
来源:互联网 发布:python 直方图 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 01:52

定义图形样式(custom style)的三种方法:

1、通过扩展 StyleConfiguration扩展点
2、CustomStyle以及EditPartProvider GMF扩展点

通过扩展CustomStyle以及EditPartProvider 扩展点来定义custom style

1、EditPart描述了Node的appearance,EditPart是一个GEF类,它reference了它所要展示的东西的Model element和shape。

2、GMF在GEF的基础上添加了一层,然后将GMF它自己的EditPart API暴露在外。这个API的基类型是org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.editparts当中的IGraphicalEditPart。

3、所有定制样式的Edit Part都必须实现IStyleEditPart接口。从语义上来说,一种定制的Edit part应该是不可选择的,只有当包含它的形状或者连接被选中的时候,它才是可以被选中的。所以,所有的定制的样式(custom style)都必须重载isselectable()方法并且返回false。也可以继承抽象类AbstractNotSelectableShapeNodeEditPart,这个类已经重载了这个方法。


先通过sirius specification editor 给某个Node定义一个CustomStyle


定义一个Custom Style

public class InstanceRoleStyleEditPart extends AbstractNotSelectableShapeNodeEditPart implements IStyleEditPart {    /**     * the content pane.     */    protected IFigure contentPane;    /**     * the primary shape.     */    protected ImageFigure primaryShape;    /**     * Create a new {@link ChangingImageEditPart}.     *     * @param view     *            the view.     */    public InstanceRoleStyleEditPart(View view) {        super(view);    }    public DragTracker getDragTracker(Request request) {        return getParent().getDragTracker(request);    }    protected NodeFigure createNodeFigure() {        NodeFigure figure = createNodePlate();        figure.setLayoutManager(new XYLayout());        IFigure shape = createNodeShape();        figure.add(shape);        contentPane = setupContentPane(shape);        return figure;    }    private NodeFigure createNodePlate() {        DefaultSizeNodeFigure result = new AirStyleDefaultSizeNodeFigure(getMapMode().DPtoLP(40), getMapMode().DPtoLP(40));        return result;    }    /**     * Create the instance role figure.     *     * @return the created figure.     */    protected ImageFigure createNodeShape() {        if (primaryShape == null) {            primaryShape = new ImageFigure();        }        return primaryShape;    }    /**     * Return the instance role figure.     *     * @return the instance role figure.     */    public ImageFigure getPrimaryShape() {        return primaryShape;    }    /**     * Default implementation treats passed figure as content pane. Respects     * layout one may have set for generated figure.     *     * @param nodeShape     *            instance of generated figure class     * @return the figure     */    protected IFigure setupContentPane(IFigure nodeShape) {        return nodeShape; // use nodeShape itself as contentPane    }    public IFigure getContentPane() {        if (contentPane != null) {            return contentPane;        }        return super.getContentPane();    }    protected void refreshVisuals() {        CustomStyle customStyle = (CustomStyle) this.resolveSemanticElement();        if (customStyle.eContainer() instanceof DNode) {            this.getPrimaryShape().setImage(SiriusPlugin.getDefault().getBundledImage(((DNode) customStyle.eContainer()).getName()));        }    }    protected void createDefaultEditPolicies() {        // empty.    }}

引用扩展点,定义一个edit part provider

<extension point="org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.editpartProviders">  <editpartProvider class="com.example.diagseq.provider.DiagSeqEditPartProvider">    <Priority name="High"/>  </editpartProvider></extension>

(EditPartProvider 代码段)

public class DiagSeqEditPartProvider extends AbstractEditPartProvider {    @Override    protected Class getNodeEditPartClass(View view) {        if (view.getElement() instanceof CustomStyle) {            CustomStyle customStyle = (CustomStyle) view.getElement();            //通过Id来确定引用哪一个Edit Part Provider            if (customStyle.getId().equals(DiagSeqConstants.INSTANCE_ROLE_STYLE_ID)) {                return InstanceRoleStyleEditPart.class;            }        }        return super.getNodeEditPartClass(view);    }}

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