TimesTen 数据库复制学习:19. 解决复制冲突

来源:互联网 发布:小说下载软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 08:19




Within a single database, update conflicts are prevented by the locking protocol: only one transaction at a time can update a specific row in the database. However, update conflicts can occur in replicated systems due to the ability of each database to operate independently

Update conflicts: This type of conflict occurs when concurrently running transactions at different databases make simultaneous update requests on the same row in the same table, and install different values for one or more columns.

Uniqueness conflicts: This type of conflict occurs when concurrently running transactions at different databases make simultaneous insert requests for a row in the same table that has the same primary or unique key, but different values for one or more other columns.

Delete conflicts: This type of conflict occurs when a transaction at one database deletes a row while a concurrent transaction at another database simultaneously updates or inserts the same row. Currently, TimesTen can detect delete/update conflicts, but cannot detect delete/insert conflicts. TimesTen cannot resolve either type of delete conflict.



master1> update a1 set v = 101 where k = 1;1 row updated.master2>  update a1 set v = 102 where k = 1;1 row updated.master2> select * from a1;< 1, 102 >1 row found.




master1> insert into a1 values(2, 11);1 row inserted.master2>  insert into a1 values(2, 12);  907: Unique constraint (A1 on ORACLE.A1) violated at Rowid <BMUFVUAAACZAAAAJBp>The command failed.


master1> delete from a1 where k = 2;1 row deleted.master2> update a1 set v = 102 where k = 2;0 rows updated.


Although TimesTen cannot ensure synchronization between databases following such a conflict, it does ensure that the most recent transaction is applied to each database.

使用 timestamp 解决冲突

For replicated tables that are subject to conflicts, create the table with a special column of type BINARY(8) to hold a timestamp value that indicates the time the row was inserted or last updated.


the conflict is resolved by comparing the two timestamp values and the operation with the larger timestamp wins

配置 timestamp 比较

  1. 为复制的表加一列BINARY(8),必须在建表时建立,不能后续ALTER TABLE来加
  2. 在创建rep scheme时,指定检测冲突的列
    ELEMENT elem_accounts_1 TABLE accounts
    COLUMN tstamp
    UPDATE BY SYSTEM - 系统自动产生时间戳,也可以用UPDATE BY USER,让应用来产生时间戳





即使不用REPORT TO ‘conflict.txt’ FORMAT STANDARD 来设置,也会记录在tterrors.log中





create table a1(k int, v int, t binary(8), primary key(k));CREATE REPLICATION r1ELEMENT elem1 TABLE a1  CHECK CONFLICTS BY ROW TIMESTAMP    COLUMN t    UPDATE BY SYSTEM    ON EXCEPTION ROLLBACK WORK    REPORT TO 'conflict.txt' FORMAT STANDARD  MASTER master1 ON "timesten-hol"  SUBSCRIBER master2 ON "timesten-hol" RETURN RECEIPTELEMENT elem2 TABLE a1  CHECK CONFLICTS BY ROW TIMESTAMP    COLUMN t    UPDATE BY SYSTEM    ON EXCEPTION ROLLBACK WORK    REPORT TO 'conflict.txt' FORMAT STANDARD  MASTER master2 ON "timesten-hol"  SUBSCRIBER master1 ON "timesten-hol" RETURN RECEIPT;call ttrepstart;

查看复制策略, 注意第一部分带Conflict的部分

master2> repschemes;Replication Scheme ORACLE.R1:  Element: ELEM1                            Type: Table ORACLE.A1  Conflict Check Column: T                                Conflict Exception Action: Rollback Work  Conflict Timestamp Update: System  Conflict Report File: /home/oracle/TimesTen/tt1122/info/conflict.txt  Conflict Report Format: Standard  Master Store: MASTER1 on TIMESTEN-HOL Transmit Durable  Subscriber Store: MASTER2 on TIMESTEN-HOL Return Receipt  Element: ELEM2                            Type: Table ORACLE.A1  Conflict Check Column: T                                Conflict Exception Action: Rollback Work  Conflict Timestamp Update: System  Conflict Report File: /home/oracle/TimesTen/tt1122/info/conflict.txt  Conflict Report Format: Standard  Master Store: MASTER2 on TIMESTEN-HOL Transmit Durable  Subscriber Store: MASTER1 on TIMESTEN-HOL Return Receipt  Store: MASTER1 on TIMESTEN-HOL    Port: (auto)    Log Fail Threshold: (none)    Retry Timeout: 120 seconds    Compress Traffic: Disabled    Return Service Wait Time: 10 seconds    Return Service on Replication Stop: Disabled    Return Service Failure Policy: (none)  Store: MASTER2 on TIMESTEN-HOL    Port: (auto)    Log Fail Threshold: (none)    Retry Timeout: 120 seconds    Compress Traffic: Disabled    Return Service Wait Time: 10 seconds    Return Service on Replication Stop: Disabled    Return Service Failure Policy: (none)1 replication scheme found.


master1> insert into a1 values(1, 1);1 row inserted.master1> select * from a1;< 1, 1, 5779F4B0000C132F >1 row found.master2> select * from a1;< 1, 1, 5779F4B0000C132F >1 row found.


master1> delete from a1;master2> call ttrepstop;master1> select * from a1;0 rows found.master1> insert into a1 values(1, 1);Warning  8170: Receipt or commit acknowledgement not returned in the specified timeout interval for XID:1.1831 row inserted.master1> select * from a1;< 1, 1, 5779F9BB000DEA5C >1 row found.master2> insert into a1 values(1, 2);1 row inserted.master2> select * from a1;< 1, 2, 5779F9E2000C7F90 >1 row found.master2> call ttrepstart;master1> select * from a1;< 1, 2, 5779F9E2000C7F90 >1 row found.master2> select * from a1;< 1, 2, 5779F9E2000C7F90 >1 row found.


[oracle@timesten-hol info]$ cat conflict.txt Conflict detected at 22:54:05 on 07-03-2016Datastore : /tmp/master2Transmitting name : MASTER1Table : ORACLE.A1Conflicting insert tuple timestamp: 5779F9BB000DEA5CExisting tuple timestamp: 5779F9E2000C7F90The existing tuple : <                                                              1,                                                               2, 5779F9E2000C7F90>The conflicting tuple: <                                                              1,                                                               1, 5779F9BB000DEA5C>The key columns for the tuple:<K :1>Transaction containing this insert skippedFailed transaction:Insert into table ORACLE.A1 <                                                              1,                                                               1, 5779F9BB000DEA5C>End of failed transaction在tterrors.log中的记录:22:54:05.34 Err : REP:  4741: [1115072832, 0, noAwt] MASTER2:receiver.c(15509): TT16213: Table: ORACLE.A1. Failed to insert row. TimeStamp conflict


接着上一个例子做, 两个数据库同时更新一条记录

master1> select * from a1;< 1, 2, 5779F9E2000C7F90 >1 row found.master2> select * from a1;< 1, 2, 5779F9E2000C7F90 >1 row found.master2> call ttrepstop;master1> update a1 set v = 11 where k = 1;Warning  8170: Receipt or commit acknowledgement not returned in the specified timeout interval for XID:1.1951 row updated.master2> update a1 set v = 22 where k = 1;1 row updated.master2> call ttrepstart;master1> select * from a1;< 1, 22, 5779FC6600083A21 >1 row found.master2> select * from a1;< 1, 22, 5779FC6600083A21 >1 row found.


[oracle@timesten-hol info]$ cat conflict.txt Conflict detected at 23:04:29 on 07-03-2016Datastore : /tmp/master2Transmitting name : MASTER1Table : ORACLE.A1Conflicting update tuple timestamp: 5779FC49000CC649Existing tuple timestamp: 5779FC6600083A21The existing tuple :<                                                              1,                                                              22, 5779FC6600083A21>The conflicting tuple:<V :11, T :5779FC49000CC649>The old values in the conflicting update:<V :2, T :5779F9E2000C7F90>The key columns for the tuple:<K :1>Transaction containing this update skippedFailed transaction:Update table ORACLE.A1 with keys:<K :1>New tuple value: <V :11, T :5779FC49000CC649>End of failed transaction在tterrors.log中的记录:23:04:29.63 Err : REP:  4815: [1105008960, 0, noAwt] MASTER2:receiver.c(15509): TT16215: Table: ORACLE.A1. Failed to update row. TimeStamp conflict


接着上一个例子做, 两个数据库同时更新一条记录

master1> select * from a1;< 1, 2, 5779F9E2000C7F90 >1 row found.master2> select * from a1;< 1, 2, 5779F9E2000C7F90 >1 row found.master2> call ttrepstop;master1> delete from a1 where k = 1;Warning  8170: Receipt or commit acknowledgement not returned in the specified timeout interval for XID:1.2011 row deleted.master1> select * from a1;0 rows found.master2> update a1 set v = 111 where k = 1;1 row updated.master2> select * from a1;< 1, 111, 5779FEB5000BB8AE >1 row found.master2> call ttrepstart;master2> select * from a1;< 1, 111, 5779FEB5000BB8AE >1 row found.master1> select * from a1;0 rows found.


An update operation that cannot find the updated row is considered a delete conflict, which is reported but cannot be resolved.


[oracle@timesten-hol info]$ cat conflict.txt Conflict detected at 23:15:15 on 07-03-2016Datastore : /tmp/master2Transmitting name : MASTER1Table : ORACLE.A1Conflicting delete tuple timestamp: 5779FE80000B58D1Existing tuple timestamp: 5779FEB5000BB8AEThe existing tuple :<                                                              1,                                                             111, 5779FEB5000BB8AE>The key columns for the tuple:<K :1>Transaction containing this delete skippedFailed transaction:Delete table ORACLE.A1 with keys:<K :1>End of failed transaction在tterrors.log中的记录:23:15:15.58 Err : REP:  4885: [1087179072, 0, noAwt] MASTER2:receiver.c(15509): TT16214: Table: ORACLE.A1. Failed to delete row. TimeStamp conflict

接下来我们看一下如何人工让表保持一致, 一种方法是将master2中这条数据删除:

master2> delete from a1 where k = 1;


23:25:20.78 Err : REP:  4720: [1097214272, 0, noAwt] MASTER1:receiver.c(11929): TT16080: Table: ORACLE.A1. Failed to lookup row <K :1> from master MASTER2 for 'delete'


  • classic复制中双向复制是典型的配置
  • 双向复制中,由于两个库可以同时更改,可能产生复制冲突
  • 冲突可以通过设置系统自动产生或应用自动写入的时间戳来检测,一些冲突可以自动解决,一些冲突需要人工干预
  • 复制系统的时间同步非常重要
  • 尽量还是不要让两个数据库执行相同的工作负载,最好是各负责不同的应用,也就是双向复制,但不是严格的双活
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