#120 Word ladder

来源:互联网 发布:汤姆叔叔 javascript 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 15:45


Given two words (start and end), and a dictionary, find the length of shortest transformation sequence from start to end, such that:

  1. Only one letter can be changed at a time
  2. Each intermediate word must exist in the dictionary
  • Return 0 if there is no such transformation sequence.
  • All words have the same length.
  • All words contain only lowercase alphabetic characters.

start = "hit"
end = "cog"
dict = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log"]

As one shortest transformation is"hit" -> "hot" -> "dot" -> "dog" -> "cog",
return its length 5.



Mycode (AC = 252ms):

class Solution {public:    /**      * @param start, a string      * @param end, a string      * @param dict, a set of string      * @return an integer      */    int ladderLength(string start, string end, unordered_set<string> &dict) {        // write your code here        // consider the special case        if (start == end) return 1;                // add start/end into dict, in case dict doesn't contain them        dict.insert(start);        dict.insert(end);                        // bfs to search the smallest length        queue<string> str_queue;        queue<int> levels;                str_queue.push(start);        levels.push(1);        while (!str_queue.empty()) {            string crt = str_queue.front();            str_queue.pop();                        int level = levels.front();            levels.pop();                        vector<string> next_words = getNextWord(crt, dict);            for (int i = 0; i < next_words.size(); i++) {                string word = next_words[i];                                if (word == end) {                    return level + 1;                }                else {                    dict.erase(dict.find(word));                    str_queue.push(word);                    levels.push(level + 1);                }            }                    }                return 0;            }            // get the next word that in the dict    vector<string> getNextWord(string crt, unordered_set<string> &dict) {        vector<string> next_word;                for (int i = 0; i < crt.length(); i++) {            for (char ch = 'a'; ch <= 'z'; ch++) {                string tmp = crt;                tmp[i] = ch;                                if (tmp != crt && dict.find(tmp) != dict.end()) {                    next_word.push_back(tmp);                }            }        }                return next_word;    }};

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