
来源:互联网 发布:js时间段选择控件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 19:10
In programming languages, polymorphism means that some code or operations or objects behave differently in different contexts.
C++ polymorphism means that a call to a member function will cause a different function to be executed depending on the type of object that invokes the function.
A virtual function is a function in a base class that is declared using the keyword virtual. Defining in a base class a virtual function, with another version in a derived class, signals to the compiler that we don't want static linkage for this function. What we do want is the selection of the function to be called at any given point in the program to be based on the kind of object for which it is called. This sort of operation is referred to as dynamic linkage, or late binding.
Virtual Function is a function in base class, which is overrided in the derived class, and which tells the compiler to perform Late Binding on this function.
In Late Binding function call is resolved at run time. Hence, now compiler determines the type of object at runtime, and then binds the function call. Late Binding is also called Dynamic Binding or Runtime Binding.
Late binding is also known as Dynamic Binding or Runtime Binding. Sometimes compiler can’t know which function will be called till program is executed (runtime). This is known as late binding. Binding is the process which is used by the compiler to convert identifiers (such as variable and function names) into machine language addresses.
It is a mechanism in which the method called by an object gets associated by name in runtime. Late binding happens when virtual keyword is used in member function declaration.
C++ implementation of virtual functions uses a special form of late binding known as virtual table (VTable). When a class declares a virtual member function,most of the compilers add a hidden member variable that represents a pointer to Virtual Method Table (VMT or VTable). We will call this pointer as vptr. This table represents an array of pointers to virtual functions. At compile-time,there is no information about which function will be called. At runtime,pointers from Virtual Method Table will point to right functions.
Destructor is called when an object is destroyed. C++ provides a default destructor for all the classes. However, sometimes there is a need to create your own destructor. It can be done in the case you need to deallocate memory, free a resource etc. When you have a hierarchy of classes, it is strongly recommended to use virtual destructors.
A base class pointer can point to either an object of the base class or of any publicly-derived class.
Type ofpolymorphism:
(1)、Compile time polymorphism: In C++ programming you can achieve compile time polymorphism in two way, which is given below: Method overloading and Method overriding.
Method Overloading in C++: Whenever same method name is exiting multiple times in the same class with different number of parameter or different order of parameters or different types of parameters is known as method overloading.
Method Overriding in C++: Define any method in both base class and derived class with same name,same parameters or signature, this concept is known as method overriding.
(2)、Run time polymorphism: In C++ Run time polymorphism can be achieve by using virtual function. A virtual function is a member function of class that is declared within a base class and re-defined in derived class. When you want to use same function name in both the base and derived class, then the function in base class is declared as virtual by using the virtual keyword and again re-defined this function in derived class without using virtual keyword.
In C++, polymorphism usually refers to being able to access different types of objects through a common base class -- specifically using a pointer of the type of a base object to point to object(s) which derive from that base class.
多态性分为两类:静态多态性和动态多态性。函数重载和运算符重载实现的多态性属于静态多态性,在程序编译时系统就能决定调用的是哪个函数,因此静态多态性又称编译时的多态性。静态多态性是通过函数的重载实现的(运算符重载实质上也是函数重载)。动态多态性是在程序运行过程中才动态地确定操作所针对的对象。它又称运行时的多态性。动态多态性是通过虚函数(virtual function)实现的。
虚函数的作用: 允许在派生类中重新定义与基类同名的函数,并且可以通过基类指针或引用来访问基类和派生类中的同名函数。


#include "polymorphism.hpp"#include <iostream>#include <string>///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// reference: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/polymorphism/class Polygon {protected:int width, height;public:void set_values(int a, int b){width = a; height = b;}};class Rectangle : public Polygon {public:int area(){return width * height;}};class Triangle : public Polygon {public:int area(){return (width * height / 2);}};int test_polymorphism1(){Rectangle rect;Triangle trgl;Polygon poly;Polygon* ppoly1 = ▭Polygon* ppoly2 = &trgl;ppoly1->set_values(4, 5);ppoly2->set_values(4, 5);std::cout << rect.area() << '\n';std::cout << trgl.area() << '\n';return 0;}////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// reference: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/cplusplus/cpp_polymorphism.htmclass Shape_2 {protected:int width, height;public:Shape_2(int a = 0, int b = 0){width = a;height = b;}virtual int area(){std::cout << "Parent class area :" << std::endl;return 0;}};class Rectangle_2 : public Shape_2{public:Rectangle_2(int a = 0, int b = 0) :Shape_2(a, b) { }int area(){std::cout << "Rectangle class area :" << std::endl;return (width * height);}};class Triangle_2 : public Shape_2{public:Triangle_2(int a = 0, int b = 0) :Shape_2(a, b) { }int area(){std::cout << "Triangle class area :" << std::endl;return (width * height / 2);}};int test_polymorphism2(){Shape_2 *shape;Rectangle_2 rec(10, 7);Triangle_2 tri(10, 5);// store the address of Rectangleshape = &rec;// call rectangle area.shape->area();// store the address of Triangleshape = &tri;// call triangle area.shape->area();return 0;}///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// reference: http://www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/122-virtual-functions/class Animal{protected:std::string m_strName;// We're making this constructor protected because// we don't want people creating Animal objects directly,// but we still want derived classes to be able to use it.Animal(std::string strName) : m_strName(strName) {}public:std::string GetName() { return m_strName; }virtual const char* Speak() { return "???"; }};class Cat : public Animal{public:Cat(std::string strName) : Animal(strName) {}virtual const char* Speak() { return "Meow"; }};class Dog : public Animal{public:Dog(std::string strName) : Animal(strName) {}virtual const char* Speak() { return "Woof"; }};static void Report(Animal &rAnimal){std::cout << rAnimal.GetName() << " says " << rAnimal.Speak() << std::endl;}int test_polymorphism3(){Cat cCat("Fred");Dog cDog("Garbo");Report(cCat); // Fred says MeowReport(cDog); // Garbo says WoofCat cFred("Fred"), cTyson("Tyson"), cZeke("Zeke");Dog cGarbo("Garbo"), cPooky("Pooky"), cTruffle("Truffle");// Set up an array of pointers to animals, and set those pointers to our Cat and Dog objectsAnimal *apcAnimals[] = { &cFred, &cGarbo, &cPooky, &cTruffle, &cTyson, &cZeke };for (int iii = 0; iii < 6; iii++)std::cout << apcAnimals[iii]->GetName() << " says " << apcAnimals[iii]->Speak() << std::endl;return 0;}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// reference: http://www.cprogramming.com/snippets/source-code/polymorphism-example// abstract base classclass base{protected:  // attribute sectionint num1;int num2;int result;public:  // behavior sectionvoid setVar(int n1, int n2){num1 = n1;num2 = n2;}virtual void op() = 0;  // pure virtual functionint getresult() { return result; }};class add : public base  // add class inherits from base class{public:void op() { result = num1 + num2; }};//sub class inherit base classclass sub : public base{public:void op() { result = num1 - num2; }};int test_polymorphism4(){int x, y;base *m; //pointer variable declaration of type base classadd ad;  //create object1 for addition processsub su;  //create object2 for subtraction processstd::cout << "\nEnter two numbers seperated by space, or press Ctrl+z to Exit: ";while (std::cin >> x >> y) {m = &ad;m->setVar(x, y);m->op(); //addition process, even though call is on pointer to base!std::cout << "\nResult of summation = " << m->getresult();m = &su;m->setVar(x, y);m->op(); //subtraction process, even though call is on pointer to base!std::cout << "\nResult of subtraction = " << m->getresult() << std::endl << std::endl;std::cout << "\nEnter two numbers seperated by space or press Ctrl+z to Exit: ";}return 0;}


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