How to list and delete branches

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List branches

# list your local branches$ git branch# list your remote branches$ git branch -r# list both remote and local branches$ git branch -a

See the last commit on each Branch

$ git branch -v

List merged or not merged branches

# list the branches that are already merged into the branch you're on$ git branch --merged# list the branches that contain work you haven't yet merged in$ git branch --no-merged

Delete branches

# delete a local branch$ git branch -d <<local_branch_name>># delete a remote branch$ git push origin :<<remote_branch_name>>

If you have other branches that contain work that haven’t merged in yet, trying to delete it with git branch -d will fail.
But if you really do want to delete the branch and lose that work, you can force it with -D.

# force to delete an unmerged branch$ git branch -D <<local_branch_name>>


Git Branching - Branch Management
How to list and delete branches

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