
来源:互联网 发布:海思自动对焦算法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 17:29

Progress Wheel为GitHub热门项目,作者是: Todd-Davies ,项目地址:











【 Android LayoutInflater原理分析,带你一步步深入了解View ——】

【 Android视图绘制流程完全解析,带你一步步深入了解View ——】

【 Android视图状态及重绘流程分析,带你一步步深入了解View ——】

Android自定义View的实现方法,带你一步步深入了解View ——】








<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><animation-list xmlns:android=""  android:oneshot="false" >  <item android:duration="150" >    <clip       android:clipOrientation="horizontal"      android:drawable="@drawable/loading_01"      android:gravity="left"/>  </item>  <item android:duration="150" >    <clip       android:clipOrientation="horizontal"      android:drawable="@drawable/loading_02"      android:gravity="left"/>  </item>  <item android:duration="150" >    <clip       android:clipOrientation="horizontal"      android:drawable="@drawable/loading_03"      android:gravity="left"/>  </item>  <item android:duration="150" >    <clip       android:clipOrientation="horizontal"      android:drawable="@drawable/loading_04"      android:gravity="left"/>  </item>  <item android:duration="150" >    <clip       android:clipOrientation="horizontal"      android:drawable="@drawable/loading_05"      android:gravity="left"/>  </item>  <item android:duration="150" >    <clip       android:clipOrientation="horizontal"      android:drawable="@drawable/loading_06"      android:gravity="left"/>  </item>  <item android:duration="150" >    <clip       android:clipOrientation="horizontal"      android:drawable="@drawable/loading_07"      android:gravity="left"/>  </item>  <item android:duration="150" >    <clip       android:clipOrientation="horizontal"      android:drawable="@drawable/loading_08"      android:gravity="left"/>  </item>  <item android:duration="150" >    <clip       android:clipOrientation="horizontal"      android:drawable="@drawable/loading_09"      android:gravity="left"/>  </item>  <item android:duration="150" >    <clip       android:clipOrientation="horizontal"      android:drawable="@drawable/loading_10"      android:gravity="left"/>  </item>  <item android:duration="150" >    <clip       android:clipOrientation="horizontal"      android:drawable="@drawable/loading_11"      android:gravity="left"/>  </item>  <item android:duration="150" >    <clip       android:clipOrientation="horizontal"      android:drawable="@drawable/loading_12"      android:gravity="left"/>  </item></animation-list>
<ProgressBar         android:layout_width="wrap_content"        android:layout_height="wrap_content"        android:indeterminateDrawable="@drawable/progressbar1"        />

2 、效果图:

在上一篇有关自定义控件的博客里我们使用了一个RotateAnimation类来实现旋转效果 (,其实,我们在这里也可以把一张图片,通过旋转,达到我们要的效果。本质上和上一种方法没多大区别。


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><rotate xmlns:android=""  android:pivotX="50%"  android:pivotY="50%"  android:fromDegrees="0"  android:toDegrees="360"  android:interpolator="@android:anim/accelerate_decelerate_interpolator" >  <bitmap     android:antialias="true"    android:filter="true"    android:src="@drawable/loading_360"/></rotate>
<ProgressBar       android:layout_width="wrap_content"      android:layout_height="wrap_content"      android:indeterminateDrawable="@drawable/progressbar2"/>



Android 上刚好就有这么一个ClipDrawable类,能够实现剪裁的过程。我们来看看怎么通过这样的方式自定义一个进度条控件。

public class MyProgressBar extends FrameLayout{  private boolean running;  private int progress = 0;  private static final int MAX_PROGRESS = 10000;    private ClipDrawable clip;    private Handler handler = new Handler(){    @Override    public void handleMessage(android.os.Message msg) {      if(msg.what == 0x123)        clip.setLevel(progress);    }  };    public MyProgressBar(Context context){    this(context,null,0);  }  public MyProgressBar(Context context,AttributeSet attrs){    this(context,null,0);  }    public MyProgressBar(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {    super(context, attrs, defStyle);    Init(context);  }    public void Init(Context context){    View view = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.view, null);        ImageView iv = (ImageView)view.findViewById(;        addView(view);    clip = (ClipDrawable)iv.getDrawable();        Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {            @Override      public void run() {        running = true;        while(running){          handler.sendEmptyMessage(0x123);          if(progress == MAX_PROGRESS)            progress = 0;          progress += 100;          try {            Thread.sleep(18);          } catch (InterruptedException e) {            e.printStackTrace();          }        }      }    });    thread.start();  }  public void stop(){    progress = 0;    running = false;  }}



实现一个View的子类——Progress Wheel类,实现进度条效果。具体的内容我都写在了注释上,如果不了解自定义控件的知识,可以去阅读guolin博客里自定义View四部曲的讲解,讲的挺好的。

代码 :

public class ProgressWheel extends View {  //绘制View用到的各种长、宽带大小  private int layout_height = 0;  private int layout_width = 0;  private int fullRadius = 100;  private int circleRadius = 80;  private int barLength = 60;  private int barWidth = 20;  private int rimWidth = 20;  private int textSize = 20;  private float contourSize = 0;  //与页边的间距  private int paddingTop = 5;  private int paddingBottom = 5;  private int paddingLeft = 5;  private int paddingRight = 5;  //View要绘制的颜色  private int barColor = 0xAA000000;  private int contourColor = 0xAA000000;  private int circleColor = 0x00000000;  private int rimColor = 0xAADDDDDD;  private int textColor = 0xFF000000;  //绘制要用的画笔  private Paint barPaint = new Paint();  private Paint circlePaint = new Paint();  private Paint rimPaint = new Paint();  private Paint textPaint = new Paint();  private Paint contourPaint = new Paint();  //绘制要用的矩形  @SuppressWarnings("unused")  private RectF rectBounds = new RectF();  private RectF circleBounds = new RectF();  private RectF circleOuterContour = new RectF();  private RectF circleInnerContour = new RectF();  //动画  //每次绘制要移动的像素数目  private int spinSpeed = 2;  //绘制过程的时间间隔  private int delayMillis = 0;  int progress = 0;  boolean isSpinning = false;  //其他  private String text = "";  private String[] splitText = {};  /**   * ProgressWheel的构造方法   *   * @param context   * @param attrs   */  public ProgressWheel(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {    super(context, attrs);    parseAttributes(context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,        R.styleable.ProgressWheel));  }  //----------------------------------  //初始化一些元素  //----------------------------------  /*   * 调用这个方法时,使View绘制为方形   * From:   *    */  @Override  protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {    // 首先我们要调用超类的onMeasure借口     // 原因是我们自己去实现一个方法获得长度、宽度太麻烦了    // 使用超类的的方法非常方便而且让复杂的细节可控    super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);    // 在这里我们不能使用getWidth()和getHeight()。     // 因为这两个方法只能在View的布局完成后才能使用,而一个View的绘制过程是先绘制元素,再绘制Layout    // 所以我们必须使用getMeasuredWidth()和getMeasuredHeight()    int size = 0;    int width = getMeasuredWidth();    int height = getMeasuredHeight();    int widthWithoutPadding = width - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight();    int heigthWithoutPadding = height - getPaddingTop() - getPaddingBottom();        // 最后我们用一些简单的逻辑去计算View的大小并调用setMeasuredDimension()去设置View的大小    // 在比较View的长宽前我们不考虑间距,但当我们设置View所需要绘制的面积时,我们要考虑它    // 不考虑间距的View(View内的实际画面)此时就应该是方形的,但是由于间距的存在,最终View所占的面积可能不是方形的     if (widthWithoutPadding > heigthWithoutPadding) {      size = heigthWithoutPadding;    } else {      size = widthWithoutPadding;    }        // 如果你重写了onMeasure()方法,你必须调用setMeasuredDimension()方法     // 这是你设置View大小的唯一途径      // 如果你不调用setMeasuredDimension()方法,父控件会抛出异常,并且程序会崩溃    // 如果我们使用了超类的onMeasure()方法,我们就不是那么需要setMeasuredDimension()方法    // 然而,重写onMeasure()方法是为了改变既有的绘制流程,所以我们必须调用setMeasuredDimension()方法以达到我们的目的    setMeasuredDimension(size + getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight(), size + getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom());  }  /**   * 使用onSizeChanged方法代替onAttachedToWindow获得View的面积   * 因为这个方法会在测量了MATCH_PARENT和WRAP_CONTENT后马上被调用   * 使用获得的面积设置View   */  @Override  protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {    super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);    // Share the dimensions    layout_width = w;    layout_height = h;    setupBounds();    setupPaints();    invalidate();  }  /**   * 设置我们想要绘制的progress wheel的颜色   */  private void setupPaints() {    barPaint.setColor(barColor);    barPaint.setAntiAlias(true);    barPaint.setStyle(Style.STROKE);    barPaint.setStrokeWidth(barWidth);    rimPaint.setColor(rimColor);    rimPaint.setAntiAlias(true);    rimPaint.setStyle(Style.STROKE);    rimPaint.setStrokeWidth(rimWidth);    circlePaint.setColor(circleColor);    circlePaint.setAntiAlias(true);    circlePaint.setStyle(Style.FILL);    textPaint.setColor(textColor);    textPaint.setStyle(Style.FILL);    textPaint.setAntiAlias(true);    textPaint.setTextSize(textSize);    contourPaint.setColor(contourColor);    contourPaint.setAntiAlias(true);    contourPaint.setStyle(Style.STROKE);    contourPaint.setStrokeWidth(contourSize);  }  /**   * 设置元素的边界   */  private void setupBounds() {    // 为了保持宽度和长度的一致,我们要获得layout_width和layout_height中较小的一个,从而绘制一个圆    int minValue = Math.min(layout_width, layout_height);    // 计算在绘制过程中在x,y方向的偏移量    int xOffset = layout_width - minValue;    int yOffset = layout_height - minValue;    // 间距加上偏移量    paddingTop = this.getPaddingTop() + (yOffset / 2);    paddingBottom = this.getPaddingBottom() + (yOffset / 2);    paddingLeft = this.getPaddingLeft() + (xOffset / 2);    paddingRight = this.getPaddingRight() + (xOffset / 2);    int width = getWidth(); //this.getLayoutParams().width;    int height = getHeight(); //this.getLayoutParams().height;    rectBounds = new RectF(paddingLeft,        paddingTop,        width - paddingRight,        height - paddingBottom);    circleBounds = new RectF(paddingLeft + barWidth,        paddingTop + barWidth,        width - paddingRight - barWidth,        height - paddingBottom - barWidth);    circleInnerContour = new RectF(circleBounds.left + (rimWidth / 2.0f) + (contourSize / 2.0f), + (rimWidth / 2.0f) + (contourSize / 2.0f), circleBounds.right - (rimWidth / 2.0f) - (contourSize / 2.0f), circleBounds.bottom - (rimWidth / 2.0f) - (contourSize / 2.0f));    circleOuterContour = new RectF(circleBounds.left - (rimWidth / 2.0f) - (contourSize / 2.0f), - (rimWidth / 2.0f) - (contourSize / 2.0f), circleBounds.right + (rimWidth / 2.0f) + (contourSize / 2.0f), circleBounds.bottom + (rimWidth / 2.0f) + (contourSize / 2.0f));    fullRadius = (width - paddingRight - barWidth) / 2;    circleRadius = (fullRadius - barWidth) + 1;  }  /**   * 从XML中解析控件的属性   *   * @param a the attributes to parse   */  private void parseAttributes(TypedArray a) {    barWidth = (int) a.getDimension(R.styleable.ProgressWheel_barWidth,        barWidth);    rimWidth = (int) a.getDimension(R.styleable.ProgressWheel_rimWidth,        rimWidth);    spinSpeed = (int) a.getDimension(R.styleable.ProgressWheel_spinSpeed,        spinSpeed);    delayMillis = a.getInteger(R.styleable.ProgressWheel_delayMillis,        delayMillis);    if (delayMillis < 0) {      delayMillis = 0;    }    barColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.ProgressWheel_barColor, barColor);    barLength = (int) a.getDimension(R.styleable.ProgressWheel_barLength,        barLength);    textSize = (int) a.getDimension(R.styleable.ProgressWheel_textSize,        textSize);    textColor = (int) a.getColor(R.styleable.ProgressWheel_textColor,        textColor);    //如果text是空的,就无视它    if (a.hasValue(R.styleable.ProgressWheel_text)) {      setText(a.getString(R.styleable.ProgressWheel_text));    }    rimColor = (int) a.getColor(R.styleable.ProgressWheel_rimColor,        rimColor);    circleColor = (int) a.getColor(R.styleable.ProgressWheel_circleColor,        circleColor);    contourColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.ProgressWheel_contourColor, contourColor);    contourSize = a.getDimension(R.styleable.ProgressWheel_contourSize, contourSize);    // 使用TypedArray获得控件属性时必须要注意:使用结束后必须回收TypedArray的对象    a.recycle();  }  //----------------------------------  //动画  //----------------------------------  protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {    super.onDraw(canvas);    //绘制内圆    canvas.drawArc(circleBounds, 360, 360, false, circlePaint);    //绘制边界    canvas.drawArc(circleBounds, 360, 360, false, rimPaint);    canvas.drawArc(circleOuterContour, 360, 360, false, contourPaint);    canvas.drawArc(circleInnerContour, 360, 360, false, contourPaint);    //绘制条纹    if (isSpinning) {      canvas.drawArc(circleBounds, progress - 90, barLength, false,          barPaint);    } else {      canvas.drawArc(circleBounds, -90, progress, false, barPaint);    }    //绘制我们想要设置的文字 (并让它显示在圆水平和垂直方向的中心处)    float textHeight = textPaint.descent() - textPaint.ascent();    float verticalTextOffset = (textHeight / 2) - textPaint.descent();    for (String s : splitText) {      float horizontalTextOffset = textPaint.measureText(s) / 2;      canvas.drawText(s, this.getWidth() / 2 - horizontalTextOffset,          this.getHeight() / 2 + verticalTextOffset, textPaint);    }    if (isSpinning) {      scheduleRedraw();    }  }  private void scheduleRedraw() {    progress += spinSpeed;    if (progress > 360) {      progress = 0;    }    postInvalidateDelayed(delayMillis);  }  /**  *   判断wheel是否在旋转  */    public boolean isSpinning() {    if(isSpinning){      return true;    } else {      return false;    }  }    /**   * 重设进度条的值   */  public void resetCount() {    progress = 0;    setText("0%");    invalidate();  }  /**   * 停止进度条的旋转   */  public void stopSpinning() {    isSpinning = false;    progress = 0;    postInvalidate();  }  /**   * 让进度条开启旋转模式   */  public void spin() {    isSpinning = true;    postInvalidate();  }  /**   * 让进度条每次增加1(最大值为360)   */  public void incrementProgress() {    isSpinning = false;    progress++;    if (progress > 360)      progress = 0;    setText(Math.round(((float) progress / 360) * 100) + "%");     postInvalidate();  }  /**   * 设置进度条为一个确切的数值   */  public void setProgress(int i) {    isSpinning = false;    progress = i;    postInvalidate();  }  //----------------------------------  //get和set方法  //----------------------------------  /**   * 设置progress bar的文字并不需要刷新View   *   * @param text the text to show ('\n' constitutes a new line)   */  public void setText(String text) {    this.text = text;    splitText = this.text.split("\n");  }  public int getCircleRadius() {    return circleRadius;  }  public void setCircleRadius(int circleRadius) {    this.circleRadius = circleRadius;  }  public int getBarLength() {    return barLength;  }  public void setBarLength(int barLength) {    this.barLength = barLength;  }  public int getBarWidth() {    return barWidth;  }  public void setBarWidth(int barWidth) {    this.barWidth = barWidth;        if ( this.barPaint != null ) {      this.barPaint.setStrokeWidth( this.barWidth );    }  }  public int getTextSize() {    return textSize;  }  public void setTextSize(int textSize) {    this.textSize = textSize;        if ( this.textPaint != null ) {      this.textPaint.setTextSize( this.textSize );    }  }  public int getPaddingTop() {    return paddingTop;  }  public void setPaddingTop(int paddingTop) {    this.paddingTop = paddingTop;  }  public int getPaddingBottom() {    return paddingBottom;  }  public void setPaddingBottom(int paddingBottom) {    this.paddingBottom = paddingBottom;  }  public int getPaddingLeft() {    return paddingLeft;  }  public void setPaddingLeft(int paddingLeft) {    this.paddingLeft = paddingLeft;  }  public int getPaddingRight() {    return paddingRight;  }  public void setPaddingRight(int paddingRight) {    this.paddingRight = paddingRight;  }  public int getBarColor() {    return barColor;  }  public void setBarColor(int barColor) {    this.barColor = barColor;        if ( this.barPaint != null ) {      this.barPaint.setColor( this.barColor );    }  }  public int getCircleColor() {    return circleColor;  }  public void setCircleColor(int circleColor) {    this.circleColor = circleColor;        if ( this.circlePaint != null ) {      this.circlePaint.setColor( this.circleColor);    }  }  public int getRimColor() {    return rimColor;  }  public void setRimColor(int rimColor) {    this.rimColor = rimColor;        if ( this.rimPaint != null ) {      this.rimPaint.setColor( this.rimColor );    }  }  public Shader getRimShader() {    return rimPaint.getShader();  }  public void setRimShader(Shader shader) {    this.rimPaint.setShader(shader);  }  public int getTextColor() {    return textColor;  }  public void setTextColor(int textColor) {    this.textColor = textColor;        if ( this.textPaint != null ) {      this.textPaint.setColor( this.textColor );    }  }  public int getSpinSpeed() {    return spinSpeed;  }  public void setSpinSpeed(int spinSpeed) {    this.spinSpeed = spinSpeed;  }  public int getRimWidth() {    return rimWidth;  }  public void setRimWidth(int rimWidth) {    this.rimWidth = rimWidth;        if ( this.rimPaint != null ) {      this.rimPaint.setStrokeWidth( this.rimWidth );    }  }  public int getDelayMillis() {    return delayMillis;  }  public void setDelayMillis(int delayMillis) {    this.delayMillis = delayMillis;  }    public int getContourColor() {    return contourColor;  }    public void setContourColor(int contourColor) {    this.contourColor = contourColor;        if ( contourPaint != null ) {      this.contourPaint.setColor( this.contourColor );    }  }    public float getContourSize() {    return this.contourSize;  }    public void setContourSize(float contourSize) {    this.contourSize = contourSize;        if ( contourPaint != null ) {      this.contourPaint.setStrokeWidth( this.contourSize );    }  }}
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