2008 March 10th Monday (三月 十日 月曜日)

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝小栈的网页制作 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 04:21
 I had studied a request message format to get the details of the communication between SCSes in dual environment.  There are many
fields that I don't know what is used to do.

  Now, the design can not be written.

  In the customer's mind, when a main SCS crashed, its reserved SCS must take over its work.  In order to keep synchronized data,
the main SCS must send a copy of any message which it received out to its reserved SCS pal.  The reserved SCS must received that
every message and updated its own database.

  So, it is a key to understand how the two SCSes is talking with.
