
来源:互联网 发布:西门子plc编程电缆 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 19:49


def start(self):    if self._running:        raise RuntimeError("IOLoop is already running")    if self._stopped:        self._stopped = False        return    old_current = getattr(IOLoop._current, "instance", None)    IOLoop._current.instance = self    self._running = True    try:        while True:            # Prevent IO event starvation by delaying new callbacks            # to the next iteration of the event loop.            with self._callback_lock:                callbacks = self._callbacks                self._callbacks = []            for callback in callbacks:                self._run_callback(callback)               # Closures may be holding on to a lot of memory, so allow            # them to be freed before we go into our poll wait.            callbacks = callback = None            if self._callbacks:                # If any callbacks or timeouts called add_callback,                # we don't want to wait in poll() before we run them.                poll_timeout = 0.0            else:                # No timeouts and no callbacks, so use the default.                poll_timeout = _POLL_TIMEOUT            if not self._running:                break            try:                event_pairs = self._impl.poll(poll_timeout) #开始执行epoll            except Exception as e:                # Depending on python version and IOLoop implementation,                # different exception types may be thrown and there are                # two ways EINTR might be signaled:                # * e.errno == errno.EINTR                # * e.args is like (errno.EINTR, 'Interrupted system call')                if errno_from_exception(e) == errno.EINTR: #poll_timeout超时之后就会抛出这个异常                    continue                 else:                    raise            # Pop one fd at a time from the set of pending fds and run            # its handler. Since that handler may perform actions on            # other file descriptors, there may be reentrant calls to            # this IOLoop that modify self._events            self._events.update(event_pairs)            while self._events:                fd, events = self._events.popitem()                try:                    fd_obj, handler_func = self._handlers[fd]                    handler_func(fd_obj, events)                except (OSError, IOError) as e:                    if errno_from_exception(e) == errno.EPIPE:                        # Happens when the client closes the connection                        pass                    else:                        self.handle_callback_exception(self._handlers.get(fd))                except Exception:                    self.handle_callback_exception(self._handlers.get(fd))            fd_obj = handler_func = None

这是精简后的ioloop的start代码,去掉了timeout部分的处理. 从代码中可以看到在每次epoll循环中都会去调取self._run_callback(callback) ,执行callbak函数. 下面会解析tornado中是如何知道请求执行结束然后添加callback的.

def fetch(self, request, callback=None, raise_error=True, **kwargs):    request.headers = httputil.HTTPHeaders(request.headers)    request = _RequestProxy(request, self.defaults)    future = TracebackFuture()    if callback is not None:        callback = stack_context.wrap(callback)        def handle_future(future):            exc = future.exception()            if isinstance(exc, HTTPError) and exc.response is not None:                response = exc.response            elif exc is not None:                response = HTTPResponse(                    request, 599, error=exc,                    request_time=time.time() - request.start_time)            else:                response = future.result()            self.io_loop.add_callback(callback, response)        future.add_done_callback(handle_future)    def handle_response(response):        if raise_error and response.error:            future.set_exception(response.error)        else:            future.set_result(response)    self.fetch_impl(request, handle_response)    return future

fetch()就是我们在tornado中常用的异步请求的函数. 首先是 future.add_done_callback(handle_future), handler_future是将callback和responese作为self.io_loop.add_callback的参数,也就是把callback和response放到io_loop中; 将handle_future作为future的done之后的callback函数,也就是future.add_done_callback(handle_future). 然后self.fetch_impl(request, handle_response), handle_response就是给futrue赋result,之后就会调用future的done_callback了. fetch_impl函数在simple_httpclient.py中.

  def fetch_impl(self, request, callback):    key = object()    self.queue.append((key, request, callback))    if not len( < self.max_clients:        timeout_handle = self.io_loop.add_timeout(            self.io_loop.time() + min(request.connect_timeout,                                      request.request_timeout),            functools.partial(self._on_timeout, key, "in request queue"))    else:        timeout_handle = None    self.waiting[key] = (request, callback, timeout_handle)    self._process_queue()    if self.queue:        gen_log.debug("max_clients limit reached, request queued. "                      "%d active, %d queued requests." % (                          len(, len(self.queue))) def _process_queue(self):    with stack_context.NullContext():        while self.queue and len( < self.max_clients:            key, request, callback = self.queue.popleft()            if key not in self.waiting:                continue            self._remove_timeout(key)  [key] = (request, callback)            release_callback = functools.partial(self._release_fetch, key)            self._handle_request(request, release_callback, callback)def _connection_class(self):    return _HTTPConnectiondef _handle_request(self, request, release_callback, final_callback):    self._connection_class()(        self.io_loop, self, request, release_callback,        final_callback, self.max_buffer_size, self.tcp_client,        self.max_header_size, self.max_body_size)


class _HTTPConnection(httputil.HTTPMessageDelegate):_SUPPORTED_METHODS = set(["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH", "OPTIONS"])def __init__(self, io_loop, client, request, release_callback,             final_callback, max_buffer_size, tcp_client,             max_header_size, max_body_size):        #tcpclient中这个函数被@coroutine,函数本身没有callback,但是coroutine会利用callback        self.tcp_client.connect(host, port, af=af,                                ssl_options=ssl_options,                                max_buffer_size=self.max_buffer_size,                                callback=self._on_connect)

@gen.coroutinedef connect(self, host, port, af=socket.AF_UNSPEC, ssl_options=None,            max_buffer_size=None):    """Connect to the given host and port.    Asynchronously returns an `.IOStream` (or `.SSLIOStream` if    ``ssl_options`` is not None).    """    addrinfo = yield self.resolver.resolve(host, port, af)    connector = _Connector(        addrinfo, self.io_loop,        functools.partial(self._create_stream, max_buffer_size))    af, addr, stream = yield connector.start()    # TODO: For better performance we could cache the (af, addr)    # information here and re-use it on subsequent connections to    # the same host. (    if ssl_options is not None:        stream = yield stream.start_tls(False, ssl_options=ssl_options,                                        server_hostname=host)    raise gen.Return(stream)

上面是精简之后的_HTTPConnection的代码,通过调用tcpclient的connect实现了callback的回调. 但是我们发现connect函数没有callback的参数,其实个函数被@coroutine,函数本身没有callback,但是coroutine会利用callback,以后的文章会解析gen和coroutine,这里就不做进一步的解释了. self._on_connect这个callback函数被调用,

 def _on_connect(self, stream):    if self.final_callback is None:        # final_callback is cleared if we've hit our timeout.        stream.close()        return      ........    if self.request.expect_100_continue:        self._read_response()    else:        self._write_body(True) def _write_body(self, start_read):     .......    self.connection.finish()    if start_read:        self._read_response()def finish(self):   ......    response = HTTPResponse(original_request,                            self.code, reason=getattr(self, 'reason', None),                            headers=self.headers,                            request_time=self.io_loop.time() - self.start_time,                            buffer=buffer,                            effective_url=self.request.url)    self._run_callback(response)    self._on_end_request()def _run_callback(self, response):    self._release()    if self.final_callback is not None:        final_callback = self.final_callback        self.final_callback = None        self.io_loop.add_callback(final_callback, response)

通过一系列函数调用之后我们终于发现self.io_loop.add_callback(final_callback, response).
以上就是fetch()函数通过一系列执行之后,调用了self.io_loop.add_callback,将callcak函数放到了ioloop中,在ioloop循环中就会执行callback了. 下面解释下,什么时候把fd增加的epoll中的,当fd接收到数据就可以触发callback了.
tcpclient.py中的TCPClient的connect(上面有代码)调用了af, addr, stream = yield connector.start(),

    def start(self, timeout=_INITIAL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT):    self.try_connect(iter(self.primary_addrs))    self.set_timout(timeout)    return self.futuredef try_connect(self, addrs):    try:        af, addr = next(addrs)    except StopIteration:        # We've reached the end of our queue, but the other queue        # might still be working.  Send a final error on the future        # only when both queues are finished.        if self.remaining == 0 and not self.future.done():            self.future.set_exception(self.last_error or                                      IOError("connection failed"))        return    future = self.connect(af, addr) #这里是IOStream的conect    future.add_done_callback(functools.partial(self.on_connect_done,                                               addrs, af, addr))


   def connect(self, address, callback=None, server_hostname=None):    """Connects the socket to a remote address without blocking.    May only be called if the socket passed to the constructor was    not previously connected.  The address parameter is in the    same format as for `socket.connect <socket.socket.connect>` for    the type of socket passed to the IOStream constructor,    e.g. an ``(ip, port)`` tuple.  Hostnames are accepted here,    but will be resolved synchronously and block the IOLoop.    If you have a hostname instead of an IP address, the `.TCPClient`    class is recommended instead of calling this method directly.    `.TCPClient` will do asynchronous DNS resolution and handle    both IPv4 and IPv6.    If ``callback`` is specified, it will be called with no    arguments when the connection is completed; if not this method    returns a `.Future` (whose result after a successful    connection will be the stream itself).    In SSL mode, the ``server_hostname`` parameter will be used    for certificate validation (unless disabled in the    ``ssl_options``) and SNI (if supported; requires Python    2.7.9+).    Note that it is safe to call `IOStream.write    <BaseIOStream.write>` while the connection is pending, in    which case the data will be written as soon as the connection    is ready.  Calling `IOStream` read methods before the socket is    connected works on some platforms but is non-portable.    .. versionchanged:: 4.0        If no callback is given, returns a `.Future`.    .. versionchanged:: 4.2       SSL certificates are validated by default; pass       ``ssl_options=dict(cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE)`` or a       suitably-configured `ssl.SSLContext` to the       `SSLIOStream` constructor to disable.    """    self._connecting = True    if callback is not None:        self._connect_callback = stack_context.wrap(callback)        future = None    else:        future = self._connect_future = TracebackFuture()    try:        self.socket.connect(address)    except socket.error as e:        # In non-blocking mode we expect connect() to raise an        # exception with EINPROGRESS or EWOULDBLOCK.        #        # On freebsd, other errors such as ECONNREFUSED may be        # returned immediately when attempting to connect to        # localhost, so handle them the same way as an error        # reported later in _handle_connect.        if (errno_from_exception(e) not in _ERRNO_INPROGRESS and                errno_from_exception(e) not in _ERRNO_WOULDBLOCK):            if future is None:                gen_log.warning("Connect error on fd %s: %s",                                self.socket.fileno(), e)            self.close(exc_info=True)            return future    self._add_io_state(self.io_loop.WRITE)    return future  def _add_io_state(self, state):    """Adds `state` (IOLoop.{READ,WRITE} flags) to our event handler.    Implementation notes: Reads and writes have a fast path and a    slow path.  The fast path reads synchronously from socket    buffers, while the slow path uses `_add_io_state` to schedule    an IOLoop callback.  Note that in both cases, the callback is    run asynchronously with `_run_callback`.    To detect closed connections, we must have called    `_add_io_state` at some point, but we want to delay this as    much as possible so we don't have to set an `IOLoop.ERROR`    listener that will be overwritten by the next slow-path    operation.  As long as there are callbacks scheduled for    fast-path ops, those callbacks may do more reads.    If a sequence of fast-path ops do not end in a slow-path op,    (e.g. for an @asynchronous long-poll request), we must add    the error handler.  This is done in `_run_callback` and `write`    (since the write callback is optional so we can have a    fast-path write with no `_run_callback`)    """    if self.closed():        # connection has been closed, so there can be no future events        return    if self._state is None:        self._state = ioloop.IOLoop.ERROR | state        with stack_context.NullContext():            self.io_loop.add_handler(                self.fileno(), self._handle_events, self._state)    elif not self._state & state:        self._state = self._state | state        self.io_loop.update_handler(self.fileno(), self._state)



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