通过RTMP play分析FLV格式详解

来源:互联网 发布:单片机定时器工作原理 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 14:02

最近做了一个rtmp中转服务程序,通过实践,熟悉rtmp play和push中各类格式,这里总结一下。

程序github地址: https://github.com/runner365/rtmp_relay

rtmp play接收报文分析



1) 0x46 4c 56:可参考文后:参考一


2) 0x01 05 

Version TypeFlagsReserved TypeFlagsAudio TypeFlagsReserved TypeFlagsVideo


3)0x00 00 00 09

FLV header offset: 也就是从开头9字节后,才是FLV真正的报文头。

4)0x00 00 00 00 


5)0x08 可参考文后:参考二,参考三


6)0x00 00 04


7) 0x 00 00 00 00


8) 0x 00 00 00


9) 0x AF 00 13 90

音频payload: 0xaf00开头的后面是asc flag, 0xaf01开头的后面是真正的音频数据

0x13 90,也就是0b0001 0011 1001 0000, 

ASC flag格式:xxxx xyyy yzzz z000

x字符: aac type,类型2表示AAC-LC,5是SBR, 29是ps,5和29比较特殊ascflag的长度会变成4;

y字符:  sample rate, 采样率, 7表示22050采样率

z字符:  通道数,2是双通道

10) 0x 00 00 00 0F


11) 0x09 视频类型,新的一帧

12)0x00 00 22


13) 0x00 00 0a 00 

时间戳:这个地方有个大坑,顺序是:a[3] a[0] a[1] a[2],最后一位是最高位。

14) 0x00 00 00

streamid, 流id。

15) 0x 17 00 


0x17 00: 表示内容是SPS和PPS

0x17 01: 表示内容是I-FRAME

0x27:      表示内容是P-FRAME


0000002bh: 17 00 00 00 00 01 42 C0 1F FF E1 00 0E 67 42 C0 ; ......B??.gB?
0000003bh: 1F 8C 8D 40 F0 28 90 0F 08 84 6A 01 00 04 68 CE ; .實@??.刯...h?
0000004bh: 3C 80 ; <€

第12, 13字节: 0x00 0E是spslen,也就是14字节长度


0x00 04是ppslen,也就是4个字节,最后0x68 ce 3c 80就是pps。



1, The FLV header

 TypeCommentSignatureUI8Signature byte always 'F' (0x46)SignatureUI8Signature byte always 'L' (0x4C)SignatureUI8Signature byte always 'V' (0x56)VersionUI8File version (for example, 0x01 for FLV version 1)TypeFlagsReservedUB [5]Shall be 0TypeFlagsAudioUB [1]1 = Audio tags are presentTypeFlagsReservedUB [1]Shall be 0TypeFlagsVideoUB [1]1 = Video tags are presentDataOffsetUI32The length of this header in bytes

Signature: FLV 文件的前3个字节为固定的‘F’‘L’‘V’,用来标识这个文件是flv格式的.在做格式探测的时候,


Version: 第4个字节表示flv版本号.

Flags: 第5个字节中的第0位和第2位,分别表示 video 与 audio 存在的情况.(1表示存在,0表示不存在)

DataOffset : 最后4个字节表示FLV header 长度.

2,FLV body整体

FieldTypeCommentPreviousTagSize0UI32Always 0Tag1FLVTAGFirst tagPreviousTagSize1UI32

Size of previous tag, including its header, in bytes. For FLV version1,

this value is 11 plus the DataSize of the previous tag.

Tag2FLVTAGSecond tag.........PreviousTagSizeN-1UI32Size of second-to-last tag, including its header, in bytes.TagNFLVTAGLast tagPreviousTagSizeNUI32Size of last tag, including its header, in bytes

FLV header之后,就是 FLV File Body.

FLV File Body是由一连串的back-pointers + tags构成.back-pointers就是4个字节数据,表示前一个tag的size.

3,FLV body细节


FieldTypeCommentReservedUB [2]Reserved for FMS, should be 0FilterUB [1]Indicates if packets are filtered.
0 = No pre-processing required.
1 = Pre-processing (such as decryption) of the packet is
required before it can be rendered.
Shall be 0 in unencrypted files, and 1 for encrypted tags.
See Annex F. FLV Encryption for the use of filters.TagTypeUB [5]

Type of contents in this tag. The following types are
8 = audio
9 = video
18 = script data

DataSizeUI24Length of the message. Number of bytes after StreamID to
end of tag (Equal to length of the tag – 11)TimestampUI24Time in milliseconds at which the data in this tag applies.
This value is relative to the first tag in the FLV file, which
always has a timestamp of 0.TimestampExtendedUI8Extension of the Timestamp field to form a SI32 value. This
field represents the upper 8 bits, while the previous
Timestamp field represents the lower 24 bits of the time in
milliseconds.StreamIDUI24Always 0.AudioTagHeaderIF TagType == 8
AudioTagHeader VideoTagHeaderIF TagType == 9
VideoTagHeader EncryptionHeaderIF Filter == 1
EncryptionTagHeader FilterParamsIF Filter == 1
FilterParams DataIF TagType == 8
IF TagType == 9
IF TagType == 18
SCRIPTDATAData specific for each media t
0 0
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