hihocoder:Give My Text Back

来源:互联网 发布:skycc营销软件怎么样 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 23:30




To prepare for the English exam Little Ho collected many digital reading materials. Unfortunately the materials are messed up by a malware.

It is known that the original text contains only English letters (a-zA-Z), spaces, commas, periods and newlines, conforming to the following format:

1. Each sentence contains at least one word, begins with a letter and ends with a period.

2. In a sentence the only capitalized letter is the first letter.

3. In a sentence the words are separated by a single space or a comma and a space.

4. The sentences are separated by a single space or a single newline.

It is also known the malware changes the text in the following ways:

1. Changing the cases of letters.

2. Adding spaces between words and punctuations.

Given the messed text, can you help Little Ho restore the original text?


A string containing no more than 8192 English letters (a-zA-Z), spaces, commas, periods and newlines which is the messed text.


The original text.

my Name  is Little   Hi.His   name IS Little ho  ,  We are   friends.
My name is little hi.His name is little ho, we are friends.




#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <vector>using namespace std;int main(){    vector<string> input;    string word = "";    char c;    while (cin >> noskipws >> c){        if (isalpha(c)){            if (c >= 'A'&&c <= 'Z')                c += 32;            word += c;        }        else{            if (word != ""){                input.push_back(word);                word = "";            }            if (c != ' ')                input.push_back(to_string(c));        }    }    int n = input.size();    bool isFirst = true;    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){        if (input[i] == "44")            cout << ',';        else if (input[i] == "46"){            cout << '.';            isFirst = true;        }        else if (input[i] == "10")            cout << endl;        else{            if (i>0 && input[i - 1] != "10")                cout << " ";            if (isFirst){                input[i][0] -= 32;                isFirst = false;            }            cout << input[i];        }    }    return 0;}

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