yum for cygwin

来源:互联网 发布:足球和篮球知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 07:35
#!/bin/bashfunction check_commands(){        local command        local ERR=0        for command in $@; do                [ "$(which $command 2> /dev/null)" = "" ] && prompt_echo "$command is not available for $PROGNAME"         done        [ $ERR -gt 0 ] && exit 1}function cache_commands(){        local command        mkdir -p $CACHE_CMD        for command in $@; do                cp -f $(which $command) $CACHE_CMD        done}function yes_or_no(){    local prompts="$1"    local default="$2"    local timeout="$3"    local result='?'    while [ $result != "Y" ] && [ $result != "N" ]; do        read -n1 -t $timeout -p "$prompts" result        [ -z $result ] && result=$default        result=$(echo $result|tr 'a-z' 'A-Z')        echo    done    [[ "$result" == "Y" ]] && return 1    [[ "$result" == "N" ]] && return 0}function help_usage(){cat <<EOFYUM for cygwin is a shell script helping cygwin user to install/update/search packages of cygwin in the manners of similar to redhat yum functions. Usage: $PROGNAME [COMMAND] [OPTION] [PARAMETERS]Commands:  check-updates       List all possible updates of installed package(s)                      for cygwin as of now.  clean               Clean all cache files and refresh them with latest                       data.  info [pkgs..]       Display the briefing information of the given package(s)  info installed      Display the briefing information of installed package(s)  info updates        Display the briefing information of updating package(s)  install [pkgs..]    Install the given package(s) with required package(s)  list [pkgs..]       List the detail information of the given package(s)  list installed      List the detail information of the installed package(s)   list updates        List the detail information of the updating package(s)  remove [pkgs..]     Remove the installed package(s) given by user as well                      as the orphan package(s) relatives.  search key-word     Search the package database for any package(s) relevant                       the given keyword.  update [pkgs..]     Update all packages or the package(s) given by user.  full-cache          Retrive all information from cygwin in cache, it takes                      long time to complete while internet connection is slow.                Options:                       -y, --yes    Always say yes to queries  -h, --help   Show current help message of the script usagesPlease Report Script Bugs to $AUTHOR_MAILEOFexit 1}function error_exit(){        echo "$@" 1>&2        exit}function prompt_echo(){        echo "$@" 1>&2}function get_mirror_site(){#        MIRRORS=($(curl -s http://cygwin.com/mirrors.html|grep -o -E 'href="([^"#]+)/cygwin/"' |awk -F"\"" '{print $2}'|grep -v "http://www.redhat.com/"|grep -v "rsync://"))        MIRROR="http://mirrors.163.com/cygwin/"}function check_md5(){        local remote_md5="$(curl -s "$(dirname $2)/md5.sum"|grep -E " $(basename $2)$"|awk '{print $1}')"        local local_md5="$(md5sum $1|awk '{print $1}')"        [ "$local_md5" == "$remote_md5" ] && return 0 || return 1}function refresh_setup_ini(){        prompt_echo "Refreshing setup.ini from [$(echo $MIRROR|awk -F"/" '{print $3}')] via Protocol [$(echo $MIRROR|awk -F":" '{print $1}')]..."        cp -f $SETUP_INI "$SETUP_INI.last" &>/dev/null        touch $SETUP_INI "$SETUP_INI.last"        curl -# -o $SETUP_INI "$MIRROR$ARCH/setup.ini" || error_exit "Curl Download Error with Error Code [$?]!"        check_md5 $SETUP_INI "$MIRROR$ARCH/setup.ini" || error_exit "Curl Download MD5 not Matching!"        SETUP_VER="$(awk '/setup-version:/{print$2;exit}' "$SETUP_INI")"        SETUP_TIMESTAMP="$(awk '/setup-timestamp:/{print$2;exit}' "$SETUP_INI")"}function refresh_setup_db(){        local force=$#        [[ "$SETUP_TIMESTAMP" == "$LAST_TIMESTAMP" && "$SETUP_VER" == "$LAST_VER" && $force -eq 0 ]] && return        awk -F"|" '$3!=""{printf "%s|%s\n",$1,$13}' $SETUP_DB >$CACHE_DIR/tmp.db        awk '        /^@/{if (p>0) {for(i=p;i<13;i++) printf"|";printf "\n"};p=1;printf "%s",$2}        /^\[prev\]$/ || /^\[test\]$/{if (p>0) {for(i=p;i<13;i++) printf"|";printf "\n"};p=0}        /^sdesc:/{for(i=p;i<2;i++) printf"|";p=2;gsub(/^sdesc: /,"");gsub("\"","");printf "%s",$0}        /^ldesc:/{for(i=p;i<3;i++) printf"|";p=3;gsub(/^ldesc: /,"");c=$0;l="";do {l=l""c" ";getline c} while (index(c,":")==0);gsub(/"/,"",l);printf"%s",l;$0=c}        /^category:/{for(i=p;i<4;i++) printf"|";p=4;gsub(/^category: /,"");printf "%s",$0}        /^requires:/{for(i=p;i<5;i++) printf"|";p=5;gsub(/^requires: /,"");printf "%s",$0}        /^version:/{if (p>0){for(i=p;i<6;i++) printf"|";p=6;gsub(/^version: /,"");printf "%s",$0}}        /^install:/{if (p>0){for(i=p;i<7;i++) printf"|";p=9;gsub(/^install: /,"");gsub(" ","|");printf "%s",$0}}        /^source:/{if (p>0){for(i=p;i<10;i++) printf"|";p=13;gsub(/^source: /,"");gsub(" ","|");printf "%s|",$0}}' $SETUP_INI|grep -v -E "^$" >$SETUP_DB        cp -f $SETUP_DB ${SETUP_DB}-save        awk -F"|" 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$2}NR>FNR{printf "%s",$0;if ($1 in a) printf"%s",a[$1];printf"\n"}' $CACHE_DIR/tmp.db "${SETUP_DB}-save" >$SETUP_DB        rm -f $CACHE_DIR/tmp.db}function refresh_update_db(){        local force=$#        [[ "$SETUP_TIMESTAMP" == "$LAST_TIMESTAMP" && "$SETUP_VER" == "$LAST_VER" && $force -eq 0 ]] && return        awk 'NR==FNR && NR>1{p[$1]=$2}NR>FNR{FS="|";if ($1 in p) {p[$1]=substr(p[$1],length($1)+1);gsub(/.tar.bz2$/,"",p[$1]);gsub(/^\-/,"",p[$1]);if ($6!=p[$1]) printf "%s|%s|%s\n",$1,p[$1],$6}}' $INSTALLED_DB $SETUP_DB > $UPDATE_DB}function check_yes(){        [ $YES -eq 0 ] && YES=1 && return        prompt_echo "$PROGNAME: error - duplicated switch '-y' found!"        help_usage;        exit 1        }function check_command(){        [ "$COMMAND" == "" ] && COMMAND=$1 && return        prompt_echo "$PROGNAME: error - duplicated command '$1' found!"        help_usage;        exit 1}function get_parameters(){        local param=""        PARAMS=()        for param in $@; do                 [[ "$param" =~ ^- ]] && return                for item in ${COMMANDS[@]}; do [ "$param" == "$item" ] && return; done                PARAMS=("${PARAMS[@]}" "$param")        done}function info_options(){        local opt="$1"        local opts=(installed updates)        local item        OPTION=""        for item in ${opts[@]}; do [ "$opt" == "$item" ] && OPTION=$opt;done}function install_options(){        local opt="$1"        local opts=(withupdates)        local item        OPTION=""        for item in ${opts[@]}; do [ "$opt" == "$item" ] && OPTION=$opt;done}function search_options(){        local opt="$1"        local opts=(requires)        local item        OPTION=""        for item in ${opts[@]}; do [ "$opt" == "$item" ] && OPTION=$opt;done}function list_options(){        local opt="$1"        local opts=(installed updates)        local item        OPTION=""        for item in ${opts[@]}; do [ "$opt" == "$item" ] && OPTION=$opt;done}function run_check_update(){        info_items "$(find_updates)"        prompt_echo "Found $(cat $UPDATE_DB|wc -l) Updates!"        return}function info_items(){        local pkgs=" $@ "        echo "Package Name             Description                        Version     Size"        echo "------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----------- -------"        awk -F"|" -v t="$pkgs" 'BEGIN{split("BKMGTP",h,"")}function hn(n,i){while(++i && n>=1000 && i<=length(h)) n/=1024;return sprintf("%3.2f%s",n,h[i])}{if (match(t," "$1" ") || t==""){$1=(length($1)>24)?substr($1,1,22)">>":$1;$2=(length($2)>34)?substr($2,1,32)">>":$2;$6=(length($6)>11)?substr($6,1,9)">>":$6;printf "%-24s %-34s %-11s %7s\n",$1,$2,$6,hn($8)}}' $SETUP_DB        echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"}function list_items(){        local pkgs=" $@ "        awk -F"|" -v t="$pkgs" 'BEGIN{split("BKMGTP",h,"")}        function hn(n,i){                while(++i && n>=1000 && i<=length(h)) n/=1024;                return sprintf("%3.2f%s",n,h[i])        }        {if (match(t," "$1" ") || t=="  "){                        for (i=0;i<79;i++) printf "-";printf "\n";                        printf "%-20s%s\n","Package Name:",$1                        if ($2!="") printf "%-20s%s\n","Briefing Info:",$2                        if ($3!=""){                                d="Description:";n=split($3,a," ");m=80;                                for (i=1;i<=n;i++){                                        if (m+length(a[i])>58) {if (m<60) printf "\n";printf "%-20s",d;d=" "};                                        m=(m+length(a[i])<59)?m+length(a[i])+1:length(a[i])+1;                                        printf "%s ",a[i];                                }                                printf "\n"                        }                        if ($6!="") printf "%-20s%s\n","Category:",$4                        if ($5!=""){                                d="Required Package(s):";n=split($5,a," ");m=80;                                for (i=1;i<=n;i++){                                        if (m+length(a[i])>58) {if (m<60) printf "\n";printf "%-20s",d;d=" "};                                        m=(m+length(a[i])<59)?m+length(a[i])+1:length(a[i])+1;                                        printf "%s ",a[i];                                }                                printf "\n"                        }                        if ($6!="")        printf "%-20s%s\n","Latest Version:",$6                        if ($7!="")        printf "%-20s%s\n","Binary Package:",$7;                        if ($8!="")        printf "%-20s%s\n","       Size:",hn($8);                        if ($9!="")        printf "%-20s%s\n","       MD5:",$9;                        if ($10!="")printf "%-20s%s\n","Source Package:",$10;                        if ($11!="")printf "%-20s%s\n","       Size:",hn($11);                        if ($12!="")printf "%-20s%s\n","       MD5:",$12;                }        }' $SETUP_DB        echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"}function run_full_cache(){    local dir_ifs=$IFS    local pkg    local url    local md5    local opt    local nbr=$(cat $SETUP_DB|wc -l)    local th10=$((nbr/10))    local th50=$((nbr/50))    local idx=0        cp -f "$SETUP_DB" "${SETUP_DB}-save"        IFS=\n';        rm -f $CACHE_DIR/tmp.db        prompt_echo "Caching $nbr Package(s)..."        for pkg in $(awk -F"|" '{print $1"|"$7"|"$9}' $SETUP_DB); do                url=$MIRROR/$(echo $pkg|awk -F"|" '{print $2}');                md5=$(echo $pkg|awk -F"|" '{print $3}');                pkg=$(echo $pkg|awk -F"|" '{print $1}');                if [ $((idx%th10)) -eq 0 ]; then                        echo -n ">" 1>&2                else                        [ $((idx%th50)) -eq 0 ] && echo -n "." 1>&2                fi                idx=$((idx+1))                curl -s -o $CACHE_DIR/$(basename $url) $url || continue                [ "$(md5sum $CACHE_DIR/$(basename $url)|awk '{print $1}')" != "$md5" ] && rm -f $CACHE_DIR/$(basename $url) && continue                opt="-tvjf"                [[ $url =~ .xz ]] && opt="-tvJf"                tar $opt $CACHE_DIR/$(basename $url)|awk -v p="$pkg" 'BEGIN{printf "%s|",p}!/\/$/{n=split($0,a,"/");printf "%s ",a[n]}END{printf "\n"}' >>$CACHE_DIR/tmp.db                rm -f $CACHE_DIR/$(basename $url)        done        prompt_echo        awk -F"|" 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$2}NR>FNR{printf "%s",$0;if ($1 in a) printf"%s",a[$1];printf"\n"}' $CACHE_DIR/tmp.db "${SETUP_DB}-save" >$SETUP_DB}function find_required_by(){        awk -v p="$1" 'NR==FNR{FS="|";if (match(" "$5" "," "p" ")) t[$1]=p}NR>FNR{FS=" ";if ($1 in t) printf "%s ",$1}' $SETUP_DB $INSTALLED_DB}function find_installed(){        awk 'NR>1{printf "%s ",$1}' $INSTALLED_DB}function find_updates(){        awk -F"|" '{printf "%s ",$1}' $UPDATE_DB}function find_requires(){        local requires=()        local item=" $@ "        local count=0        prompt_echo -n "Searching Requires."        requires=(${requires[@]} $(awk -F"|" -v t="$item" '{if (match(t," "$1" ")) printf "%s ",$5}' $SETUP_DB))        while [ ${#requires[@]} -ne $count ]; do                count=${#requires[@]}                item=" ${requires[@]} "                requires=(${requires[@]} $(awk -F"|" -v t="$item" '{if (match(t," "$1" ")) printf "%s ",$5}' $SETUP_DB))                requires=($(echo "${requires[@]}"|awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if (!($i in a)) {a[$i]=$i;printf "%s ",$i}}'))                prompt_echo -n "."        done        prompt_echo        echo ${requires[@]}}function find_orphans(){        local pkg="$(find_requires $@)"        local requires="$(find_requires $(find_installed))"        requires=($(awk -v p="$pkg" -v r="$requires" 'BEGIN{m=split(p,a," ");n=split(r,b," ");for(i=1;i<=m;i++)c[a[i]]=a[i];for(i=1;i<=n;i++) if (!(b[i] in c)) printf "%s ",b[i];}'))        requires="$(find_requires ${requires[@]})"        awk -v p="$pkg" -v r="$requires" 'BEGIN{m=split(p,a," ");n=split(r,b," ");for(i=1;i<=n;i++)c[b[i]]=b[i];for(i=1;i<=m;i++) if (!(a[i] in c)) printf "%s ",a[i];}'}function run_list(){        local missed        local items=()        local item        case "$OPTION" in                (installed)        list_items $(awk 'NR>1{printf "%s ",$1}' $INSTALLED_DB);return;;                (updates)        list_items $(awk -F"|" '{printf "%s ",$1}' $UPDATE_DB);return;;        esac        for item in ${PARAMS[@]}; do                [ $(grep -E "^$item|" $SETUP_DB|wc -l) -ne 0 ] && items=(${items[@]} $item) || missed="$missed'$item' "         done;        [ ${#items[@]} -ne 0 ] && list_items ${items[@]}        [ "$missed" != "" ] && prompt_echo "Package(s):${missed}not found!"}function run_info(){        local missed        local items=()        local item        case "$OPTION" in                (installed)        info_items $(awk 'NR>1{printf "%s ",$1}' $INSTALLED_DB);return;;                (updates)        info_items $(awk -F"|" '{printf "%s ",$1}' $UPDATE_DB);return;;        esac        for item in ${PARAMS[@]}; do                [ $(grep -E "^$item|" $SETUP_DB|wc -l) -ne 0 ] && items=(${items[@]} $item) || missed="$missed'$item' "         done;        [ ${#items[@]} -ne 0 ] && info_items ${items[@]}        [ "$missed" != "" ] && prompt_echo "Package(s):${missed}Not Found!"}function remove_orphans(){        local orphans=($@)        local item=""        if [ ${#orphans[@]} -ne 0 ]; then                prompt_echo "Found ${#orphans[@]} Orphan Package(s)!"                item="[${orphans[@]}]"                [ $YES -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMMAND" != "update" ] && yes_or_no "Are you want to remove the orphan package(s) $item(y/N)?" "N" 30 && return 1                YES=1                for item in ${orphans[@]}; do                         remove_item "$item"                        echo "Orphan Package(s) '$item' Removed!"                done        fi}function remove_item(){    local dir_ifs=$IFS        local pkg="$1"        local line        [ ! -e "/etc/setup/$pkg.lst.gz" ] && prompt_echo "Package Manifest Not Found, Cannot Remove $pkg." && return 1        prompt_echo "Removing Package '$pkg'..."        if [ -e "/etc/preremove/$pkg.sh" ]; then                sh "/etc/preremove/$pkg.sh"                rm -f "/etc/preremove/$pkg.sh"        fi        IFS=\n'        for line in $(gzip -dc "/etc/setup/$pkg.lst.gz" | awk '!/\/$/{print}'); do        rm -f "/$line";        done        for line in $(gzip -dc "/etc/setup/$pkg.lst.gz" | awk '/\/$/{n=split($0,a,"/");t[n]=t[n]"|"$0}END{n=asorti(t,a);for(i=n;i>0;i--){m=split(t[a[i]],b,"|");for(j=1;j<=m;j++) if (b[j]!="") print b[j]}}');do                [ $(find "/$line" -maxdepth 1|wc -l) -eq 1 ] && rm -rf "/$line" && prompt_echo "Empty Folder /$line Deleted!"        done         IFS="$dir_ifs"        rm -f "/etc/setup/$pkg.lst.gz"        rm -f /etc/postinstall/$pkg.sh.done        cp -f $INSTALLED_DB "$INSTALLED_DB-save"        grep -v -E "^$pkg " "$INSTALLED_DB-save" > $INSTALLED_DB }function remove_items(){        local pkg=""        local orphans=()        [ $YES -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMMAND" != "update" ] && yes_or_no "Are you sure to remove package '${@/# /}'(y/N)?" "N" 30 && return 1        for pkg in $@; do                 remove_item "$pkg" && prompt_echo "Package $pkg removed!"                        echo                prompt_echo "Checking Orphan Packages..."                orphans=("${orphans[@]}" "$(find_orphans $pkg)")        done        orphans=($(echo "${orphans[@]}"|awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if (!($i in a)) {a[$i]=$i;printf "%s ",$i}}'))        remove_orphans ${orphans[@]}}function run_remove(){        local missed        local items=()        local item        local reqs        for item in ${PARAMS[@]}; do                if [ $(grep -E "^$item " $INSTALLED_DB|wc -l) -ne 0 ]; then                        reqs="$(find_required_by $item)"                        reqs=${reqs/% /}                        [ "$reqs" != "" ] && prompt_echo "Package '$item' is Required by [$reqs]!" || items=(${items[@]} $item)                else                        missed="$missed'$item' "                 fi        done;        [ "$missed" != "" ] && prompt_echo "Package(s):${missed}Not Installed!"        [ ${#items[@]} -ne 0 ] && remove_items "${items[@]}"}function install_item(){    local dir_ifs=$IFS    local pkg="$1"        local url="$(awk -F"|" -v t="$pkg" '{if($1==t){print $7;exit}}' $SETUP_DB)"        local md5_r="$(awk -F"|" -v t="$pkg" '{if($1==t){print $9;exit}}' $SETUP_DB)"        local md5_l        local opt        local file_name="$(basename $url)"        prompt_echo "Downloading Package '$pkg'..."        curl -# -o $CACHE_DIR/$file_name $MIRROR/$url || error_exit "Downloading Error in Installing Package of '$pkg'!"        md5_l="$(md5sum $CACHE_DIR/$file_name|awk '{print $1}')"        [ "$md5_l" != "$md5_r" ] && error_exit "MD5 Checking Error in Installing Package of '$pkg'!"        [[ $file_name =~ .bz2 ]] && opt="-xvjf"        [[ $file_name =~ .xz ]] && opt="-xvJf"        tar $opt $CACHE_DIR/$file_name -C / >/etc/setup/$pkg.lst        gzip -f "/etc/setup/$pkg.lst"         rm -f $CACHE_DIR/$file_name        [[ $file_name =~ .xz ]] && file_name=${file_name/%.xz}".bz2"        cp -f "$INSTALLED_DB" "$INSTALLED_DB-save"        awk -v p="$pkg" -v f="$file_name" '{if (p!="" && p<$1) {print p" "f" 0"; p=""};print}END{if (p!="") print p" "f" 0"}' "$INSTALLED_DB-save">"$INSTALLED_DB"        IFS=\n'        for file_name in /etc/postinstall/*.sh; do                if [ "$file_name" != "/etc/postinstall/*.sh" ]; then                        prompt_echo "Running Script '$(basename $file_name)' of Package '$pkg'..."                        $file_name                        cat $file_name>$file_name.done                        rm -f $file_name                fi        done        IFS="$dir_ifs"}function install_items(){        local pkgs=($@)        local pkg        prompt_echo "Found ${#pkgs[@]} Package(s) Ready for Installation!"        [ $YES -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMMAND" != "update" ] && yes_or_no "Are you sure to install the package(s)(y/N)?" "N" 30 && return 1        YES=1        for pkg in ${pkgs[@]}; do                 install_item "$pkg" && prompt_echo "Package $pkg Installed!"                        echo        done}function run_install(){        local missed        local installed        local installing=()        local items=()        local item        local requires=()        for item in ${PARAMS[@]}; do                [ $(grep -E "^$item " $INSTALLED_DB|wc -l) -ne 0 ] && installed="$installed'$item' " || items=(${items[@]} $item)         done;        prompt_echo "Checking Required Packages..."        for item in ${items[@]}; do                if [ $(grep -E "^$item\|" $SETUP_DB|wc -l) -ne 0 ]; then                        installing=(${installing[@]} $item)                         requires=(${requires[@]} $(find_orphans $item))                else                        missed="$missed'$item' "                         fi        done        requires=($(echo "${requires[@]}"|awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if (!($i in a)) {a[$i]=$i;printf "%s ",$i}}'))        item=" ${requires[@]} "        requires=($(awk -v t="$item" 'NR>1{gsub(" "$1" "," ",t)}END{print t}' $INSTALLED_DB))         installing=(${requires[@]} ${installing[@]})        [ "$installed" != "" ] && prompt_echo "Package(s):${installed}Installed Already!"        [ "$missed" != "" ] && prompt_echo "Package(s):${missed}Not Found!"                [ ${#installing[@]} -ne 0 ] && info_items ${installing[@]} && install_items ${installing[@]}}function run_search(){        local res=($(awk -F"|" -v k="${PARAMS[@]}" '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) if (match($i,k)) {printf "%s ",$1;break}}' $SETUP_DB))        list_items ${res[@]}}function run_update(){        local missed        local updates=()        local item        [ ${#PARAMS[@]} -eq 0 ] && PARAMS=($(find_updates))        for item in ${PARAMS[@]}; do                [ $(grep -E "^$item " $UPDATE_DB|wc -l) -ne 0 ] && updates=(${updates[@]} $item) || missed="$missed'$item' "         done;        [ "$missed" != ""] && prompt_echo "Not Found Package(s) of $missed!"        [ ${#updates[@]} -eq 0 ] && error_exit "No Package Required Update!"        prompt_echo "Found ${#updates[@]} Package(s) Required Update!"                for item in ${updates[@]}; do                remove_item $item                install_item $item                prompt_echo "Package '$item' Updated!"        done}function run_clean(){        refresh_setup_ini 1        refresh_setup_db 1        refresh_update_db 1}################################################################################ # Function Name:   Script Main Loop                                             ################################################################################CACHE_DIR="/etc/yum/cache"CACHE_CMD="$CACHE_DIR/commands"COMMANDS=(mkdir dirname basename curl bzip2 tar xz awk grep file md5sum find cat echo bash)check_commands "${COMMANDS[@]}"cache_commands "${COMMANDS[@]}"PATH="$CACHE_CMD:$PATH"BASE_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)PROGNAME=$(basename "$0")AUTHOR_MAIL="robin.hoo@hotmail.com"SETUP_INI="/etc/yum/setup.ini"INSTALLED_DB="/etc/setup/installed.db"UPDATE_DB="/etc/yum/cache/update.db"SETUP_DB="/etc/yum/cache/setup.db"SETUP_VER="$(grep -i 'setup-version:' "$SETUP_INI"|awk '{print $2}' 2>/dev/null)"LAST_VER="$SETUP_VER"SETUP_TIMESTAMP="$(grep -i 'setup-timestamp:' "$SETUP_INI"|awk '{print $2}'  2>/dev/null)"LAST_TIMESTAMP="$SETUP_TIMESTAMP"VERSION="1.0"MIRRORS=()MIRROR=""mkdir -p "$CACHE_DIR"PE="$(file -b "$(which file)"|awk '{print $1}')"ARCH="UNKNOWN"[ "$PE" == "PE32" ] && ARCH="x86"[ "$PE" == "PE32+" ] && ARCH="x86_64"[ "$ARCH" == "UNKOWN" ] && prompt_echo "$PROGRAM: Error - System Architecture is Unkown!" && help_usageOPTION=""PARAMS=()COMMAND=""COMMANDS=(check-update clean info install list remove search update full-cache)YES=0while [ $# -gt 0 ]do    case "$1" in            (check-update)        check_command "check-update";;            (full-cache)        check_command "full-cache";;            (clean)                        check_command "clean";;            (info)                        check_command "info";info_options "$2"; shift;[ "$OPTION" == "" ] && get_parameters "$@" && [ ${#PARAMS[@]} -ne 0 ] && shift ${#PARAMS[@]} && continue;;            (install)                check_command "install";install_options "$2";shift;get_parameters "$@";[ ${#PARAMS[@]} -ne 0 ] && shift ${#PARAMS[@]} && continue;;            (list)                        check_command "list";list_options "$2";shift; [ "$OPTION" == "" ] && get_parameters "$@" && [ ${#PARAMS[@]} -ne 0 ] && shift ${#PARAMS[@]}&& continue;;            (remove)                check_command "remove";shift;get_parameters "$@";[ ${#PARAMS[@]} -ne 0 ] && shift ${#PARAMS[@]} && continue;;            (search)                check_command "search";search_options "$2"; shift && get_parameters "$@";[ ${#PARAMS[@]} -ne 0 ] && shift ${#PARAMS[@]} && continue;;            (update)                check_command "update";shift;get_parameters "$@";[ ${#PARAMS[@]} -ne 0 ] && shift ${#PARAMS[@]} && continue;;                (-y)                        check_yes;;                                        (-h)                        help_usage;;                (--yes)                        check_yes;;                            (--help)                help_usage;;            (*)                                prompt_echo "$PROGNAME: error - unrecognized option or parameter '$1'!"; help_usage;;    esac    shiftdone[ "$COMMAND" == "" ] && prompt_echo "$PROGNAME: error - missing option or parameters!" && help_usage[ "$COMMAND" == "info" ] && [ ${#PARAMS[@]} -eq 0 ] && [ "$OPTION" == "" ] && prompt_echo "$PROGNAME: error - missing parameters for command 'info' !" && help_usage[ "$COMMAND" == "list" ] && [ ${#PARAMS[@]} -eq 0 ] && [ "$OPTION" == "" ] && prompt_echo "$PROGNAME: error - missing parameters for command 'list' !" && help_usage[ "$COMMAND" == "remove" ] && [ ${#PARAMS[@]} -eq 0 ] && prompt_echo "$PROGNAME: error - missing parameters for command 'remove' !" && help_usage[ "$COMMAND" == "install" ] && [ ${#PARAMS[@]} -eq 0 ] && prompt_echo "$PROGNAME: error - missing parameters for command 'install' !" && help_usage[ "$COMMAND" == "search" ] && [ ${#PARAMS[@]} -eq 0 ] && prompt_echo "$PROGNAME: error - missing parameters for command 'search' !" && help_usage[ "$COMMAND" == "search" ] && [ ${#PARAMS[@]} -gt 1 ] && prompt_echo "$PROGNAME: error - too many parameters for command 'search' !" && help_usageget_mirror_siterefresh_setup_inirefresh_setup_dbrefresh_update_dbcase "$COMMAND" in        (check-update)        run_check_update;;        (clean)                        run_clean;;        (info)                        run_info;;        (install)                run_install;;        (list)                        run_list;;        (remove)                run_remove;;        (search)                run_search;;        (update)                run_update;;        (full-cache)        run_full_cache;;esac
0 0