
来源:互联网 发布:舔红叶知弦的脚哪一集 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 00:35


        原文地址:A Guide to Object Cloning in Java


        1) 如果类所包含的成员变量均为原生数据类型,那么将创建一个全新的且完全一样的对象,并返回这个新对象的引用。
        2) 如果类包含非原生数据类型的成员变量,那么,新创建的复制对象仅复制这些成员的引用。因此,原始对象和复制对象的成员变量都指向同一个数据对象。


        a) 该类必须 实现Cloneable接口。
        b) 该类必须重写Object类的clone()方法。更多参见:Cloneable interface is broken in Java
        在Java docs中,关于clone()方法给了如下解释:

/*Creates and returns a copy of this object. The precise meaning of 'copy' ; may depend on the class of the object.The general intent is that, for any object x, the expression:1) x.clone() != x will be true2) x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass() will be true, but these are not absolute requirements.3) x.clone().equals(x) will be true, this is not an absolute requirement.*/protected native Object  [More ...] clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException;

        2、第二行声明建议原始对象和克隆对象属于相同的类型,但非强制性要求 。

public class Department {    private int id;    private String name;    public Department(int id, String name){        this.id = id;        this.name = name;    }    public int getId() {        return id;    }    public String getName() {        return name;    }    public void setName(String name) {        this.name = name;    }    public void setId(int id) {        this.id = id;    }}


public class Employee implements Cloneable {    private int employeeId;    private String employeeName;    private  Department department;    public Employee(int id,String name,Department dept){        this.employeeId = id;        this.employeeName = name;        this.department = dept;    }    @Override    protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException{        return super.clone();    }    public Department getDepartment() {        return department;    }    public int getEmployeeId() {        return employeeId;    }    public String getEmployeeName() {        return employeeName;    }}


public class TestCloning {    public static void main(String[] args) throws CloneNotSupportedException {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        Department dept = new Department(1, "Human Resource");        Employee original = new Employee(1,"Admin",dept);        //Lets create a clone of original object        Employee cloned = (Employee)original.clone();        //Let verify using employee id, if cloning actually worked        System.out.println(cloned.getEmployeeId());        //Verify JDK's rules        //Must be true and objects must have different memory addresses        System.out.println(original != cloned);        //As we are return same class; so it should be true        System.out.println(original.getClass() == cloned.getClass());        //Default equals method checks for references so it should be false.        //If we want to make it,         //we need to override equals method in Employee class.        System.out.println(original.equals(cloned));    }}


 1 true true false


public class TestCloning {    public static void main(String[] args) throws CloneNotSupportedException {        Department hr = new Department(1, "Human Resource");        Employee org = new Employee(1,"Admin",hr);        Employee cloned = (Employee)org.clone();        //Let change the department name in cloned object         //and we will verify in original object        cloned.getDepartment().setName("Finance");        System.out.println(org.getDepartment().getName());    }}






    @Override    protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {        return super.clone();    }


    @Override    protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException{        Employee cloned = (Employee)super.clone();        cloned.setDepartment((Department)cloned.getDepartment().clone());        return cloned;    }


public class TestCloning {    public static void main(String[] args) throws CloneNotSupportedException {        Department hr = new Department(1, "Human Resource");        Employee org = new Employee(1,"Admin",hr);        Employee cloned = (Employee)org.clone();        //Let change the department name in cloned object         //and we will verify in original object        cloned.getDepartment().setName("Finance");        System.out.println(org.getDepartment().getName());    }}

        输出结果:Human Resource。此时,改变克隆对象的状态将不在影响原始对象了。
+ 不需要逐个复制原生类型成员变量。
+ 原始类型中所有的成员变量类型都需要支持克隆,且在原始类型上下文的clone()方法中应该调用所有成员变量类型super.clone()方法。
+ 如果成员变量类型不支持克隆,那么,在clone()方法中我们必须重新创建一个成员变量类型的实例并逐一复制原变量的属性。最后将该对象set到克隆对象中。更多参见:Deep cloning using in-memory serialization


        复制构造函数(Copy Constructor)是一种特殊的构造函数,该构造函数的参数是自身类型的实例。因此,我们可以传一个该类型的实例给复制构造函数,构造函数将返回一个与参数实例属性值的新实例。让我们看一个示例:

public class PointOne{    private Integer x;    private Integer y;    public PointOne(PointOne point){        this.x = point.x;        this.y = point.y;    }    public PointOne(Integer x, Integer y) {        this.x = x;        this.y = y;    }  }


public class PointTwo extends PointOne {    private Integer z;    public PointTwo(PointTwo point) {        super(point);        this.z = point.z;    }    public PointTwo(Integer x, Integer y, Integer z) {        super(x,y);        this.z = z;    } } 


public class CloneTest {    public static void main(String[] args) {        PointOne one = new PointOne(1,2);        PointTwo two = new PointTwo(1,2,3);        PointOne clone1 = new PointOne(one);        PointOne clone2 = new PointOne(two);        //return an instance of PointOne        PointTwo clone3 = new PointTwo(two);        //return an instance of PointTwo        System.out.println(clone1.getClass());        System.out.println(clone2.getClass());        System.out.println(clone3.getClass());    }}  


 class com.woodman.clone.PointOne class com.woodman.clone.PointOne class com.woodman.clone.PointTwo


public class PointOne implements Cloneable{    private Integer x;    private Integer y;    public PointOne(PointOne point) {        this.x = point.x;        this.y = point.y;    }    public PointOne(Integer x, Integer y) {        this.x = x;        this.y = y;    }    public PointOne copyPoint(PointOne point) throws CloneNotSupportedException{        if(!(point instanceof Cloneable)){            throw new CloneNotSupportedException("Invalid cloning");        }        //can do multiple other things here.        return new PointOne(point.x,point.y);    }}  


更多参见:A guide to implement serialization in java

    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")    public static  T clone(T t) throws Exception {        //Check if T is instance of Serializeble other throw CloneNotSupportedException        ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();        //Serialize it        serializeToOutputStream(t, bos);        byte[] bytes = bos.toByteArray();        ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));        //Deserialize it and return the new instance        return (T)ois.readObject();    }  

七、使用Apache commons实现克隆

        Apache commons提供了用于克隆的工具函数。下面是使用Apache commons克隆工具的示例:

PointOne cloned = (PointOne) SerializationUtils.clone(One);   //PointOne need implements Serializable interface. 



PointOne clone4;if(one instanceof Cloneable){   clone4 = (PointOne) one.clone();}//Don't do this.Cloneable don't have any methods.clone4 = (Cloneable)one.clone();  


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