
来源:互联网 发布:在淘宝上怎么搜索发票 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 05:50

线段树(英语:Segment Tree)是一种二叉搜索树,它将一个区间划分成一些单元区间,每个单元区间对应线段树中的一个叶结点。
POJ3264 Balanced Lineup
For the daily milking, Farmer John’s N cows (1 ≤ N ≤ 50,000) always line up in the same order. One day Farmer John decides to organize a game of Ultimate Frisbee with some of the cows. To keep things simple, he will take a contiguous range of cows from the milking lineup to play the game. However, for all the cows to have fun they should not differ too much in height.
Farmer John has made a list of Q (1 ≤ Q ≤ 200,000) potential groups of cows and their heights (1 ≤ height ≤ 1,000,000). For each group, he wants your help to determine the difference in height between the shortest and the tallest cow in the group.
Line 1: Two space-separated integers, N and Q.
Lines 2.. N+1: Line i+1 contains a single integer that is the height of cow i
Lines N+2.. N+ Q+1: Two integers A and B (1 ≤ A ≤ B ≤ N), representing the range of cows from A to B inclusive.
Lines 1.. Q: Each line contains a single integer that is a response to a reply and indicates the difference in height between the tallest and shortest cow in the range.
Sample Input
6 3
1 5
4 6
2 2
Sample Output
USACO 2007 January Silver

#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>#include <string>#include <algorithm>#include <cstring>#include <cmath>#include <vector>#include <map>#include <set>#include <queue>using namespace std;struct CNode{    int l, r;    int minh, maxh;    int Mid()    {        return (l + r) / 2;    }};const int maxn = 800010;const int INF = 1 << 30;CNode tree[maxn];int minh, maxh;void BuildTree(int root, int l, int r){    tree[root].l = l;    tree[root].r = r;    tree[root].maxh = -INF;    tree[root].minh = INF;    if (l != r) {        BuildTree (2 * root + 1, l, (l + r) / 2);        BuildTree (2 * root + 2, (l + r) / 2 + 1, r);    }}void Insert(int root, int i, int v){    if (tree[root].l == tree[root].r) {        tree[root].minh = tree[root].maxh = v;        return;    }    tree[root].minh = min (tree[root].minh, v);    tree[root].maxh = max (tree[root].maxh, v);    if (i <= tree[root].Mid()) {        Insert (2 * root + 1, i, v);    } else {        Insert (2 * root + 2, i, v);    }}void Query(int root, int s, int e){    if (tree[root].minh >= minh && tree[root].maxh <= maxh) return;//这样的话后面的节点就更不用更新了    if (tree[root].l == s && tree[root].r == e) {//到达区间分解终止区        minh = min (minh, tree[root].minh);        maxh = max (maxh, tree[root].maxh);        return;    }    if (e <= tree[root].Mid()) {//继续向下分解,直到分解到终止节点        Query (root * 2 + 1, s, e);    } else if (s > tree[root].Mid()) {        Query (root * 2 + 2, s, e);    } else {        Query (root * 2 + 1, s, tree[root].Mid());        Query (root * 2 + 2, tree[root].Mid() + 1, e);    }}int main(){    #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE    freopen ("in.txt", "r", stdin);    #endif // ONLINE_JUDGE    int n, q;    scanf ("%d%d", &n, &q);    BuildTree (0, 1, n);    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {//i是从1开始,因为0是无意义的叶子节点,叶子节点从1开始。        int h;        scanf ("%d", &h);        Insert (0, i, h);    }    while (q--) {        int l, r;        scanf ("%d%d", &l, &r);//要用scanf,printf输入输出        minh = INF;        maxh = -INF;        Query (0, l, r);        int answer = maxh - minh;        printf ("%d\n", answer);    }    return 0;}

有时,区间的端点不是整数,或者区间太 大导致建树内存开销过大MLE ,那么就需要 进行“离散化”后再建树。 (来自北京大学课件)
POJ 2528 Mayor’s posters


    sort (x, x + now);    int xcount = unique (x, x + now) - x;//unique(num,mun+n)返回的是num去重后的尾地址,好神奇,相当于数组前面元素已经全都不一样了(注意要先排序,因为只删除相邻的相同元素)    //离散化开始(把现有区间转化,转化完就是基本的线段树问题)    int nowh = 0;    for (int i = 0; i < xcount; i++) {       hash1[x[i]] = nowh;       if (满足条件) {           编号++       }    }
#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>#include <string>#include <algorithm>#include <cstring>#include <cmath>#include <vector>#include <map>#include <set>#include <queue>using namespace std;struct poster{    int l, r;};struct CNode{    int l, r;    bool becovered;    int Mid(){        return (l + r) / 2;    }};const int maxn = 40005 * 4;CNode tree[maxn];poster pos[maxn];int x[maxn];int hash1[10000010];//用哈希表存储离散化以后的各区间边界的值void BuildTree(int root, int l, int r){    tree[root].l = l;    tree[root].r = r;    tree[root].becovered = false;    if (l != r) {        BuildTree (2 * root + 1, l, tree[root].Mid());        BuildTree (2 * root + 2, tree[root].Mid() + 1, r);    }}bool post(int root, int s, int e){    if (tree[root].becovered) return false;    if (tree[root].l == s && tree[root].r == e)  {        tree[root].becovered = true;        //printf ("%d %d\n", s, e);        return true;    }    bool bResult;    if (e <= tree[root].Mid()) bResult = post (2 * root + 1, s, e);    else if (s > tree[root].Mid()) bResult = post (2 * root + 2, s, e);    else {        bool b1 = post (2 * root + 1, s, tree[root].Mid());//两个都要进行,所以要分别写,不能直接||,如果直接或后面的可能就不会运算        bool b2 = post (2 * root + 2, tree[root].Mid() + 1, e);        bResult = b1 || b2;    }    if (tree[2 * root + 1].becovered && tree[2 * root + 2].becovered) {//如果下面的两个区间都被完全覆盖,则此区间也被完全覆盖,这个别忘,套路?        tree[root].becovered = true;    }    return bResult;}int main(){    #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE    freopen ("in.txt", "r", stdin);    #endif // ONLINE_JUDGE    int t, n, num, now;    scanf ("%d", &t);    while (t--) {        num = 0, now = 0;        scanf ("%d", &n);        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {            int l, r;            scanf ("%d%d", &l, &r);            x[now++] = l;            x[now++] = r;            pos[i].l = l;            pos[i].r = r;        }        sort (x, x + now);        int xcount = unique (x, x + now) - x;//unique(num,mun+n)返回的是num去重后的尾地址,好神奇,相当于数组前面元素已经全都不一样了(注意要先排序,因为只删除相邻的相同元素)        //离散化开始(把现有区间转化,转化完就是基本的线段树问题)        int nowh = 0;        for (int i = 0; i < xcount; i++) {            hash1[x[i]] = nowh;            if (i < xcount - 1) {//如果两个端点中间有区间,则那个区间也要标号,因为那个区间也会关系到一个海报能不能露出                if (x[i + 1] - x[i] == 1) {                    nowh++;                } else {                    nowh += 2;                }            }        }        BuildTree (0, 0, nowh);        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {            //printf ("x%d y%d\nh%d %d\n", pos[i].l, pos[i].r, hash1[pos[i].l], hash1[pos[i].r]);            if (post (0, hash1[pos[i].l], hash1[pos[i].r])) {                num++;            }        }        printf ("%d\n", num);    }    return 0;}

POJ 1151 Atlantis

题解:用一条直线从左到右扫描,碰到一条矩形竖边的时候,就 计算该直线有多长被矩形覆盖,以及被覆盖部分是覆盖了 几重。碰到矩形左边,要增加被覆盖的长度,碰到右边, 要减少被覆盖的长度。每碰到一条矩形的纵边,覆盖面积就增加 Len * 该纵边到下一条纵边的距离。Len是 此时扫描线被矩形覆盖的长度。在Y轴进行离散化。n个矩形的2n个横边纵 坐标共构成最多2n-1个区间的边界,对这 些区间编号,建立起线段树。
将矩形的纵边从左到右排序,然后依次将这 些纵边插入线段树。要记住哪些纵边是一个 矩形的左边(开始边),哪些纵边是一个矩形 的右边(结束边),以便插入时,对Len和 Covers做不同的修改。
插入一条边后,就根据根节点的Len 值增加总 覆盖面积的值。 增量是Len * 本边到下一条边的距离。(来自北京大学课件)

#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>#include <string>#include <algorithm>#include <cstring>#include <cmath>#include <vector>#include <map>#include <set>#include <queue>using namespace std;struct Node{    int l, r;    double len;    int covered;    int Mid()    {        return (l + r) / 2;    }};Node tree[1000];struct line{    double x, y1, y2;    bool bleft;} lines[210];bool operator < (const line &l1, const line &l2){    return l1.x < l2.x;}double y[210];void BuildTree(int root, int l, int r){    tree[root].l = l;    tree[root].r = r;    tree[root].covered = 0;    tree[root].len = 0;    if (l != r){        BuildTree (2 * root + 1, l, tree[root].Mid());        BuildTree (2 * root + 2, tree[root].Mid() + 1, r);    }}template <class F,class T>F bin_search(F s, F e, T val)//在区间[s,e)中查找 val,找不到就返回 e{    F L = s;    F R = e-1;    while(L <= R ){        F mid = L + (R-L)/2;        if( !( * mid < val  || val < * mid ))      return mid;        else if(val < * mid)      R = mid - 1;        else  L = mid + 1;    }    return e;}void Insert(int root, int s, int e){    if (tree[root].l == s && tree[root].r == e) {        tree[root].len = y[e + 1] - y[s];        tree[root].covered++;        return;    }    if (e <= tree[root].Mid()) Insert (2 * root + 1, s, e);    else if (s > tree[root].Mid()) Insert (2 * root + 2, s, e);    else {        Insert (2 * root + 1, s ,tree[root].Mid());        Insert (2 * root + 2, tree[root].Mid() + 1, e);    }    if (tree[root].covered == 0) { //如果不为0,则说明本区间当前仍然被某个矩形完全包含,则不能更新 Len        tree[root].len = tree[root * 2 + 1].len + tree[root * 2 + 2].len;    }}void Delete(int root, int s, int e){    if (tree[root].l == s && tree[root].r == e) {        tree[root].covered--;        if (tree[root].covered == 0) {            if (tree[root].l == tree[root].r) {//如果不特殊讨论,会超限                tree[root].len = 0;            } else {                tree[root].len = tree[root * 2 + 1].len + tree[root * 2 + 2].len;            }        }        return;    }    if (e <= tree[root].Mid()) Delete (2 * root + 1, s, e);    else if (s > tree[root].Mid()) Delete (2 * root + 2, s, e);    else {        Delete (2 * root + 1, s ,tree[root].Mid());        Delete (2 * root + 2, tree[root].Mid() + 1, e);    }    if (tree[root].covered == 0) { //如果不为0,则说明本区间当前仍然被某个矩形完全包含,则不能更新 Len        tree[root].len = tree[root * 2 + 1].len + tree[root * 2 + 2].len;    }}int main(){#ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE    freopen ("in.txt", "r", stdin);#endif // ONLINE_JUDGE    int n, Case = 1;    while (1){        scanf ("%d", &n);        if (n == 0) break;        printf ("Test case #%d\n", Case++);        double x1, x2, y1, y2;        int yc = 0;        int lc = 0;//lc存储的是竖边的个数+1        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){            scanf ("%lf%lf%lf%lf", &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);            y[yc++] = y1;            y[yc++] = y2;            lines[lc].x = x1;            lines[lc].y1 = y1;            lines[lc].y2 = y2;            lines[lc].bleft = true;            lc++;            lines[lc].x = x2;            lines[lc].y1 = y1;            lines[lc].y2 = y2;            lines[lc].bleft = false;            lc++;        }        //离散化后建树        sort (y, y + yc);        yc = unique (y, y + yc) - y;//yc是所有不同y值的数量,所以区间数为yc - 1        BuildTree (0, 0, yc - 1 - 1);        //插入或者删除边并计算面积        sort (lines, lines + lc);//因为扫描线是从左到右扫描,所以要给边排序        double Area = 0;        for (int i = 0; i < lc - 1; i++){            //要找到当前y1,y2在y中的哪个位置,也就是确定要插入或者删除区间的端点            int l = bin_search (y, y + yc, lines[i].y1) - y;            int r = bin_search (y, y + yc, lines[i].y2) - y;            if (lines[i].bleft) {                Insert (0, l, r - 1);            } else {                Delete (0, l, r - 1);            }            Area += tree[0].len * (lines[i + 1].x - lines[i].x);        }        printf("Total explored area: %.2f\n\n", Area);    }    return 0;}


0 0