多校赛第7场 hdu5818 Joint Stacks 双向链表

来源:互联网 发布:国外windows优化软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 07:05


A stack is a data structure in which all insertions and deletions of entries are made at one end, called the “top” of the stack. The last entry which is inserted is the first one that will be removed. In another word, the operations perform in a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) manner.
A mergeable stack is a stack with “merge” operation. There are three kinds of operation as follows:

  • push A x: insert x into stack A
  • pop A: remove the top element of stack A
  • merge A B: merge stack A and B

After an operation “merge A B”, stack A will obtain all elements that A and B contained before, and B will become empty. The elements in the new stack are rearranged according to the time when they were pushed, just like repeating their “push” operations in one stack. See the sample input/output for further explanation.
Given two mergeable stacks A and B, implement operations mentioned above.







#include<bits/stdc++.h>//orz zhen shi qiangusing namespace std;typedef long long ll;int N;char s[10];char s2[5];char s3[5];typedef list<int>::iterator lit; list<int> his, now;list<lit> A, B;list<lit> *a, *b;int main() {    int cs = 1;    while(~scanf("%d",&N) && N) {        printf("Case #%d:\n",cs++);        A.clear();        B.clear();        his.clear();        now.clear();        a = &A, b = &B;        while(N--) {            scanf("%s%s",s,s2);            if(s[1] == 'u') {                int n;                scanf("%d",&n);                if(s2[0] == 'A') {                    now.push_back(n);                    lit t = now.end();                    t--;                    a->push_back(t);                }                else {                    now.push_back(n);                    lit t = now.end();                    t--;                    b->push_back(t);                }            }            else if(s[1] == 'e') {                scanf("%s",s3);                his.insert(his.end(), now.begin(), now.end());                now.clear();                //if(s2[0] == 'B') swap(a, b);                a->clear(); b->clear();                //printf("??%d\n",a->empty());            }            else {                //printf("s2[0]=%c\n",s2[0]);                if(s2[0] == 'A') {                    //printf("-------%d\n",a->empty());                    if(A.empty()) {                        printf("%d\n",his.back());                        his.pop_back();                    }                    else {                        printf("%d\n",*A.back());                        now.erase(A.back());                        A.pop_back();                    }                }                else {                    if(B.empty()) {                        printf("%d\n",his.back());                        his.pop_back();                    }                    else {                        printf("%d\n",*B.back());                        now.erase(B.back());                        B.pop_back();                    }                }            }        }    }    return 0;}
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