PiLC - S7 PLC for Raspberry Pi

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝油烟净化器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 12:43


PiLC is an Awlsim basedPLC (programmable logic controller) package for the Raspberry Pi.

PiLC based on the Raspbian distribution and runs on the Raspberry Pi 1B+, 2, 3 and Raspberry Pi Zero devices.

PiLC supports digital I/O (I/Q, E/A operands) on the Raspberry GPIO. The BCM-GPIO-I/O is handled via Awlsim'srpigpio hardware module. See the example project raspberrypi.awlpro for a usage example.

Experimental support for PROFIBUS-DP is provided via the pyprofibus hardware module. This can be used to read data from and write data to PROFIBUS-DP slaves via the PiLC PROFIBUS-DP header.

Image preview of pilc_hat_front.jpgImage preview of pilc_rtc.jpg
  • Download
  • Install
  • Connect to PROFIBUS-DP
  • Get the latest development version
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  • License / Copyright


  • pilc release 20160607.img.7z archive
    07 June 2016 / PGP signature


Just extract the SD-card image and raw-copy it to an SD-card.
Note that it does not work to copy the image into a pre-formatted SD-card's filesystem. The image brings its own partition table and filesystem, so it needs to be copied directly to the raw SD-card.

On a Linux host this can be done as follows:

7z x pilc-x.y.img.7z                       # Extract the image using 7-Zipdd if=pilc-x.y.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=8M   # Copy the image to the SD card

Where x.y is the PiLC version number and /dev/mmcblk0 is the raw SD card device.
Note that on some systems you will have to use /dev/sdX instead of /dev/mmcblk0.

A more detailed description of the installation of SD card images can be found on the RaspberryPi site forLinux, Windows or Mac operating systems.

Connect to PROFIBUS-DP

Image preview of pilc_et200s.jpg

Communication via PROFIBUS-DP can be achieved using the pyprofibus PROFIBUS software stack and the corresponding Awlsim hardware module.

In the photo to the left hand side you can see a prototype setup of a Raspberry Pi 2 driving the digital inputs and outputs of a Siemens ET 200S PROFIBUS-DP slave. The Raspberry Pi controls the ET 200S via the PiLC example AWL program that runs in Awlsim.

Get the latest development version

The PiLC scripts are part of Awlsim. A PiLC SD-card image can be built by running the pilc/pilc-bootstrap.sh script from the Awlsim package. Note that pilc-bootstrap.sh doesonly run on a Debian Linux host system (or another system that has debootstrap).

Latest bleeding edge awlsim can be downloaded using the Git version control system as follows:

via https:
git clone https://git.bues.ch/git/awlsim.git
or via http:
git clone http://git.bues.ch/git/awlsim.git
or via git:
git clone git://git.bues.ch/awlsim.git

or by downloading the awlsim snapshot archive.
To browse the Git repository online, go to the git web interface.
A mirror of the repository is available on Github and on Bitbucket.
If you want to contribute to awlsim, please read the contribution guidelines first.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Q: How is PiLC pronounced?
    A: It's pronounced like the English letters P L C. So just omit thei when pronouncing PiLC.
    I am fully aware that this pun does not really work in English. But a native German speaker might get it. :)

License / Copyright

Copyright (C) Michael Büsch
Licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or (at your option) any later version. See the sourcecode for details. 

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