
来源:互联网 发布:java员工管理系统菜单 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 11:57

第12章  标准库函数




    12.1  为什么应该使用标准库函数而不要自己编写函数?






    为了找到“正确的”头文件,你可以在一份ANSI/ISO c标准的拷贝中查阅相应的函数。如果你手头没有这样一份拷贝,你可以使用表12.2。



    12.2 为了定义我要使用的标准库函数,我需要使用哪些头文件?

    12.2 为了定义我要使用的标准库函数,我需要使用哪些头文件?







  函数                               头文件


abort                                stdlib. h

abs                                  stdlib. h

acos                                 math. h

asctime                              time. h

asin                                 math. h

assert                               assert.h

atan                                 math. h

atan2                                math. h

atexit                               stdlib. h

atof                                 stdlib. h

atoi                                 stdlib. h

atol                                 stdlib. h

bsearch                              stdlib. h

BUFSIZ                               stdio. h

calloc                               stdlib. h

ceil                                 math. h

clearerr                             stdio. h

clock                                time. h

CLOCKS-PER-SEC                       time. h

clock_t                              time. h

cos                                  math. h

cosh                                 math. h

ctime                                time. h

difftime                             time. h

div                                  stdlib. h

div_t                                stdlib. h

EDOM                                 errno. h

EOF                                  stdio. h

ERANGE                               errno. h

errno                                errno. h

exit                                 stdlib. h

EXIT_FAILURE                         stdlib. h

EXIT_SUCCESS                         stdlib. h

exp                                  math. h

fabs                                 math. h

fclose                               stdio. h

feof                                 stdio.h

ferror                               stdio.h

fflush                               stdio. h

fgetc                                stdio.h

fgetpos                              stdio. h

fgets                                stdio.h

FILE                                 stdio. h

FILENAME-MAX                        stdio. h

floor                                math. h

fmod                                 math. h

fopen                                stdio. h

FOPEN_MAX                            stdio. h

fpos_t                               stdio. h

fpnntf                               stdio. h

fputc                                stdio.h

fputs                                stdio. h

head                                 stdio. h

free                                 stdlib. h

freopen                              stdio. h

frexp                                math. h

fscanf                               stdio. h

fseek                                stdio. h

fsetpos                              stdio. h

ftell                                stdio. h

fwrite                               stdio. h

getc                                 stdio.h

getchar                              stdio. h

getenv                               stdlib. h

gets                                 stdio.h

gmtime                               time. h

HUGE-VAL                             math.h

_IOFBF                               stdio. h

_IOLBF                               stdio. h

_IONBF                               stdio. h

isalnum                              ctype. h

isalpha                              ctype. h

iscntrl                              ctype. h

isdigit                              ctype. h

isgraph                              ctype. h

islower                              ctype. h

isprint                              ctype. h

ispunct                              ctype. h

isspace                              ctype. h

isupper                              ctype. h

isxdigit                             ctype. h

jmp_buf                              setjmp. h

labs                                 stdlib. h

LC_ALL                               locale. h

LC_COLLATE                           locale. h

LC_CTYPE                             locale. h

LC_MONETARY                          locale. h

LC_NUMERIC                           locale. h

LC_TIME                              locale. h

struct lconv                         locale. h

ldexp                                math. h

ldiv                                 stdlib. h

ldiv_t                               stdlib. h

localeconv                           locale. h

localtime                            time. h

log                                  math.  h

log10                                math.  h

longjmp                              setjmp. h

L_tmpnam                             stdio. h

malloc                               stdlib. h

mblen                                stdlib. h

mbstowcs                             stdlib. h

mbtowc                               stdlib. h

MB_CUR_MAX                           stdlib. h

memchr                               string. h

memcmp                               string. h

memcpy                               string. h

memmove                              string. h

memset                               string. h

mktime                              time. h

modf                                 math. h

NDEBUG                               assert. h

NULL                                 locale. h.stddef. h.stdio. h.stdlib. h.string. h.time. h

offsetof                             stddef. h

perror                               stdio.h

pow                                  math. h

printf                               stdio.h

ptrdiff_t                            stddef. h

putc                                 stdio. h

putchar                              stdio. h

puts                                 stdio. h

qsort                                stdlib. h

raise                                signal. h

rand                                 stdlib. h

RAND_MAX                             stdlib. h

realloc                              stdlib. h

remove                               stdio. h

rename                               stdio. h

rewind                               stdio. h

scanf                                stdio.h

SEEK_CUR                             stdio. h

SEEK_END                             stdio. h

SEEK_SET                             stdio. h

setbuf                               stdio. h

setjmp                               setjmp. h

setlocale                            locale. h

setvbuf                              stdio. h

SIGABRT                              signal. h

SIGFPE                               signal. h

SIGILL                               signal. h

SIGINT                               signal. h

signal                               signal. h

SIGSEGV                              signal. h

SIGTERM                              signal. h

sig_atomic_t                         signal. h

SIG_DFL                              signal. h

SIG_ERR                              signal. h

SIG_IGN                              signal. h

sin                                  math. h

sinh                                 math. h

size_t                               stddef. h.stdlib. h.string. h

sprintf                              stdio. h

sqrt                                 math. h

srand                                stdlib. h

sscanf                               stdio. h

stderr                               stdio.h

stdin                                stdio. h

stdout                               stdio. h

strcat                               string. h

strchr                               string. h

strcmp                               string. h

strcoll                              string. h

strcpy                               string. h

strcspn                              string. h

strerror                             string.h

strftime                             time. h

strlen                               string. h

strncat                              string. h

strncmp                              string. h

strncpy                              string. h

strpbrk                              string. h

strrchr                              string. h

strspn                               string. h

strstr                               string. h

strtod                               stdlib. h

strtok                               string. h

strtol                               stdlib. h

strtoul                              stdlib. h

strxfrm                              string. h

system                               stblib. h

tan                                  math. h

tanh                                 math. h

time                                 time. h

time_t                               time. h

struct tm                            time. h

tmpfile                              stdio. h

tmpnam                               stdio. h

TMP_MAX                              stdio. h

tolower                              ctype. h

toupper                              ctype. h

ungetc                               stdio. h

va_arg                               stdarg. h

va_end                               stdarg. h

valist                               stdarg. h

va_ start                            stdarg. h

vfprintf                             stdio. h

vprintf                              stdio. h

vsprintf                             stdio. h

wchar_t                              stddef. h. stdlib. h

wcstombs                             stdlib. h

wctomb                               stdlib. h



     5.12 #include(file~和#include“file”有什么不同?

    12.1  为什么应该使用标准库函数而不要自己编写函数?

    12.3  怎样编写参数数目可变的函数?




printf( Hello,  world! );  /* no more arguments */

printf(%s , Hello, world!);   /*  one more string argument  */

printf(%s, %s , Hello , world!);   /*  two more string arguments  */

printf(%s, %d , Hello, 42);   /*  one string, one int */



# include      

# include      

# include      

# include      

static char *

int2str (int n)


       int     minus = (n < 0) ;

       static char     buf[32];

       char      * p =  &buf[3l];

       if (minus)

                n = —n;

       *P = ’’,

       do {

                *---p = ’0’+n%10;


       }  while (n>0);

       if (minus)

          *- - p = ’-’;

       return p;



 * This is a simple printf-like function that handles only

 * the format specifiers %%, %s, and %d.



simplePrintf(const char  * format, . . . )


      va_list     ap; / * ap is our argument pointer.  * /

      int         i;

      char        * s ;


        * Initialize ap to start with  the argument

        * after format


      va_start(ap, format);

      for (;  * format;  format + + ) {

             if (* format !=’%’){

                     putcharC * format);



             switch  ( * ++format) {

             case ’s’ :

                    / *  Get next argument (a char * )  * /

                    s = va_arg(ap, char  * );

                    fputs(s, stdout);


             case ’d’:/ * Get next  argument (an int) * /

                     i  = va_arg(ap, int);

                     s  = int2str(i) ;

                     fputs(s, stdout) ;

                     break s

             case ’ ’ : format---;


             default :putchar ( * format) ;




       / *  Clean up  varying arguments before returning  * /






             simplePrintK The %s tax rate is  %d%%. ,

                     sales, 6);




    12.4 独立(free—standing)环境和宿主(hosted)环境之间有什么区别?

    并不是所有的C程序员都在编写数据库管理系统和字处理软件,有些C程序员要为嵌入式系统(embedded system)编写代码,例如防抱死刹车系统和智能型的烤面包机。嵌入式系统可以不要任何类型的文件系统,也可以基本上不要操作系统。ANSI/1SO标准称这样的系统为“独立(free—standing)”系统,并且不要求它们提供除语言本身以外的任何东西。与此相反的情况是程序运行在RC机、大型机或者介于两者之间的计算机上,这被称为“宿主(hosted)”环境。
