
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝dota2饰品回收流程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 01:03

什么是CCS:  TI公司为DSP开发而开发的集成开发环境,类似于VC、VS.NET等。  


  • DSP/BIOS:高度优化的,可扩展的,实时软件内核。占用的CPU时间很短,几乎可以忽略不计。 
  • TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard(XDAIS):设置了一些开发算法的规则和guideline,大大简化系统集成的负担。 
  • A network of third-party suppliers:为主机端开发环境提供上百种符合eXpressDSP算法和软件解决方案。 以上的技术目前只向c5000和c6000系列DSP提供。
  RF框架:包括RF1、RF3、RF5,各自支持的内容不同、1最少而5最多。可以根据需求采取不同的RF框架。目前6000系列一边都采用RF5。具体不同见spra795a.pdf At the top level is a DSP/BIOS task. A task is a collection of channels, a channel is a collection of cells, and a cell is a wrapper for a XDAIS algorithm.

A XDAIS algorithm is an off-the shelf, reusable data processing component, that implements a certain interface (IALG).

A cell is a wrapper around a XDAIS algorithm.
The purpose of a cell is to provide a standard interface between the algorithm and the outside world, by defining only one processing function. Each cell implements a simple ICELL interface, which defines up to four functions for a cell: open, execute, close, and control. All functions other than execute are optional.

A channel is a collection of cells, and its purpose is to execute its cells in series. Channels always perform a fixed operation—executing cells serially—so they do not need any additional code to be written. Typically several channels contain sets of cell instances that perform identical functions, possibly with different parameters.

Finally, a task is collection of channels, which executes them in series. The purpose of the task is to organize data communication at a higher level, that is by talking to device drivers, other tasks, and similar constructs.

A task has freedom to execute channels in whatever way it desires, which
may be dictated by data flow and control information. A task can also have no channels at all.