来源:互联网 发布:淘宝如何找相似 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 00:47

在提交并发请求的时候,有些情况需要调用其他的并发程序去处理相应的事务,此时父并发请求进入等待状态,当子程序完成之后接着去处理其他的业务,为了实现这种情况需要使用到FUNCTION FND_CONCURRENT.WAIT_FOR_REQUEST 这个功能。

 log('begin call Import Standard Purchase Orders');    l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request('PO',                                               'POXPOPDOI',                                               '',                                               to_char(SYSDATE, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'),                                               FALSE,                                               NULL,                                               'STANDARD',                                               NULL,                                               'N',                                               NULL,                                               'INCOMPLETE', --'APPROVED',                                               NULL,                                               NULL,                                               lt_org_id,                                               NULL,                                               chr(0));    log(l_request_name || ' Interface Request Submmit.l_request_id=' || l_request_id);    COMMIT;--注意这个commit需要写上,不然会有问题
l_wait_req   := fnd_concurrent.wait_for_request(request_id => p_request_id,                                                    INTERVAL   => 1,                                                    max_wait   => 1000,                                                    phase      => l_child_phase,                                                    status     => l_child_status,                                                    dev_phase  => l_dev_phase,                                                    dev_status => l_dev_status,                                                    message    => l_message);    x_wait_req   := l_wait_req;    x_dev_phase  := l_dev_phase;    x_dev_status := l_dev_status;    x_message    := l_message;

fnd_concurrent.wait_for_request 参考
Problem Description:

The following describes how to submit concurrent requests using PL/SQL and
have the parent request ‘wait’ until each of the child processes have
completed before it completes.

Search Words: WAIT_FOR_REQUEST phase status arguments interval

Solution Description:

When submitting concurrent requests using PL/SQL, it is often desired to have
the parent process wait until all the child processes have completed before
completing itself. The following describes the function used to accomplish

Use the FND_CONCURRENT.WAIT_FOR_REQUEST function documented in the Oracle
Applications Developer’s Guide, RELEASE 11i, Page 21-8 See the FND_CONCURRENT.WAIT_FOR_REQUEST
function description.


(request_id IN number default NULL,
interval IN number default 60,
max_wait IN number default 0,
phase OUT varchar2,
status OUT varchar2,
dev_phase OUT varchar2,
dev_status OUT varchar2,
message OUT varchar2) return boolean;

Wait for the request completion, then return the request phase/status and
completion message to the caller. Also call sleep between database checks.

Arguments (input)

The request ID of the program to wait on.

Time to wait between checks. This is the number of seconds to sleep.
The default is 60 seconds.

The maximum time in seconds to wait for the requests completion.

Arguments (output)

The user friendly request phase from FND_LOOKUPS.

The user friendly request status from FND_LOOKUPS.

The request phase as a constant string that can be used for program
logic comparisons.

The request status as a constant string that can be used for program
logic comparisons.

The completion message supplied if the request has completed.

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