base.html" %}{% block title %}A bolder title{% end %}{% block student %}  <li><span style="bold">{{ escape(student['name']) }}</span></li>{% end %}


students = [dict(name='david'), dict(name='jack')]import tornado.template as templateloader = template.Loader("/tmp")# 加载模板t = loader.load("bold.html")# 生成输出print(t.generate(students=students))


b'<html>\n<head>\n<title>A bolder title</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n<ul>\n\n\n<li><span style="bold">david</span></li>\n\n\n\n<li><span style="bold">jack</span></li>\n\n\n</ul>\n</body>\n</html>\n'








def _tt_execute():  # base.html:0    _tt_buffer = []  # base.html:0    _tt_append = _tt_buffer.append  # base.html:0    _tt_append(b'<html>\n<head>\n<title>')  # base.html:3    _tt_append(b'A bolder title')  # bold.html:3 (via base.html:3)    _tt_append(b'</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n<ul>\n')  # base.html:7    for student in students:  # base.html:7        _tt_append(b'\n')  # base.html:8        _tt_append(b'\n<li><span style="bold">')  # bold.html:6 (via base.html:8)        _tt_tmp = escape(student['name'])  # bold.html:6 (via base.html:8)        if isinstance(_tt_tmp, _tt_string_types): _tt_tmp = _tt_utf8(_tt_tmp)  # bold.html:6 (via base.html:8)        else: _tt_tmp = _tt_utf8(str(_tt_tmp))  # bold.html:6 (via base.html:8)        _tt_tmp = _tt_utf8(xhtml_escape(_tt_tmp))  # bold.html:6 (via base.html:8)        _tt_append(_tt_tmp)  # bold.html:6 (via base.html:8)        _tt_append(b'</span></li>\n')  # bold.html:7 (via base.html:8)        _tt_append(b'\n')  # base.html:11        pass  # base.html:7    _tt_append(b'\n</ul>\n</body>\n</html>\n')  # base.html:15    return _tt_utf8('').join(_tt_buffer)  # base.html:0




  1. 使用_tt_buffer 列表来存放渲染后的文本片段
  2. 使用_tt_append(=_tt_buffer.append)来将渲染后的字符串片段添加进_tt_buffer
  3. 如果一段字符串既不是表达式({{ ... }}),又不是指令({% %}),就直接将这段文本_tt_append,放入_tt_buffer。(无渲染)
  4. 如果是模板表达式语句({{...}}),则会计算表达式结果,然后_tt_append,放入_tt_buffer。(有渲染)
  5. 如果是指令语句({% .. %}),根据指令不同,做出不同的处理。

    1. 如果是对模板本身进行操作的指令类型比如{% block %}, {% extends %}, {% include %}之类的,Tornado会按照指令逻辑本身对模板本身进行相应处理,不会直接生成代码来处理这种逻辑。
    2. 如果是可以直接转换为python代码的语句,比如 {% for %}, {% if %}, {% import .. %}, {% set .. %}之类的,则会被直接编译转为python语句。
  6. 将_tt_buffer中渲染后的字符串片段串接起来,得到最终输出。



  1. 编译bold.html的时候,发现了这样一个指令:

     {% extends "base.html" %}

    这个时候,Tornado就知道这是继承base.html的一个模板,于是加载base.html,然后替换其中的{% block title%}{% block student%},而得到了一个完整的模板:

     <html>   <head>     <title>{% block title %}A bolder title{% end %}</title>   </head>   <body>     <ul>       {% for student in students %}         {% block student %}<li><span style="bold">{{ escape(student['name']) }}</span></li>         {% end %}       {% end %}     </ul>   </body> </html>
  2. 根据模板语法,会在"!!"的地方把模板切成块(Chunk/Node):

     <html>   <head>     <title>!!{% block title %}A bolder title{% end %}!!</title>   </head>   <body>     <ul>       !!{% for student in students %}!!         !!{% block student %}!!<li><span style="bold">!!{{ escape(student['name']) }}!!</span></li>         {% end %}       {% end %}     !!</ul>   </body> </html>
  3. 切开之后,就形成了一个一个的块,再把这些块整合成代码。


     <html>   <head>     <title>


         _tt_append(b'<html>\n<head>\n<title>')  # base.html:3

    而指令块{% for student in students %},则直接被转换为python代码:

         for student in students:  # base.html:7

    表达式块{{ escape(student['name']) }}则会被转化成python代码:

             _tt_tmp = escape(  # bold.html:6 (via base.html:8)         if isinstance(_tt_tmp, _tt_string_types): _tt_tmp = _tt_utf8(_tt_tmp)  # bold.html:6 (via base.html:8)         else: _tt_tmp = _tt_utf8(str(_tt_tmp))  # bold.html:6 (via base.html:8)         _tt_tmp = _tt_utf8(xhtml_escape(_tt_tmp))  # bold.html:6 (via base.html:8)         _tt_append(_tt_tmp)  # bold.html:6 (via base.html:8)


  4. 最后将所有渲染后的字符串片段串接起来,形成最后输出:

         return _tt_utf8('').join(_tt_buffer)  # base.html:0


  1. 解析模板内容



    结点有很多种类,比如纯文本会被转换为文本结点( _Text ),{{ *expression* }} 会被转换为表达式结点(_Expression),而像{% if *condition* %}, {% while *condition* %}之类的会被转换为控制块结点(_ContronBlock )。




     _tt_tmp = EXPRESSION if isinstance(_tt_tmp, _tt_string_types): _tt_tmp = _tt_utf8(_tt_tmp) else: _tt_tmp = _tt_utf8(str(_tt_tmp)) _tt_tmp = _tt_utf8(xhtml_escape(_tt_tmp)) _tt_append(_tt_tmp)
  2. 编译解析后的模板,得到python代码。

    解析之后,就可以按顺序得到模板的各个结点了,再依次拼凑各个结点本身的实现代码,包装在 _tt_execute()这个函数里面就可以得到最终的编译后代码了。

  3. 执行编译后的python代码

    1. 首先执行python代码得到 _tt_execute() 这个函数。
    2. 执行这个函数,就可以渲染后端输出了。


Tornado模板系统两大组件, Loader 和 Tempalte,都位于Tornado模块 tornado.template 中,其中 Loader 相对较简单,负责加载和管理模板,主要提供了三个“接口”:

  1. class tornado.template.Loader(root_directory, **kwargs)


  2. load(name, parent_path=None)

    加载模板文件name,返回 Template 实例

  3. reset()


Template 则提供了两个“接口”:

  1. class tornado.template.Template(template_string, name="<string>", loader=None, compress_whitespace=None, autoescape="xhtml_escape")


  2. generate(**kwargs)


Loader 部分的实现相对简单,这里不进行分析,有兴趣的同志可以在这里看实现代码:



在实现中,结点抽象成基类 _Node 来表示, _Node 通过提供generate()方法来生成该结点的python代码:

class _Node(object):    def each_child(self):        return ()    def generate(self, writer):        """        生成该Node块代码        """        raise NotImplementedError()    def find_named_blocks(self, loader, named_blocks):        for child in self.each_child():            child.find_named_blocks(loader, named_blocks)

其中的 each_child() 和 find_named_blocks() 这两个接口暂时先不研究。

具体的结点会继承 _Node 来提供实现自己的功能代码。例如文本节点 _Text

class _Text(_Node):    def __init__(self, value, line):        """ @value: 文本内容        @line:该文本在模板中的行数        """        self.value = value        self.line = line    def generate(self, writer):        value = self.value        # Compress lots of white space to a single character. If the whitespace        # breaks a line, have it continue to break a line, but just with a        # single \n character        if writer.compress_whitespace and "<pre>" not in value:            value = re.sub(r"([\t ]+)", " ", value)            value = re.sub(r"(\s*\n\s*)", "\n", value)        if value:            writer.write_line('_tt_append(%r)' % escape.utf8(value), self.line)

注: writer是Tornado用来生成python代码的一个工作,可以通过writer.write_line(code)来向最终代码中添加一行代码。

它的 generate() 生成代码方法最简单,如果设置为需要压缩空白的话,就将文本压缩一下,无需的话,就直接将这行代码写入总代码中去了:

'_tt_append(%r)' % escape.utf8(value)


class _Expression(_Node):    def __init__(self, expression, line, raw=False):        self.expression = expression        self.line = line        self.raw = raw    def generate(self, writer):        writer.write_line("_tt_tmp = %s" % self.expression, self.line)        writer.write_line("if isinstance(_tt_tmp, _tt_string_types):"                          " _tt_tmp = _tt_utf8(_tt_tmp)", self.line)        writer.write_line("else: _tt_tmp = _tt_utf8(str(_tt_tmp))", self.line)        if not self.raw and writer.current_template.autoescape is not None:            # In python3 functions like xhtml_escape return unicode,            # so we have to convert to utf8 again.            writer.write_line("_tt_tmp = _tt_utf8(%s(_tt_tmp))" %                              writer.current_template.autoescape, self.line)        writer.write_line("_tt_append(_tt_tmp)", self.line)


(注:指令是指Tornado模板语法中的{{...}}, {% ... %}之类的标识着Tornado特殊语法指令)

Step 1. 生成一个body = _ChunkList 用来保存解析结果,将当前位置设为模板开头 Step 2. 从当前位置开始,往后搜寻模板指令 Step 3. 如果有下一个指令, 进入Step 4;如果没有下一个指令,进入Step 5 Step 4. 将到此为止的所有文本转换为_Text结点,append到body中。判断指令类型,将该指令转换为对应结点,append到body中。跳到Step 2 Step 5. 直接将到此为止的文本转换为_Text结点,append到body中,结束


def _parse(reader, template, in_block=None, in_loop=None):    body = _ChunkList([])    while True:        # Find next template directive        curly = 0        while True:            curly = reader.find("{", curly)            if curly == -1 or curly + 1 == reader.remaining():                # EOF                if in_block:                    raise ParseError("Missing {% end %} block for %s" %                                     in_block)                body.chunks.append(_Text(reader.consume(), reader.line))                return body            # If the first curly brace is not the start of a special token,            # start searching from the character after it            if reader[curly + 1] not in ("{", "%", "#"):                curly += 1                continue            # When there are more than 2 curlies in a row, use the            # innermost ones.  This is useful when generating languages            # like latex where curlies are also meaningful            if (curly + 2 < reader.remaining() and                    reader[curly + 1] == '{' and reader[curly + 2] == '{'):                curly += 1                continue            break        # Append any text before the special token        if curly > 0:            cons = reader.consume(curly)            body.chunks.append(_Text(cons, reader.line))        start_brace = reader.consume(2)        line = reader.line        # Template directives may be escaped as "{{!" or "{%!".        # In this case output the braces and consume the "!".        # This is especially useful in conjunction with jquery templates,        # which also use double braces.        if reader.remaining() and reader[0] == "!":            reader.consume(1)            body.chunks.append(_Text(start_brace, line))            continue        # Comment        if start_brace == "{#":            end = reader.find("#}")            if end == -1:                raise ParseError("Missing end expression #} on line %d" % line)            contents = reader.consume(end).strip()            reader.consume(2)            continue        # Expression        if start_brace == "{{":            end = reader.find("}}")            if end == -1:                raise ParseError("Missing end expression }} on line %d" % line)            contents = reader.consume(end).strip()            reader.consume(2)            if not contents:                raise ParseError("Empty expression on line %d" % line)            body.chunks.append(_Expression(contents, line))            continue        # Block        assert start_brace == "{%", start_brace        end = reader.find("%}")        if end == -1:            raise ParseError("Missing end block %} on line %d" % line)        contents = reader.consume(end).strip()        reader.consume(2)        if not contents:            raise ParseError("Empty block tag ({% %}) on line %d" % line)        operator, space, suffix = contents.partition(" ")        suffix = suffix.strip()        # Intermediate ("else", "elif", etc) blocks        intermediate_blocks = {            "else": set(["if", "for", "while", "try"]),            "elif": set(["if"]),            "except": set(["try"]),            "finally": set(["try"]),        }        allowed_parents = intermediate_blocks.get(operator)        if allowed_parents is not None:            if not in_block:                raise ParseError("%s outside %s block" %                                 (operator, allowed_parents))            if in_block not in allowed_parents:                raise ParseError("%s block cannot be attached to %s block" % (operator, in_block))            body.chunks.append(_IntermediateControlBlock(contents, line))            continue        # End tag        elif operator == "end":            if not in_block:                raise ParseError("Extra {% end %} block on line %d" % line)            return body        elif operator in ("extends", "include", "set", "import", "from",                          "comment", "autoescape", "raw", "module"):            if operator == "comment":                continue            if operator == "extends":                suffix = suffix.strip('"').strip("'")                if not suffix:                    raise ParseError("extends missing file path on line %d" % line)                block = _ExtendsBlock(suffix)            elif operator in ("import", "from"):                if not suffix:                    raise ParseError("import missing statement on line %d" % line)                block = _Statement(contents, line)            elif operator == "include":                suffix = suffix.strip('"').strip("'")                if not suffix:                    raise ParseError("include missing file path on line %d" % line)                block = _IncludeBlock(suffix, reader, line)            elif operator == "set":                if not suffix:                    raise ParseError("set missing statement on line %d" % line)                block = _Statement(suffix, line)            elif operator == "autoescape":                fn = suffix.strip()                if fn == "None":                    fn = None                template.autoescape = fn                continue            elif operator == "raw":                block = _Expression(suffix, line, raw=True)            elif operator == "module":                block = _Module(suffix, line)            body.chunks.append(block)            continue        elif operator in ("apply", "block", "try", "if", "for", "while"):            # parse inner body recursively            if operator in ("for", "while"):                block_body = _parse(reader, template, operator, operator)            elif operator == "apply":                # apply creates a nested function so syntactically it's not                # in the loop.                block_body = _parse(reader, template, operator, None)            else:                block_body = _parse(reader, template, operator, in_loop)            if operator == "apply":                if not suffix:                    raise ParseError("apply missing method name on line %d" % line)                block = _ApplyBlock(suffix, line, block_body)            elif operator == "block":                if not suffix:                    raise ParseError("block missing name on line %d" % line)                block = _NamedBlock(suffix, block_body, template, line)            else:                block = _ControlBlock(contents, line, block_body)            body.chunks.append(block)            continue        elif operator in ("break", "continue"):            if not in_loop:                raise ParseError("%s outside %s block" % (operator, set(["for", "while"])))            body.chunks.append(_Statement(contents, line))            continue        else:            raise ParseError("unknown operator: %r" % operator)class _ChunkList(_Node):    def __init__(self, chunks):        self.chunks = chunks    def generate(self, writer):        for chunk in self.chunks:            chunk.generate(writer)    def each_child(self):        return self.chunks

_parse() 中的reader是Tornado封装的用来操作模板的类 _TemplateReader 实例。 _TemplateReader 是类似于"资源消费者"概念的东西,这里的资源就是模板文本。你可以通过它提供的 consume(count=None) 方法来消费count个字符串:

class _TemplateReader(object):    def __init__(self, name, text): = name        self.text = text        self.line = 1        self.pos = 0    def find(self, needle, start=0, end=None):        assert start >= 0, start        pos = self.pos        start += pos        if end is None:            index = self.text.find(needle, start)        else:            end += pos            assert end >= start            index = self.text.find(needle, start, end)        if index != -1:            index -= pos        return index    def consume(self, count=None):        if count is None:            count = len(self.text) - self.pos        newpos = self.pos + count        self.line += self.text.count("\n", self.pos, newpos)        s = self.text[self.pos:newpos]        self.pos = newpos        return s    def remaining(self):        return len(self.text) - self.pos    def __len__(self):        return self.remaining()    def __getitem__(self, key):        if type(key) is slice:            size = len(self)            start, stop, step = key.indices(size)            if start is None:                start = self.pos            else:                start += self.pos            if stop is not None:                stop += self.pos            return self.text[slice(start, stop, step)]        elif key < 0:            return self.text[key]        else:            return self.text[self.pos + key]    def __str__(self):        return self.text[self.pos:]

这是一个很优美的存在 :)



有一个特殊的情况,就是 {% extends *filename* %} 这个指令,这个指令的功能:

该指令所在的模板继承自filename, 用该模板中的{% block ...%} 标签内容去替换父模板filename中的相应{% block %}内容来达到扩展的目的。该模块中除了{% block %}标签内容以外,其他的内容都会被忽略。

所以,当Tornado编译一个模板时,如果在开头遇到了这个标签,必须得先加载父模板,然后替换这些{% block %} 标签块。假如父模板又用到了父模板(祖先模板)怎么办?根据规则,以最祖先的模板为基本模板,用他的孩子、孙子、曾孙...中的{% block %}标签块内容替换原来的{% block %}块。

在Tornado实现时,{% block %}标签块结点用 _NamedBlock类来表示,具体代码:

class Template(object):    ...    def _generate_python(self, loader, compress_whitespace):        buffer = StringIO()        try:            # named_blocks maps from names to _NamedBlock objects            named_blocks = {}            # 获取该模板继承(extends)的一些模板, ancestor是_File的实例            ancestors = self._get_ancestors(loader)            ancestors.reverse()            # 按照继承链从祖先往子孙找出所有的{% block %}块(_NamedBlock),存放至named_block中            for ancestor in ancestors:                ancestor.find_named_blocks(loader, named_blocks)            writer = _CodeWriter(buffer, named_blocks, loader, ancestors[0].template,                                 compress_whitespace)            # 最老祖先generate            ancestors[0].generate(writer)            return buffer.getvalue()        finally:            buffer.close()    def _get_ancestors(self, loader):        ancestors = [self.file]        for chunk in self.file.body.chunks:            if isinstance(chunk, _ExtendsBlock):                if not loader:                    raise ParseError("{% extends %} block found, but no "                                     "template loader")                template = loader.load(,                ancestors.extend(template._get_ancestors(loader))        return ancestors

其中的 self.file 就是存放各个结点的模板容器,它存放了所有的结点,并且将各个结点的代码串接起来,包装在函数_tt_execute() 中得到最终生成的python代码:

class _File(_Node):    """模板文件,最后生成代码"""    def __init__(self, template, body):        self.template = template        # an instance of _ChunkList        self.body = body        self.line = 0    def generate(self, writer):        """          _tt_execute(): 运行时渲染的函数          _tt_buffer=[]: 单Node渲染后的结果字符串列表          _tt_append = _tt_buffer.append        """        writer.write_line("def _tt_execute():", self.line)        with writer.indent():            writer.write_line("_tt_buffer = []", self.line)            writer.write_line("_tt_append = _tt_buffer.append", self.line)            self.body.generate(writer)            writer.write_line("return _tt_utf8('').join(_tt_buffer)", self.line)    def each_child(self):        return (self.body,)

(其中的self.body就是 _parse 的结果)


解析和编译这两个步骤,全部都是在生成 Template 的时候完成的:

class Template(object):    ...    def __init__(self, template_string, name="<string>", loader=None,                 compress_whitespace=None, autoescape=_UNSET):        reader = _TemplateReader(name, escape.native_str(template_string))        # 解析模板        self.file = _File(self, _parse(reader, self))        # 生成的python代码        self.code = self._generate_python(loader, compress_whitespace)        self.loader = loader        try:            # Under python2.5, the fake filename used here must match            # the module name used in __name__ below.            # The dont_inherit flag prevents's future imports            # from being applied to the generated code.            self.compiled = compile(                escape.to_unicode(self.code),                "" %'.', '_'),                "exec", dont_inherit=True)        except Exception:            formatted_code = _format_code(self.code).rstrip()            app_log.error("%s code:\n%s",, formatted_code)            raise

接下来,通过调用 Template.generate(kwargs) 就可以获得最终渲染后的输出了。



class Template(object):    ...    def generate(self, **kwargs):        """Generate this template with the given arguments."""        namespace = {            "escape": escape.xhtml_escape,            "xhtml_escape": escape.xhtml_escape,            "url_escape": escape.url_escape,            "json_encode": escape.json_encode,            "squeeze": escape.squeeze,            "linkify": escape.linkify,            "datetime": datetime,            "_tt_utf8": escape.utf8,  # for internal use            "_tt_string_types": (unicode_type, bytes_type),            # __name__ and __loader__ allow the traceback mechanism to find            # the generated source code.            "__name__":'.', '_'),            "__loader__": ObjectDict(get_source=lambda name: self.code),        }        namespace.update(self.namespace)        namespace.update(kwargs)        exec_in(self.compiled, namespace)        execute = namespace["_tt_execute"]        # Clear the traceback module's cache of source data now that        # we've generated a new template (mainly for this module's        # unittests, where different tests reuse the same name).        linecache.clearcache()        return execute()


exec_in(self.compiled, namespace)


它是Tornado包装Python exec 语句的一个函数:

def exec_in(code, glob, loc=None):    if isinstance(code, str):        code = compile(code, '<string>', 'exec', dont_inherit=True)    exec(code, glob, loc)

亮点来了!exec(code, glob, loc)这个函数的魔法:

在程序内执行这段code代码,使用glob作为它的全局变量容器,loc作为它的本地变量容器! 也就是说,你可以给这段代码制定运行前的变量(glob),同时可以获得他的运行结果(loc)! 当loc = None 时,执行code之后生成的变量会直接保存在glob中。

那么回头看 Template.generate(\kwargs) 代码,我们可以通过给 exec_in 这个函数传递全局名字空间而实现"内置变量"的感觉!像Tornado模板内置的 escape / linkify 函数,还有在 RequestHandler 中的 render()* 方法中传递的模板参数, 都是这个时候传进去的!


总结 & 阅读感想

Tornado是我读过的第一个开源软件,是一个特别棒的软件。他的棒不仅仅是在代码注释、代码风格以及各种技术的恰当的使用上,更在它的整个软件的设计上。很多的设计,我觉得很美妙,可惜笨拙如我,没法用文字描述出来 TAT。

Tornado源码里边,我特别想提的两个地方: 代码规范简洁 & 设计


  1. 内部使用的类、方法一定会以单个下划线 "_" 开头,这样很方便的区分内部类和方法而快速定位。
  2. 这些内部使用的类一定会放在文件的末尾,方法一定会放在类的末尾,很符合阅读时候的从上而下的逻辑。



  1. 将一个模板的各个部分用结点(_Node)来分开,而不是直接处理各个部分的逻辑,拼接各个部分的输出。好处是每个结点的逻辑清晰,当后期扩展指令/修改指令时不会整体的代码,只会影响对应结点。
  2. 将遍历模板字符串的过程抽象出来,用“消费资源”的概念,将其抽象成 _TemplateReader ,这样 _parse 这段解析的代码就可以将注意力集中在解析的逻辑本身,而不必关心字符串处理相关的细节。
  3. 将生成代码逻辑抽象出来,形成 _CodeWriter ,好处是在生成代码的时候,也可以更好的将注意力集中在逻辑本身,而无需在乎这些基础服务。





threading: a hign lever threading interface

threading.RLock: 一个 可重入锁(reentrant lock)生成器,和一般的锁不同,允许一个线程递归多次获取锁,但是必须释放同样次数才能被其他线程使用。避免单线程递归使用锁时进入死锁状态。


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