Libgdx之AssetManager 资源管理器及进度条的实现

来源:互联网 发布:女生bmi多少最好看知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 13:07


* void clear() 清空和销毁已加载和预加载的资源
* void dispose() AssetManager是很耗内存的,不用事要销毁
* void finishLoading() 阻塞线程,直到所有资源加载完毕
* boolean update() 异步加载资源,如资源加载完毕,返回true
* void load(AssetDescriptor desc)
void load(java.lang.String fileName, java.lang.Class type)
* void unload(java.lang.String fileName) 将不再使用的资源移除
* T get(java.lang.String fileName)
T get(java.lang.String fileName, java.lang.Class type)
* float getProgress() 获取资源加载的进度
* setLoader(java.lang.Class type, AssetLoader loader) 大多数资源在初始化函数中已经指定了,但有一些没有定义的资源比如:TiledMap需要自己设置资源加载器,此时需要用到此方法


AssetManager初始化比较简单:AssetManager am = new AssetManager()

public AssetManager (FileHandleResolver resolver, boolean defaultLoaders) {        this.resolver = resolver;        if (defaultLoaders) {            setLoader(BitmapFont.class, new BitmapFontLoader(resolver));            setLoader(Music.class, new MusicLoader(resolver));            setLoader(Pixmap.class, new PixmapLoader(resolver));            setLoader(Sound.class, new SoundLoader(resolver));            setLoader(TextureAtlas.class, new TextureAtlasLoader(resolver));            setLoader(Texture.class, new TextureLoader(resolver));            setLoader(Skin.class, new SkinLoader(resolver));            setLoader(ParticleEffect.class, new ParticleEffectLoader(resolver));            setLoader(,                new;            setLoader(PolygonRegion.class, new PolygonRegionLoader(resolver));            setLoader(I18NBundle.class, new I18NBundleLoader(resolver));            setLoader(Model.class, ".g3dj", new G3dModelLoader(new JsonReader(), resolver));            setLoader(Model.class, ".g3db", new G3dModelLoader(new UBJsonReader(), resolver));            setLoader(Model.class, ".obj", new ObjLoader(resolver));        }        executor = new AsyncExecutor(1);    }

注意: 最好不要讲 am 声明为static变量,因为在Android开发环境中有时候AssetManager的生命周期和应用程序的周期并不同步,可能会造成异常

TextureParameter param = new TextureParameter();param.minFilter = TextureFilter.Linear;param.genMipMaps = true;manager.load("data/mytexture.png", Texture.class, param);


Texture tex = am.get("data/mytexture.png", Texture.class);BitmapFont font = am.get("data/myfont.fnt", BitmapFont.class);


if(am.isLoaded("data/mytexture.png")) {   // texture is available, let's fetch it and do something interesting   Texture tex = am.get("data/mytexture.png", Texture.class);}




am.clear()   或者  am.dispose()   //dispose不仅销毁所有加载的资源同时也销毁am本身

在Android应用程序中,调用paused()和resume()方法时,一些OpenGL的资源像Texuture需要被重新加载,如果想再次调用loading screen可以在初始化am设置如下内容: Texture.setAssetManager(am);

在GitHub上找了一个开源的代码 libgdx-loading-screen,下面是代码简单的展示:
首先定义了 主要作用是将加载的进度条做成一个动画,这样更有动感

public class LoadingBar extends Actor {    Animation animation;    TextureRegion reg;    float stateTime;    public LoadingBar(Animation animation) {        this.animation = animation;        reg = animation.getKeyFrame(0);    }    @Override    public void act(float delta) {        stateTime += delta;        reg = animation.getKeyFrame(stateTime);    }    @Override    public void draw(SpriteBatch batch, float parentAlpha) {        batch.draw(reg, getX(), getY());    }}


public class LoadingScreen extends AbstractScreen {    private Stage stage;    private Image logo;    private Image loadingFrame;    private Image loadingBarHidden;    private Image screenBg;    private Image loadingBg;    private float startX, endX;    private float percent;    private Actor loadingBar;    public LoadingScreen(SomeCoolGame game) {        super(game);    }    @Override    public void show() {        // Tell the manager to load assets for the loading screen        game.manager.load("data/loading.pack", TextureAtlas.class);        // Wait until they are finished loading        game.manager.finishLoading();        // Initialize the stage where we will place everything        stage = new Stage();        // Get our textureatlas from the manager        TextureAtlas atlas = game.manager.get("data/loading.pack", TextureAtlas.class);        // Grab the regions from the atlas and create some images        logo = new Image(atlas.findRegion("libgdx-logo"));        loadingFrame = new Image(atlas.findRegion("loading-frame"));        loadingBarHidden = new Image(atlas.findRegion("loading-bar-hidden"));        screenBg = new Image(atlas.findRegion("screen-bg"));        loadingBg = new Image(atlas.findRegion("loading-frame-bg"));        // Add the loading bar animation        Animation anim = new Animation(0.05f, atlas.findRegions("loading-bar-anim") );        anim.setPlayMode(Animation.LOOP_REVERSED);        loadingBar = new LoadingBar(anim);        // Or if you only need a static bar, you can do        // loadingBar = new Image(atlas.findRegion("loading-bar1"));        // Add all the actors to the stage        stage.addActor(screenBg);        stage.addActor(loadingBar);        stage.addActor(loadingBg);        stage.addActor(loadingBarHidden);        stage.addActor(loadingFrame);        stage.addActor(logo);        // Add everything to be loaded, for instance:        // game.manager.load("data/assets1.pack", TextureAtlas.class);        // game.manager.load("data/assets2.pack", TextureAtlas.class);        // game.manager.load("data/assets3.pack", TextureAtlas.class);    }    @Override    public void resize(int width, int height) {        // Set our screen to always be XXX x 480 in size        width = 480 * width / height;        height = 480;        stage.setViewport(width , height, false);        // Make the background fill the screen        screenBg.setSize(width, height);        // Place the logo in the middle of the screen and 100 px up        logo.setX((width - logo.getWidth()) / 2);        logo.setY((height - logo.getHeight()) / 2 + 100);        // Place the loading frame in the middle of the screen        loadingFrame.setX((stage.getWidth() - loadingFrame.getWidth()) / 2);        loadingFrame.setY((stage.getHeight() - loadingFrame.getHeight()) / 2);        // Place the loading bar at the same spot as the frame, adjusted a few px        loadingBar.setX(loadingFrame.getX() + 15);        loadingBar.setY(loadingFrame.getY() + 5);        // Place the image that will hide the bar on top of the bar, adjusted a few px        loadingBarHidden.setX(loadingBar.getX() + 35);        loadingBarHidden.setY(loadingBar.getY() - 3);        // The start position and how far to move the hidden loading bar        startX = loadingBarHidden.getX();        endX = 440;        // The rest of the hidden bar        loadingBg.setSize(450, 50);        loadingBg.setX(loadingBarHidden.getX() + 30);        loadingBg.setY(loadingBarHidden.getY() + 3);    }    @Override    public void render(float delta) {        // Clear the screen;        if (game.manager.update()) { // Load some, will return true if done loading            if (Gdx.input.isTouched()) { // If the screen is touched after the game is done loading, go to the main menu screen                game.setScreen(new MainMenuScreen(game));            }        }        // Interpolate the percentage to make it more smooth        percent = Interpolation.linear.apply(percent, game.manager.getProgress(), 0.1f);        // Update positions (and size) to match the percentage        loadingBarHidden.setX(startX + endX * percent);        loadingBg.setX(loadingBarHidden.getX() + 30);        loadingBg.setWidth(450 - 450 * percent);        loadingBg.invalidate();        // Show the loading screen        stage.act();        stage.draw();    }    @Override    public void hide() {        // Dispose the loading assets as we no longer need them        game.manager.unload("data/loading.pack");    }}


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