Java 泛型

来源:互联网 发布:windows pe权威指南 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 07:57


        泛型是Java SE 1.5的新特性,泛型的本质是参数化类型,也就是说所操作的数据类型被指定为一个参数。这种参数类型可以用在类、接口和方法的创建中,分别称为泛型类、泛型接口、泛型方法。 Java语言引入泛型的好处是安全简单。

        在Java SE 1.5之前,没有泛型的情况的下,通过对类型Object的引用来实现参数的“任意化”,“任意化”带来的缺点是要做显式的强制类型转换,而这种转换是要求开发者对实际参数类型可以预知的情况下进行的。对于强制类型转换错误的情况,编译器可能不提示错误,在运行的时候才出现异常,这是一个安全隐患。






4、泛型的参数类型可以使用extends语句,例如<T extends superclass>。习惯上称为“有界类型”。

5、泛型的参数类型还可以是通配符类型。例如Class<?> classType = Class.forName("java.lang.String");



package com.chy.genertic;import;import java.util.ArrayList;public class Class_1 {public class Class_A {}public class Class_B extends Class_A{}public class Class_C extends Class_B{}public Class<?>[] testArray1 = {Class_A.class, Class_B.class, Class_C.class};////error: Cannot create a generic array of Class<? extends Class_1.Class_B>//public Class<? extends Class_B>[] testArray2 = {Class_A.class, Class_B.class, Class_C.class};////error: Multiple markers at this line////(1)- Type mismatch: cannot convert from Class<Class_1.Class_C> to Class<? super Class_1.Class_B>////(2)- Cannot create a generic array of Class<? super Class_1.Class_B>//public Class<? super Class_B>[] testArray3 = {Class_A.class, Class_B.class, Class_C.class};////数组是不能通过泛型创建的,因为我们不能创建不可具体化的类型的数组////error: Multiple markers at this line////(1)- T cannot be resolved to a type////(2)- Type mismatch: cannot convert from Class<Class_1.Class_A> to Class<T>////(3)- Type mismatch: cannot convert from Class<Class_1.Class_B> to Class<T>////(4)- Type mismatch: cannot convert from Class<Class_1.Class_C> to Class<T>////(5)- Cannot create a generic array of Class<T>//public Class<T>[] testArray4 = {Class_A.class, Class_B.class, Class_C.class};public Class_1() {////error: Type mismatch: cannot convert from ArrayList<Class_1.Class_A> to ArrayList<? extends Class_1.Class_B>//ArrayList<? extends Class_B> testArray5 = new ArrayList<Class_A>();ArrayList<? extends Class_B> testArray6 = new ArrayList<Class_B>();ArrayList<? extends Class_B> testArray7 = new ArrayList<Class_C>();////error: The method add(capture#4-of ? extends Class_1.Class_B) in the type List<capture#4-of ? extends Class_1.Class_B> is not applicable for the arguments (Class_1.Class_A)//testArray6.add(new Class_A());////error: The method add(capture#5-of ? extends Class_1.Class_B) in the type List<capture#5-of ? extends Class_1.Class_B> is not applicable for the arguments (Class_1.Class_B)//testArray6.add(new Class_B());////error: The method add(capture#6-of ? extends Class_1.Class_B) in the type List<capture#6-of ? extends Class_1.Class_B> is not applicable for the arguments (Class_1.Class_C)//testArray6.add(new Class_C());ArrayList<? super Class_B> testArray8 = new ArrayList<Class_A>();ArrayList<? super Class_B> testArray9 = new ArrayList<Class_B>();////error: Type mismatch: cannot convert from ArrayList<Class_1.Class_C> to ArrayList<? super Class_1.Class_B>//ArrayList<? super Class_B> testArray10 = new ArrayList<Class_C>();////error: The method add(capture#7-of ? super Class_1.Class_B) in the type List<capture#7-of ? super Class_1.Class_B> is not applicable for the arguments (Class_1.Class_A)//testArray9.add(new Class_A());testArray9.add(new Class_B());testArray9.add(new Class_C());test12(Class_B.class);test12(new Class_B());}public void test1(Class<?> cls) {}public void test2(Class<Integer> cls) {}////error: Syntax error on token "int", Dimensions expected after this token//public void test3(Class<int> cls) {}//为了解决类型被限制死了不能动态根据实例来确定的缺点,引入了“通配符泛型”,针对上面的例子,使用通配泛型格式为<? extends Collection>,“?”代表未知类型public void test4(Class<? extends Class_B> cls) { }////error: T cannot be resolved to a type//public void test5(Class<T> cls) { }////error: T cannot be resolved to a type//public void test6(T cls) { }////wran: The type parameter T should not be bounded by the final type String. Final types cannot be further extended//public <T extends String> void test7(Class<T> cls) { }public <T extends Object> void test8(Class<T> cls) { }//extends 统一的表示了原有的 extends 和 implements 的概念,但仍要遵循应用的体系,Java 只能继承一个类,但可以实现多个接口public <T extends Object & Serializable> void test9(Class<T> cls) { }//通配符泛型不单可以向下限制,如<? extends Collection>,还可以向上限制,如<? super Double>,表示类型只能接受Double及其上层父类类型,如Number、Object类型的实例。public void test10(Class<? super Class_B> cls) {}////error: Multiple markers at this line////(1)- Syntax error on token "super", ,  expected////(2)- T cannot be resolved to a type//public <T super Integer> void test11(Class<T> cls) {}public <T> void test12(T cls) {}public class Class_2<T> {//如果只指定了<?>,而没有extends,则默认是允许Object及其下的任何Java类了。也就是任意类public void test1(Class<?> cls) { }//参数类型的可能是T或是T的子类public void test2(T cls) { }////wran: The type parameter T is hiding the type T//public <T extends Object> void test3(Class<T> cls) { }//? 通配符类型,<? extends T> 表示类型的上界,表示参数化类型的可能是T或是T的子类public void test4(Class<? extends T> cls) { }//? 通配符类型,<? super T> 表示类型下界(Java Core中叫超类型限定),表示参数化类型是此类型的超类型(父类型),直至Objectpublic void test5(Class<? super T> cls) { }public <S> void test6(S cls) { }////error: Multiple markers at this line////(1)- Syntax error on token "?", invalid Type////(2)- Syntax error on token "?", invalid TypeParameter////(3)- Syntax error on token(s), misplaced construct(s)//public <? extends T> void test7(? cls) {}public <E extends T> void test8(E cls) {}////error: Multiple markers at this line////(1)- Syntax error on token "super", , expected////(1)- S cannot be resolved to a type//public <S super T> void test9(S cls) {}}public class Class_3 extends Class_1 {public Class_3 () {Class_1 cls = new Class_1();Class<?> class_A_correct = null;try {class_A_correct = Class.forName("com.demo.test.Class_1.Class_A");} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace();}Class_A cls_A_error = new Class_A();cls.test1(null);cls.test1(Class_A.class);cls.test1(class_A_correct);////error: The method test1(Class<?>) in the type Class_1 is not applicable for the arguments (Class_1)//cls.test1(cls);////error: The method test1(Class<?>) in the type Class_1 is not applicable for the arguments (Class_1.Class_A)//cls.test1(cls_A_error);}}////Class_1.Class_2 is a raw type. References to generic type Class_1.Class_2<T> should be parameterized//public class Class_4 extends Class_2{}////warn: Multiple markers at this line////(1)- Class_1.Class_2 is a raw type. References to generic type Class_1.Class_2<T> should be parameterized////(2)- The type parameter Integer is hiding the type Integer//public class Class_5<Integer> extends Class_2{}public class Class_5 extends Class_2<Class_B> {public Class_5() {Class_A cls_A = new Class_A();Class_B cls_B = new Class_B();Class_C cls_C = new Class_C();////error: The method test2(Class_1.Class_B) in the type Class_1.Class_2<Class_1.Class_B> is not applicable for the arguments (Class_1.Class_A)//super.test2(cls_A);super.test2(cls_B);super.test2(cls_C);////error: The method test4(Class<? extends Class_1.Class_B>) in the type Class_1.Class_2<Class_1.Class_B> is not applicable for the arguments (Class<Class_1.Class_A>)//super.test4(Class_A.class);super.test4(Class_B.class);super.test4(Class_C.class);super.test5(Class_A.class);super.test5(Class_B.class);////error: The method test5(Class<? super Class_1.Class_B>) in the type Class_1.Class_2<Class_1.Class_B> is not applicable for the arguments (Class<Class_1.Class_C>)//super.test5(Class_C.class);////Bound mismatch: The generic method test7(E) of type Class_1.Class_2<T> is not applicable for the arguments (Class_1.Class_A). The inferred type Class_1.Class_A is not a valid substitute for the bounded parameter <E extends Class_1.Class_B>//super.test8(cls_A);super.test8(cls_B);super.test8(cls_C);}}}
提示:class<? extends Object>表示的是一个类型;而<T extends Object>表示的是一个对象。

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