
来源:互联网 发布:cpk计算软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 02:20

  • GdkPixbufPixbuf
    • Methods
    • Virtual Methods
    • Properties
    • Signals
    • 例子





方法修饰词 方法名及参数 static from_pixdata (pixdata, copy_pixels) static get_file_info (filename) static get_file_info_async (filename, cancellable, callback, *user_data) static get_file_info_finish (async_result) static get_formats () static new (colorspace, has_alpha, bits_per_sample, width, height) static new_from_bytes (data, colorspace, has_alpha, bits_per_sample, width, height, rowstride) static new_from_data (data, colorspace, has_alpha, bits_per_sample, width, height, rowstride, destroy_fn, *destroy_fn_data) static new_from_file (filename) static new_from_file_at_scale (filename, width, height, preserve_aspect_ratio) static new_from_file_at_size (filename, width, height) static new_from_inline (data, copy_pixels) static new_from_resource (resource_path) static new_from_resource_at_scale (resource_path, width, height, preserve_aspect_ratio) static new_from_stream (stream, cancellable) static new_from_stream_async (stream, cancellable, callback, *user_data) static new_from_stream_at_scale (stream, width, height, preserve_aspect_ratio, cancellable) static new_from_stream_at_scale_async (stream, width, height, preserve_aspect_ratio, cancellable, callback, *user_data) static new_from_stream_finish (async_result) static new_from_xpm_data (data) static save_to_stream_finish (async_result) add_alpha (substitute_color, r, g, b) apply_embedded_orientation () composite (dest, dest_x, dest_y, dest_width, dest_height, offset_x, offset_y, scale_x, scale_y, interp_type, overall_alpha) composite_color (dest, dest_x, dest_y, dest_width, dest_height, offset_x, offset_y, scale_x, scale_y, interp_type, overall_alpha, check_x, check_y, check_size, color1, color2) composite_color_simple (dest_width, dest_height, interp_type, overall_alpha, check_size, color1, color2) copy () copy_area (src_x, src_y, width, height, dest_pixbuf, dest_x, dest_y) fill (pixel) flip (horizontal) get_bits_per_sample () get_byte_length () get_colorspace () get_has_alpha () get_height () get_n_channels () get_option (key) get_options () get_pixels () get_rowstride () get_width () new_subpixbuf (src_x, src_y, width, height) read_pixel_bytes () read_pixels () rotate_simple (angle) saturate_and_pixelate (dest, saturation, pixelate) save_to_bufferv (type, option_keys, option_values) save_to_callbackv (save_func, user_data, type, option_keys, option_values) savev (filename, type, option_keys, option_values) scale (dest, dest_x, dest_y, dest_width, dest_height, offset_x, offset_y, scale_x, scale_y, interp_type) scale_simple (dest_width, dest_height, interp_type)

Virtual Methods


Name Type Flags Short Description bits-per-sample int r/w/co The number of bits per sample colorspace GdkPixbuf.Colorspace r/w/co The colorspace in which the samples are interpreted has-alpha bool r/w/co Whether the pixbuf has an alpha channel height int r/w/co The number of rows of the pixbuf n-channels int r/w/co The number of samples per pixel pixel-bytes GLib.Bytes r/w/co Readonly pixel data pixels int r/w/co A pointer to the pixel data of the pixbuf rowstride int r/w/co The number of bytes between the start of a row and the start of the next row width int r/w/co The number of columns of the pixbuf


Name Short Description



#!/usr/bin/env python3# Created by xiaosanyu at 16/7/19# section 132# # author: xiaosanyu# website: \# created: 16/7/19TITLE = "Pixbuf"DESCRIPTION = """A GdkPixbuf represents an image, normally in RGB or RGBA format.Pixbufs are normally used to load files from disk and performimage scaling.This demo is not all that educational, but looks cool. It was writtenby Extreme Pixbuf Hacker Federico Mena Quintero. It also showsoff how to use GtkDrawingArea to do a simple animation.Look at the Image demo for additional pixbuf usage examples."""import gigi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0")from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GdkPixbuf, GLibimport osfrom math import *background_name = "background.jpg"image_names = ("apple-red.png",               "gnome-applets.png",               "gnome-calendar.png",               "gnome-foot.png",               "gnome-gmush.png",               "gnome-gimp.png",               "gnome-gsame.png",               "gnu-keys.png")images = []prefix = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "Data"))start_time = 0CYCLE_TIME = 3000000class PixbufsWindow(Gtk.Window):    def __init__(self):        Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title="Pixbuf demo")        self.set_resizable(False)        self.background = None        self.back_width = 10        self.back_height = 10        rlt = self.load_pixbufs()        if not rlt[0]:            dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(self,                                       Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,                                       Gtk.MessageType.ERROR,                                       Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE,                                       "Failed to load an image: %s" % rlt[1])              dialog.destroy()        else:            self.set_size_request(self.back_width, self.back_height)            self.pixbuf =, False, 8, self.back_width, self.back_height);            da =            da.connect("draw", self.draw_cb)            self.add(da)            da.add_tick_callback(self.on_tick, da)    def load_pixbufs(self):        if self.background:            return True, ""  # already loaded earlier        try:            self.background = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(os.path.join(prefix, background_name))            self.back_width = self.background.get_width()            self.back_height = self.background.get_height()            for image in image_names:                images.append(GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(os.path.join(prefix, image)))        except GLib.Error as e:            return False, e.message        return True, ""    def draw_cb(self, drawingarea, cr):        Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf(cr, self.pixbuf, 0, 0)        cr.paint()        return True    def on_tick(self, da, frame_clock, *data):        global start_time        self.background.copy_area(0, 0, self.back_width, self.back_height,                                  self.pixbuf, 0, 0)        if start_time == 0:            start_time = frame_clock.get_frame_time()        current_time = frame_clock.get_frame_time()        f = ((current_time - start_time) % CYCLE_TIME) / CYCLE_TIME        xmid = self.back_width / 2.0        ymid = self.back_height / 2.0        radius = min(xmid, ymid) / 2.0        for i, image in enumerate(images):            r1 = Gdk.Rectangle()            r2 = Gdk.Rectangle()            dest = Gdk.Rectangle()            ang = 2.0 * GLib.PI * i / len(images) - f * 2.0 * GLib.PI            iw = image.get_width()            ih = image.get_height()            r = radius + (radius / 3.0) * sin(f * 2.0 * GLib.PI)            xpos = floor(xmid + r * cos(ang) - iw / 2.0 + 0.5)            ypos = floor(ymid + r * sin(ang) - ih / 2.0 + 0.5)            k = sin(f * 2.0 * GLib.PI) if i & 1 else cos(f * 2.0 * GLib.PI)            k = 2.0 * pow(k, 2)            k = max(0.25, k)            r1.x = xpos            r1.y = ypos            r1.width = iw * k            r1.height = ih * k            r2.x = 0            r2.y = 0            r2.width = self.back_width            r2.height = self.back_height            rlt = Gdk.rectangle_intersect(r1, r2)            if rlt[0]:                dest = rlt[1]                image.composite(self.pixbuf,                                dest.x, dest.y,                                dest.width, dest.height,                                xpos, ypos,                                k, k,                                GdkPixbuf.InterpType.NEAREST,                                max(127, fabs(255 * sin(f * 2.0 * GLib.PI))) if (i & 1) else \                                    max(127, fabs(255 * cos(f * 2.0 * GLib.PI))))        da.queue_draw()        return GLib.SOURCE_CONTINUEdef main():    win = PixbufsWindow()    win.connect("delete-event", Gtk.main_quit)    win.show_all()    Gtk.main()if __name__ == "__main__":    main()


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