
来源:互联网 发布:重庆沙坪坝知联大厦 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 11:34

RTTI(Run-TimeType Information, 运行时类型信息),它提供了运行时确定对象类型的方法。在C++中,为了支持RTTI提供了两个操作符:dynamic_cast和typeid。

The typeid operator provides a program with the ability to retrieve the actual derived type of the object referred to by a pointer or a reference. The typeid operator requires run time type information (RTTI) to be generated, which must be explicitly specified at compile time through a compiler option. The typeid operator returns an lvalue of type const std::type_info that represents the type of expression expr.





(2)、typeid的结果是const type_info&;






#include "typeid.hpp"#include <assert.h>#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <typeinfo>#include <vector>int func(int a){return 0;}typedef int(*func_ptr)(int);class Base { public: Base(){} };int test_typeid1(){char char_ = 'a';unsigned char uchar_ = 'b';short short_ = 2;unsigned short ushort_ = 3;int int_ = 1;unsigned int uint_ = 4;float float_ = 2.0;double double_ = 1.0;long long_ = 5;long long llong_ = 6;int array[10] = { 1};int* array_header = array;std::string string_;std::vector<int> int_vector;func_ptr f = func;Base Base_;Base* pBase_ = new Base;Base& Base__ = Base_;// 对于返回字符串的具体内容,与编译器有关std::cout << "char_ type: " << typeid(char_).name() << std::endl; // char_ type: charassert(typeid(char).name() == typeid(char_).name());std::cout << "uchar type: " << typeid(uchar_).name() << std::endl; // uchar type: unsigned charassert(typeid(unsigned char).name() == typeid(uchar_).name());std::cout << "short_ type: " << typeid(short_).name() << std::endl; // short_ type: shortassert(typeid(short).name() == typeid(short_).name());std::cout << "ushort_ type: " << typeid(ushort_).name() << std::endl; // ushort_ type: unsigned shortassert(typeid(unsigned short).name() == typeid(ushort_).name());std::cout << "int_ type: " << typeid(int_).name() << std::endl; // int_ type: intassert(typeid(int).name() == typeid(int_).name());std::cout << "uint_ type: " << typeid(uint_).name() << std::endl; // uint_ type: unsigned intassert(typeid(unsigned int).name() == typeid(uint_).name());std::cout << "float_ type: " << typeid(float_).name() << std::endl; // float_ type: floatassert(typeid(float).name() == typeid(float_).name());std::cout << "double_ type: " << typeid(double_).name() << std::endl; // double_ type: doubleassert(typeid(double).name() == typeid(double_).name());std::cout << "long_ type: " << typeid(long_).name() << std::endl; // long_ type: longassert(typeid(long).name() == typeid(long_).name());std::cout << "llong_ type: " << typeid(llong_).name() << std::endl; // llong_ type: __int64assert(typeid(long long).name() == typeid(llong_).name());std::cout << "array[] type: " << typeid(array).name() << std::endl; // array[] type: int [10]assert(typeid(int [10]).name() == typeid(array).name());std::cout << "array_header type: " << typeid(array_header).name() << std::endl; // array_header type: int * __ptr64assert(typeid(int*).name() == typeid(array_header).name());std::cout << "string_ type: " << typeid(string_).name() << std::endl; // string_ type: class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>, class std::allocator<char>>assert(typeid(std::string).name() == typeid(string_).name());std::cout << "int_vector type: " << typeid(int_vector).name() << std::endl; // int_vector type: class std::vector<int,class std::allocator<int>>assert(typeid(std::vector<int>).name() == typeid(int_vector).name());std::cout << "f type: " << typeid(f).name() << std::endl; // f type : int(__cdecl*)(int)assert(typeid(int(*)(int)).name() == typeid(f).name());std::cout << "Base_ type: " << typeid(Base_).name() << std::endl; // Base_ type: class Baseassert(typeid(class Base).name() == typeid(Base_).name());std::cout << "pBase_ type: " << typeid(pBase_).name() << std::endl; // pBase_ type: class Base * __ptr64assert(typeid(class Base*).name() == typeid(pBase_).name());std::cout << "Base__ type: " << typeid(Base__).name() << std::endl; // Base__ type: class Baseassert(typeid(class Base).name() == typeid(Base__).name());delete pBase_;return 0;}////////////////////////////////////////////////// reference: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/typeidint test_typeid2(){struct Base {}; // non-polymorphicstruct Derived : Base {};struct Base2 { virtual void foo() {} }; // polymorphicstruct Derived2 : Base2 {};int myint = 50;std::string mystr = "string";double *mydoubleptr = nullptr;std::cout << "myint has type: " << typeid(myint).name() << '\n' // myint has type: int<< "mystr has type: " << typeid(mystr).name() << '\n' // mystr has type: class std::basic_string<char, struct std::char_traits<char>, class std::allocator<char>><< "mydoubleptr has type: " << typeid(mydoubleptr).name() << '\n'; // mydoubleptr has type: double * __ptr64// std::cout << myint is a glvalue expression of polymorphic type; it is evaluatedconst std::type_info& r1 = typeid(std::cout << myint); // 50std::cout << "std::cout<<myint has type : " << r1.name() << '\n'; // std::cout<<myint has type: class std::basic_ostream<char, struct std::char_traits<char>>// std::printf() is not a glvalue expression of polymorphic type; NOT evaluatedconst std::type_info& r2 = typeid(std::printf("%d\n", myint));std::cout << "printf(\"%d\\n\",myint) has type : " << r2.name() << '\n'; // printf(\"%d\\n\",myint) has type : int// Non-polymorphic lvalue is a static typeDerived d1;Base& b1 = d1;std::cout << "reference to non-polymorphic base: " << typeid(b1).name() << '\n'; // reference to non-polymorphic base: struct 'int __cdecl test_typeid2(void)'::'2'::BaseDerived2 d2;Base2& b2 = d2;std::cout << "reference to polymorphic base: " << typeid(b2).name() << '\n'; // reference to polymorphic base: struct 'int __cdecl test_typeid2(void)'::'3'::Derived2try {// dereferencing a null pointer: okay for a non-polymoprhic expressionstd::cout << "mydoubleptr points to " << typeid(*mydoubleptr).name() << '\n'; // mydoubleptr points to double// dereferencing a null pointer: not okay for a polymorphic lvalueDerived2* bad_ptr = NULL;std::cout << "bad_ptr points to...";  // bad_ptr points to... std::cout << typeid(*bad_ptr).name() << '\n';}catch (const std::bad_typeid& e) {std::cout << " caught " << e.what() << '\n'; // caught Attempted a typeid of NULL pointer!}return 0;}///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// reference: https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/fyf39xec.aspxtemplate < typename T >T max(T arg1, T arg2) {std::cout << typeid(T).name() << "s compared." << std::endl;return (arg1 > arg2 ? arg1 : arg2);}int test_typeid3(){class Base {public:virtual void vvfunc() {}};class Derived : public Base {};Derived* pd = new Derived;Base* pb = pd;std::cout << typeid(pb).name() << std::endl;   //prints "class Base *" // class 'int __cdecl test_typeid3(void)'::'2'::Base * __ptr64std::cout << typeid(*pb).name() << std::endl;   //prints "class Derived" // class 'int __cdecl test_typeid3(void)'::'2'::Derivedstd::cout << typeid(pd).name() << std::endl;   //prints "class Derived *" // class 'int __cdecl test_typeid3(void)'::'2'::Derived * __ptr64std::cout << typeid(*pd).name() << std::endl;   //prints "class Derived" // class 'int __cdecl test_typeid3(void)'::'2'::Deriveddelete pd;float a = 1.2, b = 3.4;max(a, b); // floats comparedreturn 0;}


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