Java eclipse中无法查看源代码

来源:互联网 发布:顺丰打单软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 16:59

Java eclipse中查看(ctrl+shift+t)源代码提示 not found



1.点 “window“-> “Preferences”-> “Java” -> “Installed JRES”;

2.此时"Installed JRES"右边是列表窗格,列出了系统中的JRE 环境,选择你的JRE,然后点边上的“Edit...“, 会出现一个窗口(Edit JRE) ;

3.选中rt.jar文件的这一项:“C:\Java\jdk1.5.0_04\jre\lib\rt.jar” 点 左边的“+”号展开它(JDK实际安装路径以你的为准);

 4.展开后,可以看到“Source Attachment:(none)”,点这一项,点右边的按钮“Source Attachment...“,选择你的JDK目录下的 “”文件;


二、之前可以通过ctrl + shift + t找对应的类,但是后来无法通过ctrl + shift + t找对应的类,并且类明明存在,并且也在编译路径下,但就是查找不到,一个可能的原因就是eclipse为类建立的索引出了问题。



 ​      Sometimes, the indexes that Eclipse use for searching the types, get corrupted. You can clear the Open Type indexes by going to /.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core and deleting all files there. The indexes will be re-built the next time you use open type.Note that this is a empirical observation, and you may delete some JDT saved data that you don't want to delete. I observed no ill effects, but for safety you could try deleting just the *.index files and the "savedIndexNames.txt", and see if it works. 

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