HDU 5788 Level Up

来源:互联网 发布:hbuilder下载 mac 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 12:26


The Arithmetic Coconut Median company has n employees. Every person has a direct supervisor except the boss. Boss’s number is 1. Everyone has a Ability Value Ai. The wage of person i is the Median of Ability Value of person i and his (direct and indirect) subordinates. The ACM company decided to send a person to study in the center of the universe, then the Ability Value of this person will become 100000.
Please calculate the maximum sum of wages of all people.
Define the Median of t integers: the t2 th smallest number of these t integers.







#include<iostream>#include<string.h>#include<stdio.h>#include<algorithm>#include<time.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<math.h>#include<string>#include<vector>#include<queue>#include<stack>#include<set>#include<map>using namespace std;typedef double db;typedef unsigned ud;typedef long long ll;typedef unsigned long long ull;typedef pair<int,int> pii;#define fi first #define se second#define pb push_back#define ph pushconst int INF=(ud)-1>>1;const ll inf=(ull)-1>>1;template<class T>void rd(T &a){    a=0;char c;    while(c=getchar(),!isdigit(c));    do a=a*10+(c^48);        while(c=getchar(),isdigit(c));}template<class T>void nt(T x){    if(!x)return;    nt(x/10);    putchar(48+x%10);}template<class T>void pt(T x){    if(!x)putchar('0');    else nt(x);}template<class T>void Max(T &a,T b){    if(a<b)a=b;}template<class T>void Min(T &a,T b){    if(a==-1||a>b)a=b;}const int M=1e5+5;const int N=2e6+5;const int P=1e5;int n,Lim;struct Chairman_Tree{    int ls[N],rs[N],cnt[N],allc;    inline void clear(){        for(int i=1;i<=allc;++i)            ls[i]=rs[i]=cnt[i]=0;        allc=0;    }    inline void update(int &rt,int ot,int s,int l=1,int r=Lim){        rt=++allc;        ls[rt]=ls[ot],rs[rt]=rs[ot],cnt[rt]=cnt[ot]+1;        if(l==r)return;        int mid=l+r>>1;        if(s<=mid)update(ls[rt],ls[ot],s,l,mid);        else update(rs[rt],rs[ot],s,mid+1,r);    }    inline int query(int rt,int ot,int s,int l=1,int r=Lim){//询问第s小        if(l==r)return l;        int mid=l+r>>1;        int w=cnt[ls[rt]]-cnt[ls[ot]];        if(s<=w)return query(ls[rt],ls[ot],s,l,mid);        else return query(rs[rt],rs[ot],s-w,mid+1,r);    }}ct;struct BIT{    int bit[M];    inline void add(int x,int a){        for(;x<=Lim;x+=x&-x)bit[x]+=a;    }    inline ll sum(int x){        ll res=0;        for(;x;x-=x&-x)res+=bit[x];        return res;    }    inline void clear(){        memset(bit,0,sizeof(bit));    }}T;int A[M],f[M];struct Edge{    int to,nxt;}G[M<<1];int head[M],tot_edge;inline void add_edge(int from,int to){    G[tot_edge]=(Edge){to,head[from]};    head[from]=tot_edge++;}int rt[M],dfn[M],dfs_clock,val[M],mid[M],sz[M];ll sum,Mx;inline void predfs(int v){    dfn[v]=++dfs_clock;    ct.update(rt[dfs_clock],rt[dfs_clock-1],A[v]);    sz[v]=1;    for(int i=head[v];~i;i=G[i].nxt){        int to=G[i].to;        predfs(to);        sz[v]+=sz[to];    }    int s=sz[v]+1>>1;    int w1=0,w2=0;    w1=ct.query(rt[dfs_clock],rt[dfn[v]-1],s);    if(~head[v])w2=ct.query(rt[dfs_clock],rt[dfn[v]-1],s+1);    mid[v]=w1,val[v]=max(0,w2-w1);    sum+=w1;}inline void dfs(int v){    T.add(mid[v],val[v]);    ll w=T.sum(Lim)-T.sum(A[v]-1);    if(head[v]==-1)w+=P-A[v];    Max(Mx,w);    for(int i=head[v];~i;i=G[i].nxt)        dfs(G[i].to);    T.add(mid[v],-val[v]);}inline void gao(){    memset(head,-1,sizeof(head));    sum=Mx=tot_edge=dfs_clock=Lim=0;    ct.clear(),T.clear();    memset(rt,0,sizeof(rt));    for(int i=1;i<=n;++i)rd(A[i]),Max(Lim,A[i]);    for(int i=2;i<=n;++i)        rd(f[i]),add_edge(f[i],i);    predfs(1);    dfs(1);    cout<<sum+Mx<<endl;}//#define LOCALint main(){#ifdef LOCAL    freopen("1008.in","r",stdin);    freopen("ans.out","w",stdout);    int size = 256 << 20; // 256MB    char *p = (char*)malloc(size) + size;    __asm__("movl %0, %%esp\n" :: "r"(p));#endif    for(;cin>>n;)gao();    return 0;}
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