来源:互联网 发布:电能数据采集终端 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 12:48
work experience, study, activities, abilities

Go through cv,

1. why BBG, 
There are two reasons for me to choose Bloomberg. One is I think BBG is the best and largest financial data and information provider in the world, while I am 

interested in financial markets as well, I have trade stocksfor several years. There must be much things to learn and explore in BBG, and I am fond of 

challenging life. 

The second reason is, new technologies like data mining and machine learning are developing every time, which haveinfinite latent to develop, if combined with 

Bloomberg's unique resources like huge amount of data, I believe they can help Bloomberg achieve a new peak that other companies cannot reach, beacuse other 

companies does not own such valuable assets. Therefore I think Bloomberg has a very bright and considerable future. That is why I choose Bloomberg.

2. why this position, 
While, the title of this position is Market Data Analyst, and I see the Job Description requires to be sensitive to data analysis and financial market, 
both of the aspects are my interests. 

Besides, I see that this position requires knowledge or experience in programming and machine learning, while I am very interested in machine learning and data 

mining this field, after my daily work and come back home, I often read related books, study algorithms and code some programs, and I also want to look for a job related to this. 

3. what skills required for this job, 
I see the job requires statistics or mathmatics knowledge, 

4. previous experience,
I am now working at ICBC Asia IT Department as a programmer. My duty includes discuss with business departments abhout their requirements, like whether their 

requirement is feasible and reasonable; after eastablishing a project, I will be responsible for developing the system and deliver it to users to test and use. 

In this process, I need to communicate with users to fix system constantly.

Before this, I have interned in the strategy consulting of Accenture. My main duty is to collect data and information from Internet and summarize into charts, 

and prepare slides and documents based on that data and charts. This experience let me be used to work under pressure, because we need to finish work with 

high-quality before deadline. 

5. what is BBG vaule, 
Deliver accurate, reliable, valid data and information to customers timely, that is also why Bloomberg could exceed other similar competitors in short time.

6. one word describe yourself
Curious. If one thing I am interested in but not clear about it, I will devote myself into it until figure it out. 

7. what makes Bloomberg unique?  
I think there are two aspects make BBG unique, including product and culture. For the 

8. The culture of Bloomberg? 
Based on the views from many ppl, I always can see key words like flat management and comfortable culture. Like beautiful fishbowl, big pantry, open office, 

all these things 
make me believe the culture of Bloomberg is considerable, and not bureaucracy. Work-life balance and training also shows Bloomberg cares 

employees. I am very looking forward to this kind of company culture. 

They e-mail you to set up a phone interview --> test that involves python, SQL and basic stats questions (1.5 hours) --> face interview --> interview with 

department head

Make sure to study pandas and scikit for the test for Python section. I didn't and failed. SQL and stats is easy if you know. Python section also looked easy 

if you know the language.

Interview Questions
walk through resume for phone interview, why you want, why you leave, basic stuff  
Answer Question
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