MP4 seek状态 sample读取流程

来源:互联网 发布:js中邮箱的正则表达式 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 22:05



status_t MPEG4Source::read(
        MediaBuffer **out, const ReadOptions *options) {
    Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock);
    int64_t seekTimeUs;
    ReadOptions::SeekMode mode;
    if (options && options->getSeekTo(&seekTimeUs, &mode)) { seek标志的判断
        uint32_t findFlags = 0;
        switch (mode) {
            case ReadOptions::SEEK_PREVIOUS_SYNC:
                findFlags = SampleTable::kFlagBefore;
            case ReadOptions::SEEK_NEXT_SYNC:
                findFlags = SampleTable::kFlagAfter;
            case ReadOptions::SEEK_CLOSEST_SYNC:
            case ReadOptions::SEEK_CLOSEST:
                findFlags = SampleTable::kFlagClosest;
                CHECK(!"Should not be here.");

        uint32_t sampleIndex;
        status_t err = mSampleTable->findSampleAtTime(
                seekTimeUs * mTimescale / 1000000,
                &sampleIndex, findFlags);  ----------------------- 注释1

        if (mode == ReadOptions::SEEK_CLOSEST) {
            // We found the closest sample already, now we want the sync
            // sample preceding it (or the sample itself of course), even
            // if the subsequent sync sample is closer.
            findFlags = SampleTable::kFlagBefore;

        uint32_t syncSampleIndex;
        if (err == OK) {
            err = mSampleTable->findSyncSampleNear(
                    sampleIndex, &syncSampleIndex, findFlags);------------------- 注释2

        uint32_t sampleTime;
        if (err == OK) {
            err = mSampleTable->getMetaDataForSample(
                    sampleIndex, NULL, NULL, &sampleTime);
        if (mode == ReadOptions::SEEK_CLOSEST) {
            targetSampleTimeUs = (sampleTime * 1000000ll) / mTimescale;

#if 0
        uint32_t syncSampleTime;
        CHECK_EQ(OK, mSampleTable->getMetaDataForSample(
                    syncSampleIndex, NULL, NULL, &syncSampleTime));
        ALOGI("seek to time %lld us => sample at time %lld us, "
             "sync sample at time %lld us",
             sampleTime * 1000000ll / mTimescale,
             syncSampleTime * 1000000ll / mTimescale);

        mCurrentSampleIndex = syncSampleIndex; 
        if (mBuffer != NULL) {
            mBuffer = NULL;
        // fall through


status_t SampleTable::findSampleAtTime(
        uint32_t req_time, uint32_t *sample_index, uint32_t flags) {
    buildSampleEntriesTable();  通过time找sampleIndex会调用该函数初始化一下,可以跳到下面看这个函数的解析
    uint32_t left = 0;
    uint32_t right = mNumSampleSizes;
    while (left < right) {
        uint32_t center = (left + right) / 2;
        uint32_t centerTime = mSampleTimeEntries[center].mCompositionTime;
        if (req_time < centerTime) {
            right = center;
        } else if (req_time > centerTime) {
            left = center + 1;
        } else {
            left = center;

    if (left == mNumSampleSizes) {
        if (flags == kFlagAfter) {
            return ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE;
    uint32_t closestIndex = left;
    switch (flags) {
        case kFlagBefore:
            while (closestIndex > 0
                    && mSampleTimeEntries[closestIndex].mCompositionTime
                            > req_time) {

        case kFlagAfter:
            while (closestIndex + 1 < mNumSampleSizes
                    && mSampleTimeEntries[closestIndex].mCompositionTime
                            < req_time) {
            CHECK(flags == kFlagClosest);
            if (closestIndex > 0) {
                // Check left neighbour and pick closest.
                uint32_t absdiff1 =
                uint32_t absdiff2 =
                            mSampleTimeEntries[closestIndex - 1].mCompositionTime,
                if (absdiff1 > absdiff2) {
                    closestIndex = closestIndex - 1;
    *sample_index = mSampleTimeEntries[closestIndex].mSampleIndex;  
    return OK;

void SampleTable::buildSampleEntriesTable() {
    Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock);
    if (mSampleTimeEntries != NULL) {
    mSampleTimeEntries = new SampleTimeEntry[mNumSampleSizes];
    struct SampleTimeEntry {
        uint32_t mSampleIndex;   sample的索引号
        uint32_t mCompositionTime;  该sample对应的时间戳
    uint32_t sampleIndex = 0;
    uint32_t sampleTime = 0;
    通过stts表,将每一个sample的时间戳记录下来,保存在数组mSampleTimeEntries中,具体做法是如下:第一个for循环遍历所有stts表的记录,第二个for循环遍历stts表中一个记录中包含的所有的sample,每个sample的时间戳计算公式:mCompositionTime = 前面所有sample的时间和 + 当前sample的composition time(查ctts表得到)
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mTimeToSampleCount; ++i) {
        uint32_t n = mTimeToSample[2 * i];
        uint32_t delta = mTimeToSample[2 * i + 1];
        for (uint32_t j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
            if (sampleIndex < mNumSampleSizes) {
                // Technically this should always be the case if the file
                // is well-formed, but you know... there's (gasp) malformed
                // content out there.
                mSampleTimeEntries[sampleIndex].mSampleIndex = sampleIndex;
                uint32_t compTimeDelta =
                mSampleTimeEntries[sampleIndex].mCompositionTime =
                    sampleTime + compTimeDelta;
            sampleTime += delta;
    qsort(mSampleTimeEntries, mNumSampleSizes, sizeof(SampleTimeEntry),


status_t SampleTable::findSyncSampleNear(
        uint32_t start_sample_index, uint32_t *sample_index, uint32_t flags) {
    Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock);
    *sample_index = 0;
    if (mSyncSampleOffset < 0) {
        // All samples are sync-samples.
        *sample_index = start_sample_index;
        return OK;
    if (mNumSyncSamples == 0) {
        *sample_index = 0;
        return OK;

    uint32_t left = 0;
    uint32_t right = mNumSyncSamples;
    while (left < right) {
        uint32_t center = left + (right - left) / 2;
        uint32_t x = mSyncSamples[center];
        if (start_sample_index < x) {
            right = center;
        } else if (start_sample_index > x) {
            left = center + 1;
        } else {
            left = center;
    if (left == mNumSyncSamples) {
        if (flags == kFlagAfter) {
            ALOGE("tried to find a sync frame after the last one: %d", left);
            return ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE;
        left = left - 1;
    // Now ssi[left] is the sync sample index just before (or at)
    // start_sample_index.
    // Also start_sample_index < ssi[left + 1], if left + 1 < mNumSyncSamples.
    uint32_t x = mSyncSamples[left];
    if (left + 1 < mNumSyncSamples) {
        uint32_t y = mSyncSamples[left + 1];
        // our sample lies between sync samples x and y.
        status_t err = mSampleIterator->seekTo(start_sample_index);
        if (err != OK) {
            return err;
        uint32_t sample_time = mSampleIterator->getSampleTime();
        err = mSampleIterator->seekTo(x);
        if (err != OK) {
            return err;
        uint32_t x_time = mSampleIterator->getSampleTime();
        err = mSampleIterator->seekTo(y);
        if (err != OK) {
            return err;
        uint32_t y_time = mSampleIterator->getSampleTime();
        if (abs_difference(x_time, sample_time)
                > abs_difference(y_time, sample_time)) {
            // Pick the sync sample closest (timewise) to the start-sample.
            x = y;
    switch (flags) {
        case kFlagBefore:
            if (x > start_sample_index) {
                CHECK(left > 0);
                x = mSyncSamples[left - 1];
                if (x > start_sample_index) {
                    // The table of sync sample indices was not sorted
                    // properly.
                    return ERROR_MALFORMED;
        case kFlagAfter:
            if (x < start_sample_index) {
                if (left + 1 >= mNumSyncSamples) {
                    return ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE;
                x = mSyncSamples[left + 1];
                if (x < start_sample_index) {
                    // The table of sync sample indices was not sorted
                    // properly.
                    return ERROR_MALFORMED;
    *sample_index = x;
    return OK;


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