2016多校训练Contest7: 1002 Hearthstone hdu5810

来源:互联网 发布:顺丰打单软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 01:46

Problem Description
Mr. Chopsticks is interested in random phenomena, and he conducts an experiment to study randomness. In the experiment, he throws n balls into m boxes in such a manner that each ball has equal probability of going to each boxes. After the experiment, he calculated the statistical variance V as

where Xi is the number of balls in the ith box, and X¯ is the average number of balls in a box.
Your task is to find out the expected value of V.

The input contains multiple test cases. Each case contains two integers n and m (1 <= n, m <= 1000 000 000) in a line.
The input is terminated by n = m = 0.

For each case, output the result as A/B in a line, where A/B should be an irreducible fraction. Let B=1 if the result is an integer.

Sample Input
2 12 20 0

Sample Output
In the second sample, there are four possible outcomes, two outcomes with V = 0 and two outcomes with V = 1.


= E[X_i^2] - 2\bar XE[X_i] + E[\bar X^2] = E[X_i^2] - 2\bar X^2 + \bar X^2 = E[X_i^2] - \frac{n^2}{m^2}=E[Xi2]2X¯E[Xi]+E[X¯2]=E[Xi2]2X¯2+X¯2=E[Xi2]m2n2

所以关键是要求出E[X_i^2]E[Xi2]. 我们用随机变量Y_jYj来表示第j个球是否在第i个盒子中,如果在则Y_j = 1Yj=1,否则Y_j = 0Yj=0. 于是

E[X_i^2] = E[(\sum_{j=1}^{n} Y_j)^2] = E[\sum_{j=1}^{n} Y_j^2] + 2E[\sum_{j=1}^{n} \sum_{k=1,k\neq j}^{n} Y_jY_k] = nE[Y_j^2] + n(n-1)E[Y_jY_k]E[Xi2]=E[(j=1nYj)2]=E[j=1nYj2]+2E[j=1nk=1,kjnYjYk]=nE[Yj2]+n(n1)E[YjYk]



E[V] = \frac{n}{m} + \frac{n(n-1)}{m^2} - \frac{n^2}{m^2} = \frac{n(m-1)}{m^2}E[V]=mn+m2n(n1)m2n2=m2n(m1)


#include <stdio.h>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;typedef __int64 ll;ll gcd(ll n,ll m){    ll r;    while(m){        r = n%m;        n = m;        m = r;    }    return n;}int main(void){    ll a,b;    ll n,m;    while(scanf("%I64d%I64d",&n,&m)!=EOF){        if(n==0&&m==0){            break;        }        a = n*(m-1);        b = m*m;        ll g = gcd(a,b);        printf("%I64d/%I64d\n",a/g,b/g);    }    return 0;}

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