2008 January 9th Wednesday (一月 九日 水曜日)

来源:互联网 发布:yum安装程序指定路径 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 04:31
Today I finished the work of the program baihansetting.  And I am going to edit an article on C training tutorial.
In this short tutorial, I want to discuss how to implement the try/catch() mechanism in C language.  I throught its
difficulty can be accepted by trainees.  The taining course is plan on 15:00 pm Friday.

  So, this afternoon I will debug the C source to implement try/catch() mechanism.  From this course, the veil of
try/catch() will be disconvered.

  C language is so simple that programmer can use it freely.  In C lanuage, there are rules or syntax that is relative
simpler than other languages, such as C++, Pascal.  Its loose rule or type casting, and flexible expressions can set off
the mind of a programmer.  That is why hackers like using it.

  I look through the source.  There are not comment, I must add comments into sources so as to others can read it

