JavaScript Array

来源:互联网 发布:自制短片软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 14:37


JavaScript provides both a long way and a shortcut to generate and populate an array. The long way is to use the Array object constructor. If you specify no parameters for the constructor, you create an empty array, which you may then populate with data entry by entry:

var myArray = new Array( );myArray[0] = "Alice";myArray[1] = "Fred";...

You do not have to declare a fixed size for an array when you create it, but you may do so if you wish, by passing a single integer value as a parameter to the constructor method:

var myArray = new Array(12);

This creates an array of 12 entries whose values are null.

If you supply more than one comma-delimited parameter to the constructor method, the arguments are treated as data for the array entries. Thus, the following statement:

var myArray = new Array("Alice", "Fred", "Jean");

creates a three-item array, each item containing a string value.

A shortcut approach to the same action lets you use square brackets to symbolize the array constructor:

var myArray = ["Alice", "Fred", "Jean"];

You can use the shortcut syntax in IE 4 or later and NN 4 or later.


Array 对象的方法

FF: Firefox, N: Netscape, IE: Internet Explorer


Array 对象的属性

FF: Firefox, N: Netscape, IE: Internet Explorer

属性描述FFNIEconstructor对创建此对象的函数的一个引用124index 134input 134length设置或返回数组中元素的数目。124prototype使您有能力向对象添加属性和方法124
Note: 利用Array对象可模拟Stack和Queue行为。