Lua middleclass(v4.1) 解析

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝官方下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 06:21

A simple OOP library for Lua. It has inheritance, metamethods (operators), class variables and weak mixin support.


1. _createClasss(aClass, super)


  local dict = {}  dict.__index = dict  local aClass = { name = name, super = super, static = {},                   __instanceDict = dict, __declaredMethods = {},                   subclasses = setmetatable({}, {__mode='k'})  }

* name 类名
* super 父类的table
* static 静态表
* __instanceDict 存放类定义的属性和函数(包含父类)
* __decaredMethod (当前类声明的方法,不包含父类)
* subclasses 子类表, 使用弱引用

 if super then    setmetatable(aClass.static, { __index = function(_,k) return rawget(dict,k) or super.static[k] end })  else    setmetatable(aClass.static, { __index = function(_,k) return rawget(dict,k) end })  end

设置static表的元表为 __index = __instanceDict(或者super.static)

 setmetatable(aClass, { __index = aClass.static, __tostring = _tostring,  __call = _call, __newindex = _declareInstanceMethod }) 

设置类的元表:__index 为 static, __tostring => 默认tostring,
_call =>调用, __newindex => _declareInstanceMethod

2. _includeMixin(aClass, mixin)


  for name,method in pairs(mixin) do    if name ~= "included" and name ~= "static" then aClass[name] = method end  end
  • 除了”included”和”static”,将mixin中的域全部赋值到aClass中(覆盖)
  for name,method in pairs(mixin.static or {}) do    aClass.static[name] = method  end
  • 将mixin.static中的域,赋值到aClass.static中
  if type(mixin.included)=="function" then mixin:included(aClass) end
  • 如果mixin包含included方法,则调用mixin的included方法,参数为aClass

3. DefaultMixin

* 默认合并表,创建类时自动添加到类中*
* __tostring 默认tostring方法
* initialize 初始化方法 类似于构造函数

 isInstanceOf = function(self, aClass)    return type(aClass) == 'table' and (aClass == self.class or self.class:isSubclassOf(aClass))  end,
  • isInstanceOf 判断是否是某个类的实例


allocate = function(self)      assert(type(self) == 'table', "Make sure that you are using 'Class:allocate' instead of 'Class.allocate'")      return setmetatable({ class = self }, self.__instanceDict)    end,
  • allocate 创建一个实例表
    • 添加class属性,指向类表
    • 将类表的__instanceDict设置为元表
new = function(self, ...)      assert(type(self) == 'table', "Make sure that you are using 'Class:new' instead of ''")      local instance = self:allocate()      instance:initialize(...)      return instance    end,
  • new 通过allocate创建表,并调用initialize方法

  • subclassed 创建子类后的回调

 subclass = function(self, name)      assert(type(self) == 'table', "Make sure that you are using 'Class:subclass' instead of 'Class.subclass'")      assert(type(name) == "string", "You must provide a name(string) for your class")      local subclass = _createClass(name, self)      for methodName, f in pairs(self.__instanceDict) do        _propagateInstanceMethod(subclass, methodName, f)      end      subclass.initialize = function(instance, ...) return self.initialize(instance, ...) end      self.subclasses[subclass] = true      self:subclassed(subclass)      return subclass    end,
  • subclass 为类添加一个指定名字的子类,并返回子类
    • 创建指定名字的类,父类为自己
    • 将父类的__instanceDict中的所有域,复制到子类中
    • 子类的initialize 默认调用父类的initialize
    • 在自己的subclass索引中,添加子类的索引
    • 调用自己的subclassed方法,参数为子类
 isSubclassOf = function(self, other)      return type(other)      == 'table' and             type(self.super) == 'table' and             ( self.super == other or self.super:isSubclassOf(other) )    end,
  • isSubclassOf 是否是指定类的子类
  include = function(self, ...)      assert(type(self) == 'table', "Make sure you that you are using 'Class:include' instead of 'Class.include'")      for _,mixin in ipairs({...}) do _includeMixin(self, mixin) end      return self    end
  • include 将参数合并到本类中

4. _declareInstanceMethod(aClass, name, f)


local function _declareInstanceMethod(aClass, name, f)  aClass.__declaredMethods[name] = f  if f == nil and aClass.super then    f = aClass.super.__instanceDict[name]  end  _propagateInstanceMethod(aClass, name, f)end
  • 注册到__declaredMethods
  • 如果f为nil,则去父类取该字段
  • 将域添加到子类中

5. _propagateInstanceMethod(aClass, name, f)


local function _propagateInstanceMethod(aClass, name, f)  f = name == "__index" and _createIndexWrapper(aClass, f) or f  aClass.__instanceDict[name] = f  for subclass in pairs(aClass.subclasses) do    if rawget(subclass.__declaredMethods, name) == nil then      _propagateInstanceMethod(subclass, name, f)    end  endend
  • 如果name = __index, 调用_createIndexWrapper
  • 将f添加到aClass.__instanceDict[name]中
  • 遍历所有子类,如果子类不包含该方法,则添加到子类中(若包含,相当于重写)

6. _createIndexWrapper(aClass, f)


local function _createIndexWrapper(aClass, f)  if f == nil then    return aClass.__instanceDict  else    return function(self, name)      local value = aClass.__instanceDict[name]      if value ~= nil then        return value      elseif type(f) == "function" then        return (f(self, name))      else        return f[name]      end    end  endend
  • f为空,则返回aClass.__instanceDict
  • 如果__instanceDict包含name 则返回 <==> __index = __instanceDict
  • 如果f为函数, __index = f(self,name)
  • 否则,返回f[name]

7. _call(self, …)

调用new方法,使A:new() <==> A()

8. _tostring(self)

* 默认tostring方法*

9. middleclass.class(name, super)

* 如果super ~= nil 则调用subclass, 将那么添加到super的子类中
* 否则,创建一张默认表,并将DefaultMixin合并进去




Point = class('Point')function Point:initialize(x,y)  self.x = x  self.y = yendfunction Point:__tostring()  return 'Point: [' .. tostring(self.x) .. ', ' .. tostring(self.y) .. ']'endp1 = Point(100, 200)p2 = Point(35, -10)print(p1)print(p2)Output:Point: [100, 200]Point: [35, -10]
  1. p1(实例)的__index为__instanceDict,所以调用tostring时,会去__instanceDict中去查找
  2. Pointer的__newindex为_declareInstanceMethod,在类中定义__tostring时,_declareInstanceMethod会将该方法加入到__instanceDict中
  3. 重写__tostring,相当于在自己的元表中定义该方法
  4. 其他元方法类似

Middleclass 4.x supports all the Lua metamethods. There are some restrictions:
* Overriding the metatable metamethod is possible, but likely will give you trouble. Do this only if you know what you are doing.
* Metamethods not supported by the Lua version being used are not supported. For example, the len metamethod does not work in Lua 5.1 or LuaJIT without 5.2 compatibility.



  1. class.static表中提供include方法
  2. class的__index指向class.static
  3. 被合并的table 调用include方法

Private stuff




class = require("middleclass")A = class("A")A.n = 1B = A()print(B.n)B.n = 2print(B.n)print(A.n)Output:121



  1. __instanceDict 记录当前类,以及所有父类定义的实例方法(属性), __index指向自己
  2. __declaredMethods 记录当前类声明的方法(属性)
  3. subclasses 当前类的所有子类,弱引用
  4. static 静态表,定义new, include, isSubclassOf等方法,__index指向__instanceDict。
    类的静态方法可以通过class.static:func 来定义
  5. 类的默认表 定义__instanceDict,__declaredMethods, static等属性。
  6. 实例表 定义class属性,指向当前的类。 metatable为对应类的__instanceDict
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