
来源:互联网 发布:windows隐藏的文件夹 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 10:33

如何在函数内部修改非 inout 参数

如果需要实现已被废弃的 var 参数的功能(在函数内部修改参数值,函数外部不可见),可以采用声明变量覆盖同名参数的办法

func f(i: Int) {//  i += 1 // ERROR    var i = i    i += 1}let x = 3f(x)// x == 3
func f(i: inout Int) {    i += 1}var x = 3f(&x)// x == 4



let a = 3let f1 = { () -> Bool in return a % 2 == 0 } // 闭包let f2 = { () -> Bool in a % 2 == 0 } // 闭包let f3 = { () in return a % 2 == 0 } // 闭包let f4 = { () in a % 2 == 0 } // 闭包let f5 = { return a % 2 == 0 } // 闭包(形式上和代码块相同)let f6 = { a % 2 == 0 } // 闭包(形式上和代码块相同)func f7() -> Bool { // 函数    return a % 2 == 0}let b = f1() || f2() || f3() || f4() || f5() || f6() || f7()// b == false

如何实现 Mixin 功能(行为继承)

Introducing Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift 2

  1. 将 Mixin 实现为协议。
  2. 通过协议扩展来为 Mixin 提供缺省实现。
  3. 采纳该协议以完成 Mixin 功能。
protocol SampleMixin {    var sampleProperty: Int { get }    func sampleMethod()}extension SampleMixin {    var sampleProperty: Int { return 42 }    func sampleMethod() {        print("default implementation")    }}class SampleClass : SampleMixin {}let c = SampleClass()c.sampleMethod() // default implementationprint(c.sampleProperty) // 42

?. 与 ??

// n的值为a,b,c,4当中第一个不是nil的数let n = a ?? b ?? c ?? 4
// n的值为a.b.c,条件是a,a.b,a.b.c都不是nil。否则n的值为4。let n = a?.b?.c ?? 4
aa.ba.b.cnnil//4  != nilnil/4!= nil!= nilnil4!= nil!= nil33

if case语句

Swift 2: Pattern Matching with “if case”
Pattern Matching, Part 4: if case, guard case, for case

// if case语句实现模式匹配enum Media {  case book(title: String, author: String, year: Int)  case movie(title: String, director: String, year: Int)  case webSite(urlString: String)}let m = Media.movie(title: "Captain America: Civil War", director: "Russo Brothers", year: 2016)if case let Media.movie(title, _, _) = m {  print("This is a movie named \(title)")}// 相当于switch m {  case let Media.movie(title, _, _):    print("This is a movie named \(title)")  default: break}
// if case语句实现模式匹配if case 1...255 = x {}// 相当于if 1 <= x && x <= 255 {}

模式匹配运算符 ~=

// pattern ~= valueif 1...255 ~= x && 1...255 ~= y {}// 相当于if 1 <= x && x <= 255 && 1 <= y && y <= 255 {}

在if guard 语句中使用逗号

在if guard 语句中逗号相当于与运算
if case 1...255 = x, case 1...255 = y {}if 1...255 ~= x, 1...255 ~= y {}// 相当于if 1...255 ~= x && 1...255 ~= y {}

不带 catch 的 do 语句

statement cannot begin with a closure expression(语句不能以闭包表达式开头)
正确方法是使用不带 catch 的 do 语句。


The defer keyword in Swift 2: try/finally done right

// do语句 + defer语句print("Step 1")do {    defer { print("Step 2") }    defer { print("Step 3") }    print("Step 4")    print("Step 5")}print("Step 6")/*Step 1Step 4Step 5Step 3Step 2Step 6*/


使用 public private(set) 创建 public 只读 private 可写的变量。
Public Read-only Variables

// private(set)public class Person {    public private(set) var name: String    // ...}


// 声明并交换两个变量的值var (a, b) = (1, 2) // a == 1, b == 2(a, b) = (b, a) // a == 2, b == 1// 相当于var a = 1, b = 2let temp = a; a = b; b = temp


// 比较两对值if (a1, b1) == (a2, b2) {}if (a1, b1) < (a2, b2) {}// 相当于if a1 == a2 && b1 == b2 {}if a1 < a2 || a1 == a2 && b1 < b2 {}// 比较三对值if (a1, b1, c1) == (a2, b2, c2) {}if (a1, b1, c1) < (a2, b2, c2) {}// 相当于if a1 == a2 && b1 == b2 && c1 == c2 {}if a1 < a2 || a1 == a2 && b1 < b2 || a1 == a2 && b1 == b2 && c1 < c2 {}


How to test equality of Swift enums with associated values

// 比较两个带相关值的枚举enum SimpleToken : Equatable {    case name(String)    case number(Int)}let t1 = SimpleToken.number(123) // the string representation is "number(123)"let t2 = SimpleToken.number(123)let t3 = SimpleToken.name("bob") // the string representation is "name(\"bob\")"// 字符串形式print(String(describing: t1) == String(describing: t2)) // trueprint(String(describing: t1) == String(describing: t3)) // false// 元组+模式匹配func == (lhs: SimpleToken, rhs: SimpleToken) -> Bool {    switch (lhs, rhs) {    case let (.name(a), .name(b)): return a == b    case (.name, _): return false    case let (.number(a), .number(b)): return a == b    case (.number, _): return false    }}print(t1 == t2) // trueprint(t1 == t3) // false


Swift 中最短的空语句不是分号而是一对小括号。

switch true {default://  ; // error: ';' statements are not allowed    ()    do{}    {}()    break}


Advanced & Practical Enum usage in Swift

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