
来源:互联网 发布:macbook如何下载软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 02:00


//now date

function getNowDate()
   var nn=new Date();
   var monstr1;
   var datestr1
   return year1+"-"+monstr1+"-"+datestr1;
//last date

function getlastweekDate()
   var nn=new Date();
   var mm=new Date(year1,mon1-1,date1);
   var tmp1=new Date(2000,1,1);
   var tmp2=new Date(2000,1,15);
   var ne=tmp2-tmp1;
   var mm2=new Date();
    return year2+"-"+monstr2+"-"+datestr2;


var gdCtrl = new Object();
var goSelectTag = new Array();
var gcGray = "#808080";
var gcToggle = "#FB8664";
var gcBG = "#e5e6ec";
var previousObject = null;

var gdCurDate = new Date();
var giYear = gdCurDate.getFullYear();
var giMonth = gdCurDate.getMonth()+1;
var giDay = gdCurDate.getDate();

function fSetDate(iYear, iMonth, iDay){
var VicPopCal = document.getElementById('VicPopCal');
  VicPopCal.style.visibility = "hidden";
  if ((iYear == 0) && (iMonth == 0) && (iDay == 0)){
   gdCtrl.value = "";
   iMonth = iMonth + 100 + "";
   iMonth = iMonth.substring(1);
 iDay = iDay + 100 + "";
  iDay = iDay.substring(1);
   if(gdCtrl.tagName == "INPUT"){
      gdCtrl.value = iYear+"-"+iMonth+"-"+iDay;
      gdCtrl.innerText = iYear+"-"+iMonth+"-"+iDay;
  for (i in goSelectTag)
   goSelectTag[i].style.visibility = "visible";
  goSelectTag.length = 0;


function HiddenDiv()
var VicPopCal = document.getElementById('VicPopCal');
 var i;
  VicPopCal.style.visibility = "hidden";
  for (i in goSelectTag)
   goSelectTag[i].style.visibility = "visible";
  goSelectTag.length = 0;

function fSetSelected(aCell){
var tbSelMonth1 = document.getElementById('tbSelMonth');
var tbSelYear1 = document.getElementById('tbSelYear');
  var iOffset = 0;
  var iYear = parseInt(tbSelYear1.value);
  var iMonth = parseInt(tbSelMonth1.value);
  aCell.bgColor = gcBG;

 // with (aCell.children["cellText"]){

  with (aCell.childNodes[0]){
   var iDay = parseInt(innerHTML);
   if (color==gcGray)
  iOffset = (Victor<10)?-1:1;
 iMonth += iOffset;
 if (iMonth<1) {
  iMonth = 12;
 }else if (iMonth>12){
  iMonth = 1;
  fSetDate(iYear, iMonth, iDay);

function Point(iX, iY){
 this.x = iX;
 this.y = iY;

function fBuildCal(iYear, iMonth) {
  var aMonth=new Array();
   aMonth[i]=new Array(i);
  var dCalDate=new Date(iYear, iMonth-1, 1);
  var iDayOfFirst=dCalDate.getDay();
  var iDaysInMonth=new Date(iYear, iMonth, 0).getDate();
  var iOffsetLast=new Date(iYear, iMonth-1, 0).getDate()-iDayOfFirst+1;
  var iDate = 1;
  var iNext = 1;

  for (d = 0; d < 7; d++)
 aMonth[1][d] = (d<iDayOfFirst)?-(iOffsetLast+d):iDate++;
  for (w = 2; w < 7; w++)
   for (d = 0; d < 7; d++)
  aMonth[w][d] = (iDate<=iDaysInMonth)?iDate++:-(iNext++);
  return aMonth;

function fDrawCal(iYear, iMonth, iCellHeight, sDateTextSize) {
  //var WeekDay = new Array("S","M","T","W","T","W","S");

  var WeekDay = new Array("日","一","二","三","四","五","六");
  var styleTD = " bgcolor='"+gcBG+"' bordercolor='"+gcBG+"' valign='middle' align='center' height='"+iCellHeight+"' style='font:bold arial "+sDateTextSize+";"; //Coded by Hcy email:hcy110@263.net

  with (document) {
 for(i=0; i<7; i++){
  write("<td "+styleTD+"color:maroon' >"+ WeekDay[i] + "</td>");

   for (w = 1; w < 7; w++) {
  for (d = 0; d < 7; d++) {
   write("<td id='calCell' "+styleTD+"cursor:pointer;' onMouseOver='this.bgColor=gcToggle' onMouseOut='this.bgColor=gcBG' onclick='fSetSelected(this)'>");
   write("<font id='cellText' name='cellText' Victor='Hcy_Flag'> </font>");

function fUpdateCal() {

iYear = document.getElementById('tbSelYear').value;
iMonth = document.getElementById('tbSelMonth').value;
  myMonth = fBuildCal(iYear, iMonth);
  var cellText = document.getElementsByName('cellText');
  var i = 0;
  for (w = 0; w < 6; w++)
 for (d = 0; d < 7; d++)
  with (cellText[(7*w)+d]) {
   Victor = i++;
   if (myMonth[w+1][d]<0) {
    color = gcGray;
    innerHTML = -myMonth[w+1][d];
    color = ((d==0)||(d==6))?"red":"black";
    innerHTML = myMonth[w+1][d];

function fSetYearMon(iYear, iMon){
  var tbSelMonth = document.getElementById('tbSelMonth');
  tbSelMonth.options[iMon-1].selected = true;

  var tbSelYear = document.getElementById('tbSelYear');
  for (i = 0; i < tbSelYear.length; i++)
 if (tbSelYear.options[i].value == iYear)
  tbSelYear.options[i].selected = true;
  fUpdateCal(iYear, iMon);

function fPrevMonth(){
var tbSelYear = document.getElementById('tbSelYear');
var tbSelMonth = document.getElementById('tbSelMonth');
  var iMon = tbSelMonth.value;
  var iYear = tbSelYear.value;
  if (--iMon<1) {
   iMon = 12;
  fSetYearMon(iYear, iMon);

function fNextMonth(){
var tbSelMonth = document.getElementById('tbSelMonth');
var tbSelYear = document.getElementById('tbSelYear');
  var iMon = tbSelMonth.value;
  var iYear = tbSelYear.value;
  if (++iMon>12) {
   iMon = 1;
  fSetYearMon(iYear, iMon);

function fToggleTags(){
var select = document.getElementsByTagName("SELECT");

var isIE4 = ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Win') != -1) && (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') != -1) && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4 ));
if (isIE4)
 for (i=0; i<select.length; i++)
    if ((select[i].Victor != 'Won') && fTagInBound(select[i])){
     select[i].style.visibility = "hidden";
     goSelectTag[goSelectTag.length] = select[i];

 with (document.all.tags("SELECT")){
   for (i=0; i<length; i++)
    if ((item(i).Victor!="Won")&&fTagInBound(item(i))){
     item(i).style.visibility = "hidden";
     goSelectTag[goSelectTag.length] = item(i);


function fTagInBound(aTag){
var VicPopCal = document.getElementById('VicPopCal');
  with (VicPopCal.style){
   var l = parseInt(left);
   var t = parseInt(top);
   var r = l+parseInt(width);
   var b = t+parseInt(height);
 var ptLT = fGetXY(aTag);
 return !((ptLT.x>r)||(ptLT.x+aTag.offsetWidth<l)||(ptLT.y>b)||(ptLT.y+aTag.offsetHeight<t));

function fGetXY(aTag){
  var oTmp = aTag;
  var pt = new Point(0,0);
  do {
   pt.x += oTmp.offsetLeft;
   pt.y += oTmp.offsetTop;
   oTmp = oTmp.offsetParent;
  } while(oTmp.tagName!="BODY");
  return pt;

// Main: popCtrl is the widget beyond which you want this calendar to appear;

// dateCtrl is the widget into which you want to put the selected date.

// i.e.: <input type="text" name="dc" style="text-align:center" readonly><INPUT type="button" value="V" onclick="fPopCalendar(dc,dc);return false">

function fPopCalendar(popCtrl, dateCtrl,strDate){
var VicPopCal = document.getElementById('VicPopCal');
  if (popCtrl == previousObject){
    if (VicPopCal.style.visibility == "visible"){
    return true;
  previousObject = popCtrl;
  gdCtrl = dateCtrl;
  fSetYearMon(giYear, giMonth);
  var point = fGetXY(popCtrl);
  with (VicPopCal.style) {
   left = point.x;
 top = point.y+popCtrl.offsetHeight;
 width = VicPopCal.offsetWidth;
 width = 210; //

 height = VicPopCal.offsetHeight;
 visibility = 'visible';

  VicPopCal.style.left = point.x + "px";
  VicPopCal.style.top = point.y + popCtrl.offsetHeight + "px";

// Added by Han Chen

function fInitialDate(strDate){
 if( strDate == null || strDate.length != 10 )
  return false;

 var sYear = strDate.substring(0,4);
 var sMonth = strDate.substring(5,7);
 var sDay = strDate.substring(8,10);

 if( sMonth.charAt(0) == '0' ) { sMonth = sMonth.substring(1,2); }
 if( sDay.charAt(0) == '0' ) { sDay = sDay.substring(1,2); }

 var nYear = parseInt(sYear );
 var nMonth = parseInt(sMonth);
 var nDay = parseInt(sDay );
 if ( isNaN(nYear ) ) return false;
 if ( isNaN(nMonth) ) return false;
 if ( isNaN(nDay ) ) return false;

 var arrMon = new Array(12);
 arrMon[ 0] = 31; arrMon[ 1] = nYear % 4 == 0 ? 29:28;
 arrMon[ 2] = 31; arrMon[ 3] = 30;
 arrMon[ 4] = 31; arrMon[ 5] = 30;
 arrMon[ 6] = 31; arrMon[ 7] = 31;
 arrMon[ 8] = 30; arrMon[ 9] = 31;
 arrMon[10] = 30; arrMon[11] = 31;

 if ( nYear < 1900 || nYear > 2008 ) return false;
 if ( nMonth < 1 || nMonth > 12 ) return false;
 if ( nDay < 1 || nDay > arrMon[nMonth - 1] ) return false;

 giYear = nYear;
 giMonth = nMonth;
 giDay = nDay;
 return true;

var gMonths = new Array("1月","2月","3月","4月","5月","6月","7月","8月","9月","10月","11月","12月");
with (document) {
write("<Div id='VicPopCal' style='POSITION:absolute;VISIBILITY:hidden;border:0px ridge;z-index:100;'>");
write("<table border='0' bgcolor='#cccccc' style='FONT-SIZE: 12px;'>");
write("<td valign='middle' align='center'><input type='button' name='PrevMonth' value='<' style='height:20;width:20;FONT:bold' onClick='fPrevMonth()'>");
write(" <SELECT name='tbSelYear' id='tbSelYear' onChange='fUpdateCal()' Victor='Won'>");
 write("<OPTION value='"+i+"'>"+i+" </OPTION>");
write(" <select name='tbSelMonth' id='tbSelMonth' onChange='fUpdateCal()' Victor='Won'>");
for (i=0; i<12; i++)
 write("<option value='"+(i+1)+"'>"+gMonths[i]+"</option>");
write(" <input type='button' name='PrevMonth' value='>' style='height:20;width:20;FONT:bold' onclick='fNextMonth()'>");
write("<td align='center'>");
write("<DIV style='background-color:teal'><table width='100%' border='0'>");
fDrawCal(giYear, giMonth, 20, '12');
write("</TR><TR><TD align='center'>");
write("<TABLE width='100%' style='FONT-SIZE: 12px;'><TR><TD align='center'>");
write("<B style='cursor:pointer' onclick='HiddenDiv()' onMouseOver='this.style.color=gcToggle' onMouseOut='this.style.color=0'>关闭</B>");
write("</td><td algin='center' style='FONT-SIZE: 12px;'>");
write("<B style='cursor:pointer' onclick='fSetDate(" + giYear + "," + giMonth + "," + giDay + ")' onMouseOver='this.style.color=gcToggle' onMouseOut='this.style.color=0'>今天: "+giYear+"-"+giMonth+"-"+giDay+"</B>");


<TABLE cellSpacing=9 cellPadding=0 width=500 border=0>
      <TD align=right style='FONT-SIZE: 12px;'>日历控件样式:</TD>
      <TD><INPUT id=inputBirthday style="WIDTH: 180px" onclick="fPopCalendar(this,this,this.value);return false;" readOnly maxLength=15 value=1984-01-01 name=inputBirthday></TD>
      <TD> <DIV class=tip-error id=BirthdayDiv></DIV></TD>