Modern JavaScript Applications(阅读笔记)

来源:互联网 发布:一家6口服毒身亡 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 23:53

Modern JavaScript Applications

  1. 微服务框架:seneca,语法有点怪异
    1. 配合express使用?
  2. WebRTC PeerJs,好像也不昨的,维护不活跃
  3. WebSocket Socket.IO:略
  4. FRP / bacon.js
    1. RxJS?
  5. Bootstrap 4新特性
    1. <script src=""></script>
  6. React
  7. 使用React和Flux构建一个RSS阅读器(UI有点太原始了,纯客户端的)
    1. Dispatcher:register(callback) unregister(id) waitFor(array) dispatch(action) isDispatching()
      1. var AppDispatcher = new Flux.Dispatcher();
    2. MicroEvent.js
      1. <Router history={BrowserHistory}>
        <Route path="/" component={FeedList}></Route>
      2. ReactDOM.render(Routes, document.getElementById("appContainer"));
    4. var parser = require("xml2json"); !
  8. Angular 2新特性
    1. 服务 + 视图
    2. one-way data binding?
    3. web components:HTML imports, shadow DOM, templates, and custom elements(定制的xxx-元素名前缀)
    4. var Cards = ng.core.Component({
      selector: "cards",
      viewProviders: [CardsService],
      directives: [Card],
      templateUrl: "componentTemplates/cards-template.html"
      constructor: [CardsService, function(cardsService){
    5. ...
    6. ng.platform.browser.bootstrap(App);
    7. <card *ngFor="#card of cards" title="模板:Card.title" src="模板:Card.src" desc="模板:Card.desc"></card>
    8. * ng.core.ViewEncapsulation.Native/Emulated
    9. ?假设所有事件都是异步的?使用zone.js监控浏览器事件
    10. * 理解view children 与 content children ...
    11. ...
    12. 可选的2-way data binding [()]
    13. Directives:属性/结构(控制流)
    14. Outputs:允许组件输出定制事件
    15. Understanding providers
  9. 使用AngularJS 2构建一个搜索引擎模板
  10. Securing and Scaling Node.JS 应用
    1. Helmet:添加安全相关的头部
      1. Strict-Transport-Policy
      2. X-Frame-Options
      3. X-XSS-Protection
      4. X-Content-Type-Options
      5. Content-Security-Policy
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