
来源:互联网 发布:里约中国男篮数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 04:36

Interactive Job on Comet

Processor Type Intel Xeon E5-2680v3
Sockets 2
Cores/socket 12
qsub -I -q shared -l nodes=1:ppn=16:native:noflash,walltime=00:30:00

Above may be a misslead command.

The follow are correct.

srun –partition=shared –nodes=1 –ntasks-per-node=6 -t 00:30:00 –pty –wait=0 /bin/bash
srun –partition=gpu-shared –nodes=1 –ntasks-per-node=6 –gres=gpu:1 -t 00:30:00 –pty –wait=0 /bin/bash

Interactive Job on Stampede

Would you like to know how much memory your code uses during execution? Try TACC’s remora tool:
moduleloadremora module help remora


idev –help


Bridges Regular Memory
interact -p GPU-shared -N 1 –gres=gpu:1


2 CPUs with 8 Cores per Node, submit application for 2 nodes with 32 cores in XE Queue.
For XE node specification: #PBS -l nodes=1024:ppn=32:xe
For XK node specification: #PBS -l nodes=1024:ppn=16:xk
For both XE and XK: #PBS -l nodes=1024:ppn=32:xe+1024:ppn=16:xk
For XE/XK-non-specific (X-feature) node specification: #PBS -l nodes=1024:ppn=16:x
For XE large memory nodes: #PBS -l feature=xehimem
For XK large memory nodes: #PBS -l feature=xkhimem

qsub -I -l nodes=2:ppn=32:xe -l walltime=01:00:00

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