phoenix jdbc driver查询源码分析

来源:互联网 发布:网页美工的工作内容 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 07:58

phoenix driver查询源码分析

首先 phoenix 支持jbbc协议,则就要按装jdbc的协议接口进行处理。
首先要实现driver PhoenixDriver,这个driver负责连接的创建,和连接到目标

protected final Connection createConnection(String url, Properties info) throws SQLException {  Properties augmentedInfo = PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(info);  augmentedInfo.putAll(getDefaultProps().asMap());  ConnectionQueryServices connectionServices = getConnectionQueryServices(url, augmentedInfo);  PhoenixConnection connection = connectionServices.connect(url, augmentedInfo);  return connection;}


@Overrideprotected ConnectionQueryServices getConnectionQueryServices(String url, Properties info) throws SQLException {    try {        lockInterruptibly(LockMode.READ);        checkClosed();        ConnectionInfo connInfo = ConnectionInfo.create(url);        QueryServices services = getQueryServices();        ConnectionInfo normalizedConnInfo = connInfo.normalize(services.getProps());        ConnectionQueryServices connectionQueryServices = connectionQueryServicesMap.get(normalizedConnInfo);        if (connectionQueryServices == null) {            if (normalizedConnInfo.isConnectionless()) {                connectionQueryServices = new ConnectionlessQueryServicesImpl(services, normalizedConnInfo, info);            } else {                connectionQueryServices = new ConnectionQueryServicesImpl(services, normalizedConnInfo, info);            }            ConnectionQueryServices prevValue = connectionQueryServicesMap.putIfAbsent(normalizedConnInfo, connectionQueryServices);            if (prevValue != null) {                connectionQueryServices = prevValue;            }        }

在 ConnectionInfo connInfo = ConnectionInfo.create(url);这个方法当中,解释url中的zk地址,

connectionQueryServices = new ConnectionQueryServicesImpl(services, normalizedConnInfo, info);

在 ConnectionQueryServicesImpl 开始进行 init(final String url, final Properties props) 初始化

private void openConnection() throws SQLException {    try {        // check if we need to authenticate with kerberos        String clientKeytab = this.getProps().get(HBASE_CLIENT_KEYTAB);        String clientPrincipal = this.getProps().get(HBASE_CLIENT_PRINCIPAL);        if (clientKeytab != null && clientPrincipal != null) {  "Trying to connect to a secure cluster with keytab:" + clientKeytab);            UserGroupInformation.setConfiguration(config);            User.login(config, HBASE_CLIENT_KEYTAB, HBASE_CLIENT_PRINCIPAL, null);  "Successfull login to secure cluster!!");        }        boolean transactionsEnabled = props.getBoolean(                QueryServices.TRANSACTIONS_ENABLED,                QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_TRANSACTIONS_ENABLED);        // only initialize the tx service client if needed        if (transactionsEnabled) {            initTxServiceClient();        }        this.connection = HBaseFactoryProvider.getHConnectionFactory().createConnection(this.config);    } catch (IOException e) {        throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.CANNOT_ESTABLISH_CONNECTION)            .setRootCause(e).build().buildException();    }    if (this.connection.isClosed()) { // TODO: why the heck doesn't this throw above?        throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.CANNOT_ESTABLISH_CONNECTION).build().buildException();    }}

可以看到,打开的connection 是 org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HConnection; 是创建到hbase的链接了

 metaConnection = new PhoenixConnection(                                ConnectionQueryServicesImpl.this, globalUrl, scnProps, newEmptyMetaData());


public PhoenixConnection(ConnectionQueryServices services, String url, Properties info, PMetaData metaData, MutationState mutationState, boolean isDescVarLengthRowKeyUpgrade) throws SQLException {    this.url = url;    this.isDescVarLengthRowKeyUpgrade = isDescVarLengthRowKeyUpgrade;    // Copy so client cannot change = info == null ? new Properties() : PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(info);    final PName tenantId = JDBCUtil.getTenantId(url, info);    if ( && tenantId == null) { = services;    } else {        // Create child services keyed by tenantId to track resource usage for        // a tenantId for all connections on this JVM.        if (tenantId != null) {            services = services.getChildQueryServices(tenantId.getBytesPtr());        }        ReadOnlyProps currentProps = services.getProps();        final ReadOnlyProps augmentedProps = currentProps.addAll(filterKnownNonProperties(; = augmentedProps == currentProps ? services : new DelegateConnectionQueryServices(services) {            @Override            public ReadOnlyProps getProps() {                return augmentedProps;            }        };    }    Long scnParam = JDBCUtil.getCurrentSCN(url,;    checkScn(scnParam);    this.scn = scnParam;    this.isAutoFlush =, QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_TRANSACTIONS_ENABLED)            &&, QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_AUTO_FLUSH) ;    this.isAutoCommit = JDBCUtil.getAutoCommit(            url,,                      QueryServices.AUTO_COMMIT_ATTRIB,                    QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_AUTO_COMMIT));    this.consistency = JDBCUtil.getConsistencyLevel(url,,             .get(QueryServices.CONSISTENCY_ATTRIB,                     QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL));    this.tenantId = tenantId;    this.mutateBatchSize = JDBCUtil.getMutateBatchSize(url,,;    datePattern =, DateUtil.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);    timePattern =, DateUtil.DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT);    timestampPattern =, DateUtil.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT);    String numberPattern =, NumberUtil.DEFAULT_NUMBER_FORMAT);    int maxSize =,QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_MAX_MUTATION_SIZE);    Format dateFormat = DateUtil.getDateFormatter(datePattern);    Format timeFormat = DateUtil.getDateFormatter(timePattern);    Format timestampFormat = DateUtil.getDateFormatter(timestampPattern);    formatters.put(PDate.INSTANCE, dateFormat);    formatters.put(PTime.INSTANCE, timeFormat);    formatters.put(PTimestamp.INSTANCE, timestampFormat);    formatters.put(PUnsignedDate.INSTANCE, dateFormat);    formatters.put(PUnsignedTime.INSTANCE, timeFormat);    formatters.put(PUnsignedTimestamp.INSTANCE, timestampFormat);    formatters.put(PDecimal.INSTANCE, FunctionArgumentType.NUMERIC.getFormatter(numberPattern));    // We do not limit the metaData on a connection less than the global one,    // as there's not much that will be cached here.    Pruner pruner = new Pruner() {        @Override        public boolean prune(PTable table) {            long maxTimestamp = scn == null ? HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP : scn;            return (table.getType() != PTableType.SYSTEM &&                     (  table.getTimeStamp() >= maxTimestamp ||                      ! Objects.equal(tenantId, table.getTenantId())) );        }        @Override        public boolean prune(PFunction function) {            long maxTimestamp = scn == null ? HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP : scn;            return ( function.getTimeStamp() >= maxTimestamp ||                     ! Objects.equal(tenantId, function.getTenantId()));        }    };    this.isRequestLevelMetricsEnabled = JDBCUtil.isCollectingRequestLevelMetricsEnabled(url, info,;    this.mutationState = mutationState == null ? newMutationState(maxSize) : new MutationState(mutationState);    this.metaData = metaData.pruneTables(pruner);    this.metaData = metaData.pruneFunctions(pruner);;    // setup tracing, if its enabled    this.sampler = Tracing.getConfiguredSampler(this);    this.customTracingAnnotations = getImmutableCustomTracingAnnotations();    this.scannerQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();    this.tableResultIteratorFactory = new DefaultTableResultIteratorFactory();    GLOBAL_OPEN_PHOENIX_CONNECTIONS.increment();}                                       

在上面的代码中可以到 tenantId (承租)这涉及到使用人员的资源分配的问题.
scnParam 属性,涉及到当时hbase的时间戳的问题
.consistency 属性,涉及到数据的一致性问题
当链接创建成功后,就要开始初始化phoenix的元数据表。在类 ConnectionQueryServicesImpl.init 的方法中

  metaConnection.createStatement().executeUpdate(QueryConstants.CREATE_TABLE_METADATA);CREATE_TABLE_METADATA =  CREATE TABLE " + SYSTEM_CATALOG_SCHEMA + ".\"" + SYSTEM_CATALOG_TABLE + 

首先创建 statement,就是下面的对象

 PhoenixStatement statement = new PhoenixStatement(this);         @Overridepublic int executeUpdate(String sql) throws SQLException {    CompilableStatement stmt = parseStatement(sql);    if (!stmt.getOperation().isMutation) {        throw new ExecuteUpdateNotApplicableException(sql);    }    if (!batch.isEmpty()) {        throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.EXECUTE_UPDATE_WITH_NON_EMPTY_BATCH)        .build().buildException();    }    int updateCount = executeMutation(stmt);    flushIfNecessary();    return updateCount;}


  parser = new PhoenixStatementParser(sql, new ExecutableNodeFactory());    

创建了上面的对象对sql进行了解释,接着到 executeMutation方法中进行执行

 new CallRunner.CallableThrowable<Integer, SQLException>() {                    @Override                        public Integer call() throws SQLException {                        try {                            MutationState state = connection.getMutationState();                            //这里进行编译成执行计划                            MutationPlan plan = stmt.compilePlan(PhoenixStatement.this, Sequence.ValueOp.VALIDATE_SEQUENCE);                            if (plan.getTargetRef() != null && plan.getTargetRef().getTable() != null && plan.getTargetRef().getTable().isTransactional()) {                                state.startTransaction();                            }                            Iterator<TableRef> tableRefs = plan.getSourceRefs().iterator();                            state.sendUncommitted(tableRefs);                            state.checkpointIfNeccessary(plan);                            MutationState lastState = plan.execute();                            state.join(lastState);                            if (connection.getAutoCommit()) {                                connection.commit();;                            }                            setLastResultSet(null);                            setLastQueryPlan(null);                            // Unfortunately, JDBC uses an int for update count, so we                            // just max out at Integer.MAX_VALUE                            int lastUpdateCount = (int) Math.min(Integer.MAX_VALUE, lastState.getUpdateCount());                            setLastUpdateCount(lastUpdateCount);                            setLastUpdateOperation(stmt.getOperation());                            connection.incrementStatementExecutionCounter();                            return lastUpdateCount;

可以分析的到之前的stmt是 ExecutableCreateTableStatement 对象的

    public MutationPlan compilePlan(PhoenixStatement stmt, Sequence.ValueOp seqAction) throws SQLException {        CreateTableCompiler compiler = new CreateTableCompiler(stmt, this.getOperation());        return compiler.compile(this);    }


   public MutationPlan compile(final CreateTableStatement create) throws SQLException {    final PhoenixConnection connection = statement.getConnection();    ColumnResolver resolver = FromCompiler.getResolverForCreation(create, connection);    PTableType type = create.getTableType();    PhoenixConnection connectionToBe = connection;    PTable parentToBe = null;    ViewType viewTypeToBe = null;    Scan scan = new Scan();    final StatementContext context = new StatementContext(statement, resolver, scan, new SequenceManager(statement));    // TODO: support any statement for a VIEW instead of just a WHERE clause    ParseNode whereNode = create.getWhereClause();    String viewStatementToBe = null;    byte[][] viewColumnConstantsToBe = null;    BitSet isViewColumnReferencedToBe = null;    if (type == PTableType.VIEW) {        TableRef tableRef = resolver.getTables().get(0);        int nColumns = tableRef.getTable().getColumns().size();        isViewColumnReferencedToBe = new BitSet(nColumns);        // Used to track column references in a view        ExpressionCompiler expressionCompiler = new ColumnTrackingExpressionCompiler(context, isViewColumnReferencedToBe);        parentToBe = tableRef.getTable();        viewTypeToBe = parentToBe.getViewType() == ViewType.MAPPED ? ViewType.MAPPED : ViewType.UPDATABLE;        if (whereNode == null) {            viewStatementToBe = parentToBe.getViewStatement();        } else {            whereNode = StatementNormalizer.normalize(whereNode, resolver);            if (whereNode.isStateless()) {                throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.VIEW_WHERE_IS_CONSTANT)                    .build().buildException();            }            // If our parent has a VIEW statement, combine it with this one            if (parentToBe.getViewStatement() != null) {                SelectStatement select = new SQLParser(parentToBe.getViewStatement()).parseQuery().combine(whereNode);                whereNode = select.getWhere();            }            Expression where = whereNode.accept(expressionCompiler);            if (where != null && !LiteralExpression.isTrue(where)) {                TableName baseTableName = create.getBaseTableName();                StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();                whereNode.toSQL(resolver, buf);                viewStatementToBe = QueryUtil.getViewStatement(baseTableName.getSchemaName(), baseTableName.getTableName(), buf.toString());            }            if (viewTypeToBe != ViewType.MAPPED) {                Long scn = connection.getSCN();                connectionToBe = (scn != null || tableRef.getTable().isTransactional()) ? connection :                    // If we haved no SCN on our connection and the base table is not transactional, freeze the SCN at when                    // the base table was resolved to prevent any race condition on                    // the error checking we do for the base table. The only potential                    // issue is if the base table lives on a different region server                    // than the new table will, then we're relying here on the system                    // clocks being in sync.                    new PhoenixConnection(                        // When the new table is created, we still want to cache it                        // on our connection.                        new DelegateConnectionQueryServices(connection.getQueryServices()) {                            @Override                            public PMetaData addTable(PTable table, long resolvedTime) throws SQLException {                                return connection.addTable(table, resolvedTime);                            }                        },                        connection, tableRef.getTimeStamp());                viewColumnConstantsToBe = new byte[nColumns][];                ViewWhereExpressionVisitor visitor = new ViewWhereExpressionVisitor(parentToBe, viewColumnConstantsToBe);                where.accept(visitor);                // If view is not updatable, viewColumnConstants should be empty. We will still                // inherit our parent viewConstants, but we have no additional ones.                viewTypeToBe = visitor.isUpdatable() ? ViewType.UPDATABLE : ViewType.READ_ONLY;                if (viewTypeToBe != ViewType.UPDATABLE) {                    viewColumnConstantsToBe = null;                }            }        }    }    final ViewType viewType = viewTypeToBe;    final String viewStatement = viewStatementToBe;    final byte[][] viewColumnConstants = viewColumnConstantsToBe;    final BitSet isViewColumnReferenced = isViewColumnReferencedToBe;    List<ParseNode> splitNodes = create.getSplitNodes();    final byte[][] splits = new byte[splitNodes.size()][];    ImmutableBytesWritable ptr = context.getTempPtr();    ExpressionCompiler expressionCompiler = new ExpressionCompiler(context);    for (int i = 0; i < splits.length; i++) {        ParseNode node = splitNodes.get(i);        if (node instanceof BindParseNode) {            context.getBindManager().addParamMetaData((BindParseNode) node, VARBINARY_DATUM);        }        if (node.isStateless()) {            Expression expression = node.accept(expressionCompiler);            if (expression.evaluate(null, ptr)) {;                splits[i] = ByteUtil.copyKeyBytesIfNecessary(ptr);                continue;            }        }        throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.SPLIT_POINT_NOT_CONSTANT)            .setMessage("Node: " + node).build().buildException();    }    final MetaDataClient client = new MetaDataClient(connectionToBe);    final PTable parent = parentToBe;    return new BaseMutationPlan(context, operation) {        @Override        public MutationState execute() throws SQLException {            try {            //这里创建表了                return client.createTable(create, splits, parent, viewStatement, viewType, viewColumnConstants, isViewColumnReferenced);            } finally {                if (client.getConnection() != connection) {                    client.getConnection().close();                }            }        }        @Override        public ExplainPlan getExplainPlan() throws SQLException {            return new ExplainPlan(Collections.singletonList("CREATE TABLE"));        }    };}


final MetaDataClient client = new MetaDataClient(connectionToBe);


public MutationState createTable(CreateTableStatement statement, byte[][] splits, PTable parent, String viewStatement, ViewType viewType, byte[][] viewColumnConstants, BitSet isViewColumnReferenced) throws SQLException {    PTable table = createTableInternal(statement, splits, parent, viewStatement, viewType, viewColumnConstants, isViewColumnReferenced, null, null, null);    if (table == null || table.getType() == PTableType.VIEW || table.isTransactional()) {        return new MutationState(0,connection);    }    // Hack to get around the case when an SCN is specified on the connection.    // In this case, we won't see the table we just created yet, so we hack    // around it by forcing the compiler to not resolve anything.    PostDDLCompiler compiler = new PostDDLCompiler(connection);    //connection.setAutoCommit(true);    // Execute any necessary data updates    Long scn = connection.getSCN();    long ts = (scn == null ? table.getTimeStamp() : scn);    // Getting the schema through the current connection doesn't work when the connection has an scn specified    // Since the table won't be added to the current connection.    TableRef tableRef = new TableRef(null, table, ts, false);    byte[] emptyCF = SchemaUtil.getEmptyColumnFamily(table);    MutationPlan plan = compiler.compile(Collections.singletonList(tableRef), emptyCF, null, null, tableRef.getTimeStamp());    return connection.getQueryServices().updateData(plan);}


 PreparedStatement tableUpsert = connection.prepareStatement(CREATE_TABLE);        tableUpsert.setString(1, tenantIdStr);        tableUpsert.setString(2, schemaName);        tableUpsert.setString(3, tableName);        tableUpsert.setString(4, tableType.getSerializedValue());        tableUpsert.setLong(5, PTable.INITIAL_SEQ_NUM);        tableUpsert.setInt(6, position);        if (saltBucketNum != null) {            tableUpsert.setInt(7, saltBucketNum);        } else {            tableUpsert.setNull(7, Types.INTEGER);        }        tableUpsert.setString(8, pkName);        tableUpsert.setString(9, dataTableName);        tableUpsert.setString(10, indexState == null ? null : indexState.getSerializedValue());        tableUpsert.setBoolean(11, isImmutableRows);        tableUpsert.setString(12, defaultFamilyName);        tableUpsert.setString(13, viewStatement);        tableUpsert.setBoolean(14, disableWAL);        tableUpsert.setBoolean(15, multiTenant);        if (viewType == null) {            tableUpsert.setNull(16, Types.TINYINT);        } else {            tableUpsert.setByte(16, viewType.getSerializedValue());        }        if (indexId == null) {            tableUpsert.setNull(17, Types.SMALLINT);        } else {            tableUpsert.setShort(17, indexId);        }        if (indexType == null) {            tableUpsert.setNull(18, Types.TINYINT);        } else {            tableUpsert.setByte(18, indexType.getSerializedValue());        }        tableUpsert.setBoolean(19, storeNulls);        if (parent != null && tableType == PTableType.VIEW) {            tableUpsert.setInt(20, parent.getColumns().size());        } else {            tableUpsert.setInt(20, BASE_TABLE_BASE_COLUMN_COUNT);        }        tableUpsert.setBoolean(21, transactional);        tableUpsert.setLong(22, updateCacheFrequency);        tableUpsert.execute();CREATE_TABLE = "UPSERT INTO " + SYSTEM_CATALOG_SCHEMA + ".\"" + SYSTEM_CATALOG_TABLE 

可以到 select * from SYSTEM.CATALOG 查到各个表的元数据了。

MetaDataMutationResult result = connection.getQueryServices().createTable(                tableMetaData,                viewType == ViewType.MAPPED || indexId != null ? physicalNames.get(0).getBytes() : null,                tableType, tableProps, familyPropList, splits);


if ((tableType == PTableType.VIEW && physicalTableName != null) || (tableType != PTableType.VIEW && physicalTableName == null)) {        // For views this will ensure that metadata already exists        // For tables and indexes, this will create the metadata if it doesn't already exist        ensureTableCreated(tableName, tableType, tableProps, families, splits, true);    }                   


 HTableDescriptor newDesc = generateTableDescriptor(tableName, existingDesc, tableType , props, families, splits);


 private void addCoprocessors(byte[] tableName, HTableDescriptor descriptor, PTableType tableType, Map<String,Object> tableProps) throws SQLException {    // The phoenix jar must be available on HBase classpath    int priority = props.getInt(QueryServices.COPROCESSOR_PRIORITY_ATTRIB, QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_COPROCESSOR_PRIORITY);    try {        if (!descriptor.hasCoprocessor(ScanRegionObserver.class.getName())) {            descriptor.addCoprocessor(ScanRegionObserver.class.getName(), null, priority, null);        }        if (!descriptor.hasCoprocessor(UngroupedAggregateRegionObserver.class.getName())) {            descriptor.addCoprocessor(UngroupedAggregateRegionObserver.class.getName(), null, priority, null);        }        if (!descriptor.hasCoprocessor(GroupedAggregateRegionObserver.class.getName())) {            descriptor.addCoprocessor(GroupedAggregateRegionObserver.class.getName(), null, priority, null);        }        if (!descriptor.hasCoprocessor(ServerCachingEndpointImpl.class.getName())) {            descriptor.addCoprocessor(ServerCachingEndpointImpl.class.getName(), null, priority, null);        }        boolean isTransactional =                 Boolean.TRUE.equals(tableProps.get( ||                Boolean.TRUE.equals(tableProps.get(TxConstants.READ_NON_TX_DATA)); // For ALTER TABLE        // TODO: better encapsulation for this        // Since indexes can't have indexes, don't install our indexing coprocessor for indexes.        // Also don't install on the SYSTEM.CATALOG and SYSTEM.STATS table because we use        // all-or-none mutate class which break when this coprocessor is installed (PHOENIX-1318).        if ((tableType != PTableType.INDEX && tableType != PTableType.VIEW)                && !SchemaUtil.isMetaTable(tableName)                && !SchemaUtil.isStatsTable(tableName)) {            if (isTransactional) {                if (!descriptor.hasCoprocessor(PhoenixTransactionalIndexer.class.getName())) {                    descriptor.addCoprocessor(PhoenixTransactionalIndexer.class.getName(), null, priority, null);                }                // For alter table, remove non transactional index coprocessor                if (descriptor.hasCoprocessor(Indexer.class.getName())) {                    descriptor.removeCoprocessor(Indexer.class.getName());                }            } else {                if (!descriptor.hasCoprocessor(Indexer.class.getName())) {                    // If exception on alter table to transition back to non transactional                    if (descriptor.hasCoprocessor(PhoenixTransactionalIndexer.class.getName())) {                        descriptor.removeCoprocessor(PhoenixTransactionalIndexer.class.getName());                    }                    Map<String, String> opts = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(1);                    opts.put(NonTxIndexBuilder.CODEC_CLASS_NAME_KEY, PhoenixIndexCodec.class.getName());                    Indexer.enableIndexing(descriptor, PhoenixIndexBuilder.class, opts, priority);                }            }        }        if (SchemaUtil.isStatsTable(tableName) && !descriptor.hasCoprocessor(MultiRowMutationEndpoint.class.getName())) {            descriptor.addCoprocessor(MultiRowMutationEndpoint.class.getName(),                    null, priority, null);        }        if (descriptor.getValue(MetaDataUtil.IS_LOCAL_INDEX_TABLE_PROP_BYTES) != null                && Boolean.TRUE.equals(PBoolean.INSTANCE.toObject(descriptor                        .getValue(MetaDataUtil.IS_LOCAL_INDEX_TABLE_PROP_BYTES)))) {            if (!descriptor.hasCoprocessor(IndexHalfStoreFileReaderGenerator.class.getName())) {                descriptor.addCoprocessor(IndexHalfStoreFileReaderGenerator.class.getName(),                    null, priority, null);            }        } else {            if (!descriptor.hasCoprocessor(LocalIndexSplitter.class.getName())                    && !SchemaUtil.isMetaTable(tableName)                    && !SchemaUtil.isSequenceTable(tableName)) {                descriptor.addCoprocessor(LocalIndexSplitter.class.getName(), null, priority, null);            }        }        // Setup split policy on Phoenix metadata table to ensure that the key values of a Phoenix table        // stay on the same region.        if (SchemaUtil.isMetaTable(tableName) || SchemaUtil.isFunctionTable(tableName)) {            if (!descriptor.hasCoprocessor(MetaDataEndpointImpl.class.getName())) {                descriptor.addCoprocessor(MetaDataEndpointImpl.class.getName(), null, priority, null);            }            if(SchemaUtil.isMetaTable(tableName) ) {                if (!descriptor.hasCoprocessor(MetaDataRegionObserver.class.getName())) {                    descriptor.addCoprocessor(MetaDataRegionObserver.class.getName(), null, priority + 1, null);                }            }        } else if (SchemaUtil.isSequenceTable(tableName)) {            if (!descriptor.hasCoprocessor(SequenceRegionObserver.class.getName())) {                descriptor.addCoprocessor(SequenceRegionObserver.class.getName(), null, priority, null);            }        }        if (isTransactional) {            if (!descriptor.hasCoprocessor(PhoenixTransactionalProcessor.class.getName())) {                descriptor.addCoprocessor(PhoenixTransactionalProcessor.class.getName(), null, priority - 10, null);            }        } else {            // If exception on alter table to transition back to non transactional            if (descriptor.hasCoprocessor(PhoenixTransactionalProcessor.class.getName())) {                descriptor.removeCoprocessor(PhoenixTransactionalProcessor.class.getName());            }                        }    } catch (IOException e) {        throw ServerUtil.parseServerException(e);    }}



  try {            existingDesc = admin.getTableDescriptor(tableName);        } catch (org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableNotFoundException e) {            tableExist = false;            if (tableType == PTableType.VIEW) {                String fullTableName = Bytes.toString(tableName);                throw new ReadOnlyTableException(                        "An HBase table for a VIEW must already exist",                        SchemaUtil.getSchemaNameFromFullName(fullTableName),                        SchemaUtil.getTableNameFromFullName(fullTableName));            }        }        HTableDescriptor newDesc = generateTableDescriptor(tableName, existingDesc, tableType , props, families, splits);            //重要的表是否存储判断        if (!tableExist) {            if (newDesc.getValue(MetaDataUtil.IS_LOCAL_INDEX_TABLE_PROP_BYTES) != null && Boolean.TRUE.equals(                PBoolean.INSTANCE.toObject(newDesc.getValue(MetaDataUtil.IS_LOCAL_INDEX_TABLE_PROP_BYTES)))) {                newDesc.setValue(HTableDescriptor.SPLIT_POLICY, IndexRegionSplitPolicy.class.getName());            }            // Remove the splitPolicy attribute to prevent HBASE-12570            if (isMetaTable) {                newDesc.remove(HTableDescriptor.SPLIT_POLICY);            }            try {                if (splits == null) {                    admin.createTable(newDesc);                } else {                    admin.createTable(newDesc, splits);                }            } catch (TableExistsException e) {                // We can ignore this, as it just means that another client beat us                // to creating the HBase metadata.                return null;            }            if (isMetaTable) {                checkClientServerCompatibility();                /*                 * Now we modify the table to add the split policy, since we know that the client and                 * server and compatible. This works around HBASE-12570 which causes the cluster to be                 * brought down.                 */                newDesc.setValue(HTableDescriptor.SPLIT_POLICY, MetaDataSplitPolicy.class.getName());                if (allowOnlineTableSchemaUpdate()) {                    // No need to wait/poll for this update                    admin.modifyTable(tableName, newDesc);                } else {                    admin.disableTable(tableName);                    admin.modifyTable(tableName, newDesc);                    admin.enableTable(tableName);                }            }            return null;        } else {            if (isMetaTable) {                checkClientServerCompatibility();            }            if (!modifyExistingMetaData) {                return existingDesc; // Caller already knows that no metadata was changed            }            boolean willBeTx = Boolean.TRUE.equals(props.get(;            // If mapping an existing table as transactional, set property so that existing            // data is correctly read.            if (willBeTx) {                newDesc.setValue(TxConstants.READ_NON_TX_DATA, Boolean.TRUE.toString());            } else {                // If we think we're creating a non transactional table when it's already                // transactional, don't allow.                if (existingDesc.hasCoprocessor(PhoenixTransactionalProcessor.class.getName())) {                    throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.TX_MAY_NOT_SWITCH_TO_NON_TX)                    .setSchemaName(SchemaUtil.getSchemaNameFromFullName(tableName))                    .setTableName(SchemaUtil.getTableNameFromFullName(tableName)).build().buildException();                }                newDesc.remove(TxConstants.READ_NON_TX_DATA);            }            if (existingDesc.equals(newDesc)) {                return null; // Indicate that no metadata was changed            }            modifyTable(tableName, newDesc, true);            return newDesc;        }



    ImmutableBytesWritable ptr = new ImmutableBytesWritable();    if (tableType == PTableType.INDEX) { // Index on view        // Physical index table created up front for multi tenant        // TODO: if viewIndexId is Short.MIN_VALUE, then we don't need to attempt to create it        if (physicalTableName != null) {            if (localIndexTable) {                ensureLocalIndexTableCreated(tableName, tableProps, families, splits, MetaDataUtil.getClientTimeStamp(m));            } else if (!MetaDataUtil.isMultiTenant(m, kvBuilder, ptr)) {                ensureViewIndexTableCreated(tenantIdBytes.length == 0 ? null : PNameFactory.newName(tenantIdBytes), physicalTableName, MetaDataUtil.getClientTimeStamp(m));            }        }    } else if (tableType == PTableType.TABLE && MetaDataUtil.isMultiTenant(m, kvBuilder, ptr)) { // Create view index table up front for multi tenant tables        ptr.set(QueryConstants.DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES);        MetaDataUtil.getMutationValue(m, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY_NAME_BYTES, kvBuilder, ptr);        List<Pair<byte[],Map<String,Object>>> familiesPlusDefault = null;        for (Pair<byte[],Map<String,Object>> family : families) {            byte[] cf = family.getFirst();            if (Bytes.compareTo(cf, 0, cf.length, ptr.get(), ptr.getOffset(),ptr.getLength()) == 0) {                familiesPlusDefault = families;                break;            }        }        // Don't override if default family already present        if (familiesPlusDefault == null) {            byte[] defaultCF = ByteUtil.copyKeyBytesIfNecessary(ptr);            // Only use splits if table is salted, otherwise it may not be applicable            // Always add default column family, as we don't know in advance if we'll need it            familiesPlusDefault = Lists.newArrayList(families);            familiesPlusDefault.add(new Pair<byte[],Map<String,Object>>(defaultCF,Collections.<String,Object>emptyMap()));        }        ensureViewIndexTableCreated(tableName, tableProps, familiesPlusDefault, MetaDataUtil.isSalted(m, kvBuilder, ptr) ? splits : null, MetaDataUtil.getClientTimeStamp(m));    }                   

则调用ensureLocalIndexTableCreated 方法进行本地索引表的创建,到最后低层还是调用到

    byte[] tableKey = SchemaUtil.getTableKey(tenantIdBytes, schemaBytes, tableBytes);    MetaDataMutationResult result = metaDataCoprocessorExec(tableKey,        new Batch.Call<MetaDataService, MetaDataResponse>() {        @Override                public MetaDataResponse call(MetaDataService instance) throws IOException {                    ServerRpcController controller = new ServerRpcController();                    BlockingRpcCallback<MetaDataResponse> rpcCallback =                            new BlockingRpcCallback<MetaDataResponse>();                    CreateTableRequest.Builder builder = CreateTableRequest.newBuilder();                    for (Mutation m : tableMetaData) {                        MutationProto mp = ProtobufUtil.toProto(m);                        builder.addTableMetadataMutations(mp.toByteString());                    }                    builder.setClientVersion(VersionUtil.encodeVersion(PHOENIX_MAJOR_VERSION, PHOENIX_MINOR_VERSION, PHOENIX_PATCH_NUMBER));                    CreateTableRequest build =;                    instance.createTable(controller, build, rpcCallback);                    if(controller.getFailedOn() != null) {                        throw controller.getFailedOn();                    }                    return rpcCallback.get();                }    });

metaDataCoprocessorExec(tableKey, callable, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME_BYTES);

调用到远程的是 MetaDataEndpointImpl.createTable

  @Overridepublic void createTable(RpcController controller, CreateTableRequest request,        RpcCallback<MetaDataResponse> done) {    MetaDataResponse.Builder builder = MetaDataResponse.newBuilder();    byte[][] rowKeyMetaData = new byte[3][];    byte[] schemaName = null;    byte[] tableName = null;    try {        List<Mutation> tableMetadata = ProtobufUtil.getMutations(request);        MetaDataUtil.getTenantIdAndSchemaAndTableName(tableMetadata, rowKeyMetaData);        byte[] tenantIdBytes = rowKeyMetaData[PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.TENANT_ID_INDEX];        schemaName = rowKeyMetaData[PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SCHEMA_NAME_INDEX];        tableName = rowKeyMetaData[PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.TABLE_NAME_INDEX];        byte[] parentSchemaName = null;        byte[] parentTableName = null;        PTableType tableType = MetaDataUtil.getTableType(tableMetadata, GenericKeyValueBuilder.INSTANCE, new ImmutableBytesWritable());        byte[] parentTableKey = null;        Mutation viewPhysicalTableRow = null;        if (tableType == PTableType.VIEW) {            byte[][] parentSchemaTableNames = new byte[2][];            /*             * For a view, we lock the base physical table row. For a mapped view, there is              * no link present to the physical table. So the viewPhysicalTableRow is null             * in that case.             */            viewPhysicalTableRow = getPhysicalTableForView(tableMetadata, parentSchemaTableNames);            parentSchemaName = parentSchemaTableNames[0];            parentTableName = parentSchemaTableNames[1];            if (parentTableName != null) {                parentTableKey = SchemaUtil.getTableKey(ByteUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, parentSchemaName, parentTableName);            }        } else if (tableType == PTableType.INDEX) {            parentSchemaName = schemaName;            /*              * For an index we lock the parent table's row which could be a physical table or a view.             * If the parent table is a physical table, then the tenantIdBytes is empty because             * we allow creating an index with a tenant connection only if the parent table is a view.             */             parentTableName = MetaDataUtil.getParentTableName(tableMetadata);            parentTableKey = SchemaUtil.getTableKey(tenantIdBytes, parentSchemaName, parentTableName);        }        Region region = env.getRegion();        List<RowLock> locks = Lists.newArrayList();        // Place a lock using key for the table to be created        byte[] tableKey = SchemaUtil.getTableKey(tenantIdBytes, schemaName, tableName);        try {            acquireLock(region, tableKey, locks);            // If the table key resides outside the region, return without doing anything            MetaDataMutationResult result = checkTableKeyInRegion(tableKey, region);            if (result != null) {      ;                return;            }            long clientTimeStamp = MetaDataUtil.getClientTimeStamp(tableMetadata);            ImmutableBytesPtr parentCacheKey = null;            if (parentTableName != null) {                // Check if the parent table resides in the same region. If not, don't worry about locking the parent table row                // or loading the parent table. For a view, the parent table that needs to be locked is the base physical table.                // For an index on view, the view header row needs to be locked.                 result = checkTableKeyInRegion(parentTableKey, region);                if (result == null) {                    acquireLock(region, parentTableKey, locks);                    parentCacheKey = new ImmutableBytesPtr(parentTableKey);                    PTable parentTable = loadTable(env, parentTableKey, parentCacheKey, clientTimeStamp,                            clientTimeStamp);                    if (parentTable == null || isTableDeleted(parentTable)) {                        builder.setReturnCode(MetaDataProtos.MutationCode.PARENT_TABLE_NOT_FOUND);                        builder.setMutationTime(EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis());              ;                        return;                    }                    long parentTableSeqNumber;                    if (tableType == PTableType.VIEW && viewPhysicalTableRow != null && request.hasClientVersion()) {                        // Starting 4.5, the client passes the sequence number of the physical table in the table metadata.                        parentTableSeqNumber = MetaDataUtil.getSequenceNumber(viewPhysicalTableRow);                    } else if (tableType == PTableType.VIEW && !request.hasClientVersion()) {                        // Before 4.5, due to a bug, the parent table key wasn't available.                        // So don't do anything and prevent the exception from being thrown.                        parentTableSeqNumber = parentTable.getSequenceNumber();                    } else {                        parentTableSeqNumber = MetaDataUtil.getParentSequenceNumber(tableMetadata);                    }                    // If parent table isn't at the expected sequence number, then return                    if (parentTable.getSequenceNumber() != parentTableSeqNumber) {                        builder.setReturnCode(MetaDataProtos.MutationCode.CONCURRENT_TABLE_MUTATION);                        builder.setMutationTime(EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis());                        builder.setTable(PTableImpl.toProto(parentTable));              ;                        return;                    }                }            }            // Load child table next            ImmutableBytesPtr cacheKey = new ImmutableBytesPtr(tableKey);            // Get as of latest timestamp so we can detect if we have a newer table that already            // exists without making an additional query            PTable table =                    loadTable(env, tableKey, cacheKey, clientTimeStamp, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP);            if (table != null) {                if (table.getTimeStamp() < clientTimeStamp) {                    // If the table is older than the client time stamp and it's deleted,                    // continue                    if (!isTableDeleted(table)) {                        builder.setReturnCode(MetaDataProtos.MutationCode.TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS);                        builder.setMutationTime(EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis());                        builder.setTable(PTableImpl.toProto(table));              ;                        return;                    }                } else {                    builder.setReturnCode(MetaDataProtos.MutationCode.NEWER_TABLE_FOUND);                    builder.setMutationTime(EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis());                    builder.setTable(PTableImpl.toProto(table));          ;                    return;                }            }            // Add cell for ROW_KEY_ORDER_OPTIMIZABLE = true, as we know that new tables            // conform the correct row key. The exception is for a VIEW, which the client            // sends over depending on its base physical table.            if (tableType != PTableType.VIEW) {                UpgradeUtil.addRowKeyOrderOptimizableCell(tableMetadata, tableKey, clientTimeStamp);            }            // TODO: Switch this to HRegion#batchMutate when we want to support indexes on the            // system table. Basically, we get all the locks that we don't already hold for all the            // tableMetadata rows. This ensures we don't have deadlock situations (ensuring            // primary and then index table locks are held, in that order). For now, we just don't support            // indexing on the system table. This is an issue because of the way we manage batch mutation            // in the Indexer.            region.mutateRowsWithLocks(tableMetadata, Collections.<byte[]> emptySet(), HConstants.NO_NONCE, HConstants.NO_NONCE);            // Invalidate the cache - the next getTable call will add it            // TODO: consider loading the table that was just created here, patching up the parent table, and updating the cache            Cache<ImmutableBytesPtr,PMetaDataEntity> metaDataCache = GlobalCache.getInstance(this.env).getMetaDataCache();            if (parentCacheKey != null) {                metaDataCache.invalidate(parentCacheKey);            }            metaDataCache.invalidate(cacheKey);            // Get timeStamp from mutations - the above method sets it if it's unset            long currentTimeStamp = MetaDataUtil.getClientTimeStamp(tableMetadata);            builder.setReturnCode(MetaDataProtos.MutationCode.TABLE_NOT_FOUND);            builder.setMutationTime(currentTimeStamp);  ;            return;        } finally {            region.releaseRowLocks(locks);        }    } catch (Throwable t) {        logger.error("createTable failed", t);        ProtobufUtil.setControllerException(controller,                ServerUtil.createIOException(SchemaUtil.getTableName(schemaName, tableName), t));    }}


        // Hack to get around the case when an SCN is specified on the connection.    // In this case, we won't see the table we just created yet, so we hack    // around it by forcing the compiler to not resolve anything.    PostDDLCompiler compiler = new PostDDLCompiler(connection);    //connection.setAutoCommit(true);    // Execute any necessary data updates    Long scn = connection.getSCN();    long ts = (scn == null ? table.getTimeStamp() : scn);    // Getting the schema through the current connection doesn't work when the connection has an scn specified    // Since the table won't be added to the current connection.    TableRef tableRef = new TableRef(null, table, ts, false);    byte[] emptyCF = SchemaUtil.getEmptyColumnFamily(table);    MutationPlan plan = compiler.compile(Collections.singletonList(tableRef), emptyCF, null, null, tableRef.getTimeStamp());    return connection.getQueryServices().updateData(plan);

接下来,在上面的代码中,要执行相关的清理工作,如drop table column ,之类的,要把不是的字段进行清空,

 connection.setAutoCommit(true);                SQLException sqlE = null;                /*                 * Handles:                 * 1) deletion of all rows for a DROP TABLE and subsequently deletion of all rows for a DROP INDEX;                 * 2) deletion of all column values for a ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN                 * 3) updating the necessary rows to have an empty KV                 * 4) updating table stats                 */                long totalMutationCount = 0;                for (final TableRef tableRef : tableRefs) {                    Scan scan = ScanUtil.newScan(context.getScan());                    SelectStatement select = SelectStatement.COUNT_ONE;                    // We need to use this tableRef                    ColumnResolver resolver = new ColumnResolver() {                        @Override                        public List<TableRef> getTables() {                            return Collections.singletonList(tableRef);                        }                        @Override                        public java.util.List<PFunction> getFunctions() {                            return Collections.emptyList();                        };                        @Override                        public TableRef resolveTable(String schemaName, String tableName)                                throws SQLException {                            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();                        }                        @Override                        public ColumnRef resolveColumn(String schemaName, String tableName, String colName) throws SQLException {                            PColumn column = tableName != null                                    ? tableRef.getTable().getColumnFamily(tableName).getColumn(colName)                                    : tableRef.getTable().getColumn(colName);                            return new ColumnRef(tableRef, column.getPosition());                        }                        @Override                        public PFunction resolveFunction(String functionName) throws SQLException {                            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();                        };                        @Override                        public boolean hasUDFs() {                            return false;                        };                    };                    PhoenixStatement statement = new PhoenixStatement(connection);                    StatementContext context = new StatementContext(statement, resolver, scan, new SequenceManager(statement));                    long ts = timestamp;                    // FIXME: DDL operations aren't transactional, so we're basing the timestamp on a server timestamp.                    // Not sure what the fix should be. We don't need conflict detection nor filtering of invalid transactions                    // in this case, so maybe this is ok.                    if (ts!=HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP && tableRef.getTable().isTransactional()) {                        ts = TransactionUtil.convertToNanoseconds(ts);                    }                    ScanUtil.setTimeRange(scan, ts);                    if (emptyCF != null) {                        scan.setAttribute(BaseScannerRegionObserver.EMPTY_CF, emptyCF);                    }                    ServerCache cache = null;                    try {                        if (deleteList != null) {                            if (deleteList.isEmpty()) {                                scan.setAttribute(BaseScannerRegionObserver.DELETE_AGG, QueryConstants.TRUE);                                // In the case of a row deletion, add index metadata so mutable secondary indexing works                                /* TODO: we currently manually run a scan to delete the index data here                                ImmutableBytesWritable ptr = context.getTempPtr();                                tableRef.getTable().getIndexMaintainers(ptr);                                if (ptr.getLength() > 0) {                                    IndexMetaDataCacheClient client = new IndexMetaDataCacheClient(connection, tableRef);                                    cache = client.addIndexMetadataCache(context.getScanRanges(), ptr);                                    byte[] uuidValue = cache.getId();                                    scan.setAttribute(PhoenixIndexCodec.INDEX_UUID, uuidValue);                                }                                */                            } else {                                // In the case of the empty key value column family changing, do not send the index                                // metadata, as we're currently managing this from the client. It's possible for the                                // data empty column family to stay the same, while the index empty column family                                // changes.                                PColumn column = deleteList.get(0);                                if (emptyCF == null) {                                    scan.addColumn(column.getFamilyName().getBytes(), column.getName().getBytes());                                }                                scan.setAttribute(BaseScannerRegionObserver.DELETE_CF, column.getFamilyName().getBytes());                                scan.setAttribute(BaseScannerRegionObserver.DELETE_CQ, column.getName().getBytes());                            }                        }                        List<byte[]> columnFamilies = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(tableRef.getTable().getColumnFamilies().size());                        if (projectCF == null) {                            for (PColumnFamily family : tableRef.getTable().getColumnFamilies()) {                                columnFamilies.add(family.getName().getBytes());                            }                        } else {                            columnFamilies.add(projectCF);                        }                        // Need to project all column families into the scan, since we haven't yet created our empty key value                        RowProjector projector = ProjectionCompiler.compile(context, SelectStatement.COUNT_ONE, GroupBy.EMPTY_GROUP_BY);                        // Explicitly project these column families and don't project the empty key value,                        // since at this point we haven't added the empty key value everywhere.                        if (columnFamilies != null) {                            scan.getFamilyMap().clear();                            for (byte[] family : columnFamilies) {                                scan.addFamily(family);                            }                            projector = new RowProjector(projector,false);                        }                        // Ignore exceptions due to not being able to resolve any view columns,                        // as this just means the view is invalid. Continue on and try to perform                        // any other Post DDL operations.                        try {                            // Since dropping a VIEW does not affect the underlying data, we do                            // not need to pass through the view statement here.                            WhereCompiler.compile(context, select); // Push where clause into scan                        } catch (ColumnFamilyNotFoundException e) {                            continue;                        } catch (ColumnNotFoundException e) {                            continue;                        } catch (AmbiguousColumnException e) {                            continue;                        }                        QueryPlan plan = new AggregatePlan(context, select, tableRef, projector, null, OrderBy.EMPTY_ORDER_BY, null, GroupBy.EMPTY_GROUP_BY, null);                        try {                            ResultIterator iterator = plan.iterator();                            try {                                Tuple row =;                                ImmutableBytesWritable ptr = context.getTempPtr();                                totalMutationCount += (Long)projector.getColumnProjector(0).getValue(row, PLong.INSTANCE, ptr);                            } catch (SQLException e) {                                sqlE = e;                            } finally {                                try {                                    iterator.close();                                } catch (SQLException e) {                                    if (sqlE == null) {                                        sqlE = e;                                    } else {                                        sqlE.setNextException(e);                                    }                                } finally {                                    if (sqlE != null) {                                        throw sqlE;                                    }                                }                            }                        } catch (TableNotFoundException e) {                            // Ignore and continue, as HBase throws when table hasn't been written to                            // FIXME: Remove if this is fixed in 0.96                        }                    } finally {                        if (cache != null) { // Remove server cache if there is one                            cache.close();                        }                    }                }                final long count = totalMutationCount;


回到 ConnectionQueryServicesImpl.init 方法中,接着创建其它的元数据表

  metaConnection.createStatement().executeUpdate(QueryConstants.CREATE_STATS_TABLE_METADATA);   metaConnection.createStatement().executeUpdate(QueryConstants.CREATE_FUNCTION_METADATA);                   

当上面的sql执行完成后又回到 PhoenixDriver.getConnectionQueryServices


  1. PhoenixDriver对象继承于 PhoenixEmbeddedDriver调用 createConnection方法

  2. 然后调用 ConnectionQueryServicesTestImpl.init(url, info);

  3. 然后创建 PhoenixConnection对象
  4. 然后创建元数据表 metaConnection.createStatement().executeUpdate(QueryConstants.CREATE_TABLE_METADATA);
  5. 然后创建 PhoenixStatement对象进行 executeUpdate
  6. 然后创建 ExecutableCreateTableStatement 对象 statm 里面创建 CreateTableCompiler
  7. 然后创建 MetaDataClient 对象 进行 client.createTable(create, splits, parent, viewStatement, viewType,
    viewColumnConstants, isViewColumnReferenced)
  8. 然后调用 createTableInternal方法
  9. 然后调用 connection.getQueryServices().createTable tableMetaData, 方法 进行真正表的创建
  10. 然后调用到 ConnectionQueryServicesImpl.createTable对象 再调用ensureTableCreated方法进行物理表的真正创建了


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