Velocity 的应用示例

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝开店步骤教程视频 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 09:30
<script type="text/javascript">google_ad_client = "pub-8800625213955058";/* 336x280, 创建于 07-11-21 */google_ad_slot = "0989131976";google_ad_width = 336;google_ad_height = 280;//</script><script type="text/javascript"src=""></script>Velocity 的应用示例 关键字:Java, JSP, Servlet, template, 模板, Apache, Jakarta, Velocity 读者要求:了解 Java Servlet 基本概念 Velocity 是一个基于 Java 的通用模板工具,来自于 。 Velocity 的介绍请参考 Velocity -- Java Web 开发新技术。这里是它的一个应用示例。这个例子参照了 PHP-Nuke 的结构, 即所有 HTTP 请求都以 的形式进行处理。例子中所有文件都是 .java 和 .html , 没有其他特殊的文件格式。除了 是 Java Servlet, 其余的 .java 文件都是普通的 Java Class.所有 HTTP 请求都通过 处理。 通过 Velocity 加载 Modules.htm。 Modules.htm 有页头,页脚,页左导航链接,页中内容几个部分。其中页头广告、页中内容是变化部分。页头广告由 处理,页中内容部分由 dispatch 到子页面类处理。1) import javax.servlet.*;import javax.servlet.http.*;import org.apache.velocity.*;import org.apache.velocity.context.*;import org.apache.velocity.exception.*;import org.apache.velocity.servlet.*;import commontools.*;public class Modules  extends VelocityServlet {  public Template handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request,                 HttpServletResponse response,                 Context context) {    //init    response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");    response.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8");    //prepare function page    ProcessSubPage page = null;    ProcessSubPage mainPage = new HomeSubPage();    String requestFunctionName = (String) request.getParameter("name");    boolean logined = false;    String loginaccount = (String) request.getSession(true).getAttribute(      "loginaccount");    if (loginaccount != null) {      logined = true;    }    //default page is mainpage    page = mainPage;    if (requestFunctionName == null||requestFunctionName.equalsIgnoreCase("home")) {      page = mainPage;    }    //no login , can use these page    else if (requestFunctionName.equalsIgnoreCase("login")) {      page = new LoginProcessSubPage();    }    else if (requestFunctionName.equalsIgnoreCase("ChangePassword")) {      page = new ChangePasswordSubPage();    }    else if (requestFunctionName.equalsIgnoreCase("ForgetPassword")) {      page = new ForgetPassword();    }    else if (requestFunctionName.equalsIgnoreCase("about")) {      page = new AboutSubPage();    }    else if (requestFunctionName.equalsIgnoreCase("contact")) {      page = new ContactSubPage();    }    //for other page, need login first    else if (logined == false) {      page = new LoginProcessSubPage();    }    else if (requestFunctionName.equalsIgnoreCase("listProgram")) {      page = new ListTransactionProgramSubPage();    }    else if (requestFunctionName.equalsIgnoreCase(      "ViewProgramItem")) {      page = new ViewTransactionProgramItemSubPage();    }    else if (requestFunctionName.equalsIgnoreCase(      "UpdateProgramObjStatus")) {      page = new UpdateTransactionProgramObjStatusSubPage();    }    else if (requestFunctionName.equalsIgnoreCase(      "Search")) {      page = new SearchSubPage();    }    //check if this is administrator    else if (Utilities.isAdministratorLogined(request)) {      //Utilities.debugPrintln("isAdministratorLogined : true");      if (requestFunctionName.equalsIgnoreCase("usermanagement")) {        page = new UserManagementSubPage();      }      else if (requestFunctionName.equalsIgnoreCase(        "UploadFiles")) {        page = new UploadFilesSubPage();      }      else if (requestFunctionName.equalsIgnoreCase(        "DownloadFile")) {        page = new DownloadFileSubPage();      }      else if (requestFunctionName.equalsIgnoreCase(        "Report")) {        page = new ReportSubPage();      }    }    else {      //no right to access.      //Utilities.debugPrintln("isAdministratorLogined : false");      page = null;    }    //Utilities.debugPrintln("page : " page.getClass().getName());    if(page != null){      context.put("function_page",            page.getHtml(this, request, response, context));    }else{      String msg = "Sorry, this module is for administrator only.You are not administrator.";      context.put("function_page",msg);    }        context.put("page_header",getPageHeaderHTML());    context.put("page_footer",getPageFooterHTML());    Template template = null;    try {      template = getTemplate("/templates/Modules.htm"); //good    }    catch (ResourceNotFoundException rnfe) {      Utilities.debugPrintln("ResourceNotFoundException 2");      rnfe.printStackTrace();    }    catch (ParseErrorException pee) {      Utilities.debugPrintln("ParseErrorException2 " pee.getMessage());    }    catch (Exception e) {      Utilities.debugPrintln("Exception2 " e.getMessage());    }    return template;  }  /**   * Loads the configuration information and returns that information as a Properties, e   * which will be used to initializ the Velocity runtime.   */  protected java.util.Properties loadConfiguration(ServletConfig config) throws, {    return Utilities.initServletEnvironment(this);  }} 2) , 比较简单,只定义了一个函数接口 getHtml import javax.servlet.http.*;import org.apache.velocity.context.*;import org.apache.velocity.servlet.*;import commontools.*;public abstract class ProcessSubPage implements {  public ProcessSubPage() {  }  public String getHtml(VelocityServlet servlet, HttpServletRequest request,             HttpServletResponse response,             Context context) {    Utilities.debugPrintln(      "you need to override this method in sub class of ProcessSubPage:"       this.getClass().getName());    return "Sorry, this module not finish yet.";  }} 他的 .java 文件基本上是 ProcessSubPage 的子类和一些工具类。 ProcessSubPage 的子类基本上都是一样的流程, 用类似context.put("page_footer",getPageFooterHTML());的写法置换 .html 中的可变部分即可。如果没有可变部分,完全是静态网页,比如 AboutSubPage, 就更简单。3) import org.apache.velocity.servlet.VelocityServlet;import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;import org.apache.velocity.context.Context;public class AboutSubPage extends ProcessSubPage {  public AboutSubPage() {  }  public String getHtml(VelocityServlet servlet, HttpServletRequest request,             HttpServletResponse response, Context context) {    //prepare data    //context.put("xxx","xxxx");                          Template template = null;    String fileName = "About.htm";    try {      template = servlet.getTemplate(fileName);      StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();      template.merge(context, sw);      return sw.toString();    }    catch (Exception ex) {      return "error get template " fileName " " ex.getMessage();    }  }} 其他 ProcessSubPage 的子类如上面基本类似,只不过会多了一些 context.put("xxx","xxxx") 的语句。 通过以上的例子,我们可以看到,使用 Velocity Servlet , 所有的代码为: 1 个 java serverlet m 个 java class n 个 Html 文件。这里是用了集中处理,然后分发(dispatch)的机制。不用担心用户在没有登陆的情况下访问某些页面。用户验证,页眉页脚包含都只写一次,易于编写、修改和维护。代码比较简洁,并且很容易加上自己的页面缓冲功能。可以随意将某个页面的 html 在内存中保存起来,缓存几分钟,实现页面缓冲功能。成功、出错页面也可以用同样的代码封装成函数,通过参数将 Message/Title 传入即可。因为 Java 代码与 Html 代码完全在不同的文件中,美工与java代码人员可以很好的分工,每个人修改自己熟悉的文件,基本上不需要花时间做协调工作。而用 JSP, 美工与java代码人员共同修改维护 .jsp 文件,麻烦多多,噩梦多多。而且这里没有用 xml ,说实话,懂 xml/xls 之类的人只占懂 Java 程序员中的几分之一,人员不好找。因为所有 java 代码人员写的都是标准 Java 程序,可以用任何 Java 编辑器,调试器,因此开发速度也会大大提高。美工写的是标准 Html 文件,没有 xml, 对于他们也很熟悉,速度也很快。并且,当需要网站改版的时候,只要美工把 html 文件重新修饰排版即可,完全不用改动一句 java 代码。爽死了!!4) 工具类 import*;import java.sql.*;import java.text.*;import java.util.*;import java.util.Date;import javax.naming.*;import javax.servlet.*;import javax.servlet.http.*;import org.apache.velocity.*;import*;import org.apache.velocity.context.Context;import org.apache.velocity.servlet.*;public class Utilities {  private static Properties m_servletConfig = null;  private Utilities() {  }  static {    initJavaMail();  }  public static void debugPrintln(Object o) {    String msg = "proj debug message at " getNowTimeString()       " ------------- ";    System.err.println(msg o);  }  public static Properties initServletEnvironment(VelocityServlet v) {    // init only once    if (m_servletConfig != null) {      return m_servletConfig;    }    //debugPrintln("initServletEnvironment....");    try {      /*       * call the overridable method to allow the       * derived classes a shot at altering the configuration       * before initializing Runtime       */      Properties p = new Properties();      ServletConfig config = v.getServletConfig();      // Set the Velocity.FILE_RESOURCE_LOADED_PATH property      // to the root directory of the context.      String path = config.getServletContext().getRealPath("/");      //debugPrintln("real path of / is : " path);      p.setProperty(Velocity.FILE_RESOURCE_LOADER_PATH, path);      // Set the Velocity.RUNTIME_LOG property to be the file      // velocity.log relative to the root directory      // of the context.      p.setProperty(Velocity.RUNTIME_LOG, path              "velocity.log");// Return the Properties object.//return p;      Velocity.init(p);      m_servletConfig = p;      return p;    }    catch (Exception e) {      debugPrintln(e.getMessage());      //throw new ServletException("Error initializing Velocity: " e);    }    return null;    //this.getServletContext().getRealPath("/");  }  private static void initJavaMail() {  }  public static Connection getDatabaseConnection() {    Connection con = null;    try {      InitialContext initCtx = new InitialContext();      javax.naming.Context context = (javax.naming.Context) initCtx.        lookup("java:comp/env");      javax.sql.DataSource ds = (javax.sql.DataSource) context.lookup(        "jdbc/TestDB");      //Utilities.debugPrintln("ds = " ds);      con = ds.getConnection();    }    catch (Exception e) {      Utilities.debugPrintln("Exception = " e.getMessage());      return null;    }    //Utilities.debugPrintln("con = " con);    return con;  }  public static java.sql.ResultSet excuteDbQuery(Connection con, String sql,    Object[] parameters) {    //Exception err = null;    //Utilities.debugPrintln("excuteDbQuery" parameters[0] " ,sql=" sql);    try {      java.sql.PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);      for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i ) {        processParameter(ps, i 1, parameters[i]);      }      return ps.executeQuery();    }    catch (Exception e) {      //Utilities.debugPrintln(e.getMessage());      e.printStackTrace();    }    return null;  }  public static void excuteDbUpdate(String sql, Object[] parameters) {    Connection con = Utilities.getDatabaseConnection();    excuteDbUpdate(con, sql, parameters);    closeDbConnection(con);  }  public static void excuteDbUpdate(Connection con, String sql,                   Object[] parameters) {    Exception err = null;    try {      java.sql.PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);      for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i ) {        processParameter(ps, i 1, parameters[i]);      }      ps.execute();    }    catch (Exception e) {      err = e;      //Utilities.debugPrintln(err.getMessage());      e.printStackTrace();    }  }  private static void processParameter(java.sql.PreparedStatement ps,                     int index, Object parameter) {    try {      if (parameter instanceof String) {        ps.setString(index, (String) parameter);      }      else {        ps.setObject(index, parameter);      }    }    catch (Exception e) {      //Utilities.debugPrintln(e.getMessage());      e.printStackTrace();    }  }  public static void closeDbConnection(java.sql.Connection con) {    try {      con.close();    }    catch (Exception e) {      Utilities.debugPrintln(e.getMessage());    }  }  public static String getResultPage(    String title, String message, String jumpLink,    VelocityServlet servlet, HttpServletRequest request,    HttpServletResponse response, Context context) {    Template template = null;    context.put("MessageTitle", title);    context.put("ResultMessage", message);    context.put("JumpLink", jumpLink);    try {      template = servlet.getTemplate(        "/templates/Message.htm");      StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();      template.merge(context, sw);      return sw.toString();    }    catch (Exception ex) {      return "error get template Message.htm " ex.getMessage();    }  }  public static String mergeTemplate(String fileName, VelocityServlet servlet,                    Context context) {    Template template = null;    try {      template = servlet.getTemplate(fileName);      StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();      template.merge(context, sw);      return sw.toString();    }    catch (Exception ex) {      return "error get template " fileName " " ex.getMessage();    }  }}
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